School, Hawaii and Gentlemen Thief

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           As the morning rolled in Ren and Grace woke up got dress and had their breakfast before the gang came, after at least 20 minutes in the gang were tired of studying, "Whew, I'm done....." sighed Ann "As for me.... I'm done for." sighed Ryuji "Talk about a cliched way to end your summer vacation." said Futaba "I can't believe you hadn't even touched your homework until last night." said Daisy "Well, everyone's free to spend their time as they choose. I guess SOME PEOPLE just can't help themselves." said Ann "I'm sorry...." huffed Ryuji then Sojiro looked at the gang "Come on, I think he's learned his lesson. More importantly, why don't you folks take a break?" asked Ryuji "Boss! You're a lifesaver!" said Ryuji "I'm gonna go pick up some groceries. Mind the shop for a bit." said Sojiro as he left Ren got up and gave everyone a drink then sat back down, "Oh that reminds me; so I just so happened to bump into Mishima-kun before summer vacation started." said Ann "And?" asked Ryuji "He seemed really mad. I asked him what was wrong and he showed me some posts on an underground site about our school. It pretty much said the school's planning to abandon any honours student who isn't making Shujin look better." said Ann "Whoa, wait a sec...." said Ryuji but Ann cutted his off "There was no name, and sounded like just another rumor at first.... But, could this be about Grace?" asked Ann as Grace looked all worried "Who knows?" said Makoto "Still, ever since the cases with Kamoshida and Mr. Williams..... The school's been frantically trying to improve its public image, right? At the very least, this abandonment of honour students would fall in the line with the school's real mission. I cant deny the possibility that they would do this to Grace...." said Daisy "They dump all their hopes onto any transfer/regular students, and if they don't cut the mustard, they're out like the rest of the trash, huh?" said Futaba "Regardless of whether it's true or not, such behaviour is extremely self-serving." said Ren "Tch...... Just like we've thought this whole time..... There's still tons of shit wrong with society." said Ryuji "Yeah.... We don't know what'll happen to Grace's spot at school.... But at the very least, we can keep up our efforts to prevent the worst-case scenario." said Morgana as everyone nodded as everyone left Sojiro came back with the groceries and looked at the tv that Ren, Grace and Morgana was looking at, "Next up, our spotlight's on a topic everyone's talking about: the Phantom Thieves incidents! The Phantom Thieves shocked the world by silencing a globally notorious hacktivist group. Their popularity beyond our own borders, with foreign media following them closely as well. Many are heralding them as 'dark heroes' and 'gentleman thieves for a new age.'" said the Newscaster "Whoa.... This is getting pretty crazy. So the whole world really knows about us!" cheered Morgana Sojiro looked at Ren and Grace "Enough already, damn.... All anyone talks about anymore is the Phantom Thieves—who they are, whether they're good or bad..... Starting to give me a headache...." said Sojiro as Ren and Grace head upstairs got change their phones rang as they pull they phone out to the group chat, "So the more famous we get, the more Mementos opens up, yeah? I can't get that outta my head...." said Ryuji "And that's why you couldn't focus on your homework until today, right?" asked Futaba "Yeah, exactly!" said Ryuji "Sounds like an excuse to me." said Makoto "Still, I've been wondering about that too. I wonder why it works like that? Dose Morgana know anything?" asked Ann "I don't know.... I don't even know how I learned about Mementos....." sighed Morgana "He says he doesn't know." said Grace "I see.... Then there's no way for us to find out." said Daisy "It will likely become clear if we continue as the Phantom Thieves. The most important thing now is the identity of that criminal using the Metaverse." said Yusuke "That might be the person who killed me and Futaba's mom, too." said Ren "I'm gonna to find them, no matter what it takes." said Futaba "You know, we used to be lacking in quite a few areas.... But now that we have Futaba helping us, a great number of possibilities are now available." said Makoto "Aw, you guys are making me blush!" said Futaba "We'll be counting on you, Futaba!" said Ann "This feels way better than having dumb cat guide us!" said Ryuji as they putted their phones away as Morgana sighed sadly and then Ren and Grace when to bed and fall sleep.

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