Skull is born!

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       Ren and Sakamoto huffed and puffed than looked around and realize that they're back at Shibuya but no castle, "Did we make it?" asked Sakamoto, "I think so!?" said Ren as he look at the sky then pulled out his phone, "You have returned to the real world. Welcome back." said this Navigation voice. "Huh? Returned? Does that mean we got away?" asked Sakamoto "Probably" Ren said as he putted his phone back in his pocket "I dunno what to think anymore... What was all that anyways? That castle, and Kamoshida, and that weird cat! What's goin' on!?" asked Sakamoto but then they heard a voice coming down the side lines then saw it was two officers coming to they way, "What's with the yelling? Are you students of Shujin?" asked the Aggressive Officer "Cutting classes, are we?" asked the Aggressive Officer. "Huh? No! We were tryin' to get to school, and we ended up at this weird castle!" said Sakamoto ".... What? Hand over your bag. You better not be doing anything." sighed the Aggressive Officer "Why would you think that!?" asked Sakamoto. Then this other officer look at Ren, "Are you his friend?" asked the Timed Officer Ren look at the office surprisedly, are you his friend Ren wanted to laugh at that, "Oh ya, I am his 'friend' oh! Wait! Not! Sakamoto just flat out said that I'm not his friend in that castle!" he thought to himself but he didn't need to be more in trouble with the teacher AND the offices, "Something like that." Ren said "Then you should go to school. Take him with you." said the Timid Officer. "Like I'm tryin' to say... I don't know what's goin' on either!" yelled Sakamoto "We passed by Shujin on our way here. There was going out of the ordinary about it. If you spout any more nonsense, I'll contact your school. Is that what you want?" asked the Aggressive Officer Sakamoto looked at Ren, C'mon, say somethin'" said Sakamoto Ren looked at him, "But I thought the officer said 'If you spout any..." but Sakamoto cut him off, "Just say somethin' dude!" Ren look at the two officers, "We better get going, don't want to be late." said Ren all calmly, "Uh, that's not what I meant..." said Sakamoto as Ren walk off "W-Wait a sec! Is that guy for real!? ....Fine, I'm goin'!" said Sakamoto as he followed Ren to school. In this formal office where sat an old men, "A Minister of Transport announcing his resignation..." chuckled SIU Director, "Things are going as planned... Sae Niijima... That reminds me... Better to leave it be for now." the SIU Director said as he lay his back on the chair. Ren and Sakamoto had arrive to the front gates of Shujin Academy, "Is this for real...?" asked Sakamoto "What!?" said Ren "I'm sure we came the same way... What's goin' on here...?" said Sakamoto as he had a shock face then the Counsellor came out of the school doors, "That's exactly what I wanted to ask you two. We received a call from the officers." said the Counsellor "That damm office snitched on us after all!" said Sakamoto the Counsellor looked at Ren, "It's are not to see you alone Amamiya-kun and you too Sakamoto-kun. Where were you both roaming around until this time?" asked the Counsellor "Uhh... a ca— a castle?" said Sakamoto "So, you have no intention of giving an honest answer?" said the Counsellor but then both Ren and Sakamoto hear a familiar voice, "What's this about a 'castle'?" asked the familiar voice as it came out of the doors of the school and stood near the Counsellor, the boy were shocked, it was Kamoshida... but this Kamoshida wore this white T-shirt and black track pants with double white stripes. Around his neck he wears what appears to be a red timer and a whistle. He also seems to be unnaturally tall when compared in passing to other staff members and students. "Kamoshida!?" said Sakamoto as he looked surprise but confuse in the same time, "You seem so carefree, Sakamoto. Quite a difference form when you did morning practice for the track team." said Kamoshida "Shuddup! It's your fault that..." said Sakamoto but he was cut off, "How dare you speak that way to Mr. Kamoshida! ...There's not much leeway left for you, you know?"said the Counsellor as he was calm down. "He's the one that provoked me!" yelled Sakamoto "Do you really want to be expelled!? In any case, you'll have to explain yourself! Follow me!" said the Counsellor angrily "What!? This is nonsense!" yelled Sakamoto "Come now. I should have been more considerate, too. Let's just say that we were both to blame." said Kamoshida happily to the Counsellor "Well, if you say so... Still, you're coming with me. It's undeniable that you're extremely late." said the Counsellor "Fine..." said Sakamoto then Kamoshida look at Ren, "By the way... your homeroom teacher have a new transfer student, ok Ren Amamiya." said Kamoshida as the Counsellor and Sakamoto walk to the school door, Sakamoto look at Kamoshida and gave him the dirtiest look and continued to walk "....But have we met somewhere?" asked Kamoshida acting like Ren was new to the school Ren look at him back, he doesn't remember seeing Kamoshida around the school before what he remember that he doesn't stay in schools for any after school clubs like the track or volleyball. "I saw you with a girl in your car." Ren said "That's right... I remember now.... Well, I'll overlook this just for today. Sure your not new and graduated first year but if you cause any trouble and you'll be expelled. Understand?" he said as his attitude changed. "I understand" said Ren "At any rate, hurry up and go to the faculty office. I'm sure Mrs. Kawakami's tired of waiting." said as he turned around, "Good luck trying to your school life." smiled Kamoshida as he left. With all of Sae's questions, "The school turned into an old castle? A talking cat? ...Are you hallucinating for what the men in suits gave you? I won't put up with you if you're simply joking around." Sae said as she looked at her watch, "I'm going to have you continue the story. The one who received a 'calling card' from the Phantom Thieves was an Olympic medalist..." as she swiped the 'calling card' to show a picture of Kamoshida, "...An alumnus from Shujin Academy... the PE teacher Suguru Kamoshida. It came out in his confession. He was guilty of everything —the abuse... But there should've been no connection between the two of you since you just met him that day. Why did you target him?" asked Sae "I'll tell you later." said Ren as he held his head. Then she stood and and bang hands on the table, "That's unacceptable! Try and recall it once again!" yelled Sae as he did what Sae asked him.

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