57. White, Ginger, and Breathing

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Fallen Leaves rested his head against his paws. The nagging feeling that something big was about to happen clawed at his stomach; he hadn't felt this way since before the final battle against the reborns Tigerclaw, Darkstripe, Breezepelt, Brokentail, Hawkfrost, Thistleclaw, and Mudpaw. They died a dishonorable death, and, even though Fallen Leaves couldn't technically be there, he was there at the same time. He wasn't there, but his essence was. With Hollyleaf. He had watched everything play out even though he could not interfere. He could never interfere.

He supposed it was his curse. Sure, StarClan cats could interfere and give omens and prophecies, but Fallen Leaves could never. Perhaps it was because he wasn't in StarClan long enough before he followed Hollyleaf back down to the ground. Yes, that was it. He wasn't in StarClan long enough.

But somehow he knew that wasn't true. Something was going to happen, and he could not interfere. He's come so close to interfering, but the bigger they are the harder they fall. His hubris had grew when he met Hollyleaf. He thought that she might stay, that he would not be alone, but that was never meant to happen. StarClan took away too. When he died, he didn't go to any ancestors. When StarClan moved in with the four clans, they didn't let hiim come. He was trapped forever underground. Everyone who came eventually went. Everyone who died here wouldn't be trapped here like he was. They were welcomed into StarClan.

But he wasn't. No matter how long he stayed here, he would never go up into the starry heavens. Unless something big happened. Something huge.

Something disasterous.

He huffed and turned over in his nest. The tunnels were his home. He could never think of participating in that. That was for the cats of StarClan; he was never part of StarClan. Not technically. Sure, Hollyleaf welcomed him into the stars, but she would never be accepted there. He was a remnant of the past, a past in which would never be fully known by the cats of the living.

Jayfeather had be Jay's Wing, but he didn't know much. When he led the ancient cats to the mountains, he only knew what he knew from the future. There were cats in the mountains, but in the past, there were no cats by the mountains. He also knew that when his clan and the others moved into the lake, there were no other clans. He used his knowledge of the future to help the past.

But he didn't know much about the past. He was so confused when he first arrived with the ancient cats; that was only proof.

Fallen Leaves sighed, something would happen. Something is about to happen, and he would try to interfere. He suddenly felt like the tunnels were compressing him between their rocky walls as he was squeezed into something unknown.


Brackenfall was having an interesting day. First of all, he learned that many cats in the clans, including his own son and apprentice, were in fact StarClan warriors reborn. The leader of ThunderClan was a StarClan reborn.

He was physically older than some of the reborns; why didn't he see them in StarClan before they were reborn into the bodies of kits?

They must have been in the in between state for a long time.

He didn't expect anything more...interesting to happen at least until the next sunrise.

But he was wrong.

"Can we go now?" Graystripe and Silverstream looked extremely bored in their nests.

"Let me look at your wounds first." the medicine cat trudged over to the to gray warriors before inspecting the cuts under Silverstream's pelt. "It seems as if yours have completely healed, Silverstream." Brackenfall dismissed her before looking of Graystripe. "Yours have too." he dismissed him after many heart beats.

That was when another interesting part of his day started.

"Brackenfall!" Silverstream slipped out of the nursery where she was visiting Sandstorm and Hollyleaf.

"Did your cuts reopen?" Brackenfall deadpanned. That was the only reason he could think of for why Silversteam would come back in the same day.

"No," the silver she-cat looked frantic. "Hollyleaf's kitting!"

The medicine cat's eyes stretched open as he automatically grabbed the necessary herbs for kitting before charging into the nursery.

After many grueling heartbeats, Brackenfall managed to release one kit from its sac. There was something...off about this one. He lifted it up and licked it a few times before listening very closely. Nothing. "Hollyleaf...I'm sorry..." He put the kit down. "This kit has been born dead."

"There's another one!" Yellowpaw gasped, wincing at how the kit was born dead. She had been through similar trauma.

Brackenfall managed to listen to this kit as well. "Dead..."

"One more I think," the gray medicine cat apprentice felt really sorry for the queen after that.

When Brackenfall got that kit out, he knew it was different.

It was white and ginger.

And it was breathing.

Comment! Vote! Again, you know the drill! Do you think this new kit is a reborn, or a new kitty? Tell me what you think! :D

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