11. The Most Mature

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I'll try to make longer chapters, but you never know how it'll end up! Sometimes, I just come across a random part off the chapter as I start to actually make it, and I think "This would be a good cliffhanger...". Yeah, I know, call me crazy, but it's just that sometimes I can't stop myself from stopping it! >:D

Bluekit, Yellowkit, and Graykit came out after a little while. Behind the nursery, they spotted several severely depressed kits.

"His death wasn't your fault, guys," Graykit stated.

"We know, but we all just feel like we could have done something," Oakkit was the one to speak up.

"You can't let it drag you down," Bluekit instructed.

"Don't you think we know that?" Firekit glared at her.

"Yes," the blue-gray she-cat didn't falter.

"You guys just need to calm down," Yellowkit ordered. "I know you are still grieving, but we are almost six moons old. Almost time to become an apprentice,"

"I think we know when kits become apprentices, but do you really think that we will apprentice all of us at once?" Silverkit asked.

"Probably not," Yellowkit admitted.

That was when Sandkit, Whitekit, and Dustkit entered the little gap behind the nursery. They were followed by Ravenkit and Hollykit.

"Okay, first of all: Ashstar has announced that he won't apprentice us all at once." Ravenkit corrected.

"Well, that's a sure relief." Whitekit sighed.

"How is that a relief?" Dustkit questioned.

"It would leave the clan rather weak." the white tom explained.

"Good point," Sandkit exclaimed. "But who would he choose?"

"Whitekit, Oakkit, Bluekit, Yellowkit, and Firekit, duh," Dustkit explained.

"Why?" Oakkit demanded.

"Oakkit," Ravenkit stated. "You and Whitekit are way too calm; Ashstar's noticed how Bluekit takes charge most of the time. Yellowkit's the only medicine cat, so that speaks for itself. Firekit is the brave one."

"I haven't done any brave stuff in this life," Firekit objected. "I just got attacked."

"Hmmm, he still might choose you for your endurance of pain?" Sandkit said weakly.

"Yeah, right," the flame colored tom snorted. "Wouldn't he choose Graykit because both his littermates were chosen?"

"Possibly," Yellowkit shrugged.

"Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey gather beneath the Highledge for a clan meeting!" came Ashstar's yowl.

The queens gathered all the kits being apprenticed and licked them furiously.

"Told ya," Firekit nudged Sandkit.

Graykit, Bluekit, Yellowkit, Whitekit, and Oakkit were being groomed.

"He probably just chose Graykit to give Rockpelt a break." Hollykit pointed out.

"Yeah," the kits agreed.

"Because of the sheer number of kits born on the same day, we cannot apprentice them all. It would leave the clan too weak. Therefore, I've selected the most mature of the kits. Oakkit, Whitekit, Yellowkit, Bluekit, Graykit," Ashstar beckoned them with his tail.

"Until this apprentice has earned his warrior name, he will be known as Oakpaw. Morningbreeze, you are ready for an apprentice; I hope you pass down all of your abilities to Oakpaw." they touched noses.

Ashstar turned. "Until he's earned his warrior name, this apprentice will be known as Whitepaw. Softwhisker, you are also ready for an apprentice, I expect you to pass down your tracking ability." they touched noses.

The leader turned once more, "Until she has earned her warrior name, this apprentice will be known as Bluepaw. Volestorm, you are ready for your first apprentice. I hope you will pass down everything you learned from Grassjaw to your apprentice." Volestorm was still a little drowsy, but he touched his nose to Bluepaw.

The gray tom turned for a final time. "Until he has earned his warrior name, this apprentice shall be known as Graypaw. Fallenfoot, you are ready as well for an apprentice. I hope that you will pass down all you learned from Beetlebreeze onto this young tom." Fallenfoot and Graypaw touched noses.

To much of the clan's surprise, Brackenfall stepped forward. "You all know that everyone lives and everyone dies. I will not be around for all eternity, so I have to take on an apprentice. Yellowkit, do you wish to follow the path as ThunderClan's medicine cat?"

This time around, Yellowkit didn't want to be a warrior. "Yes,"

"Then, you are now known as Yellowpaw. You shall learn how to treat cats, as well as decipher omens and prophecies." Brackenfall touched his nose to Yellowpaw's.

"Oakpaw! Whitepaw! Bluepaw! Graypaw! Yellowpaw! Oakpaw! Whitepaw! Bluepaw! Graypaw! Yellowpaw!" the clan cheered.

Jayfeather was one of the loudest.

The clan took shelter for the night.

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