The School Festival!

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        The next morning came Ren and Grace got changed into their school uniform and headed off to school. As they listen to the teacher's lesson Ren, Grace and Ann's phones rang they pull it out to the group chat, "Hm, it seems police have shown up at our school." said Makoto "The police? What for?" asked Ryuji "Your sister hasn't told you about any of this?" asked Ann "Nothing at all." said Makoto "Could this be bad?" asked Daisy "I was wondering the same thing, could this be related to Okumura's death in some way?" asked Yusuke "I don't know if it's bad, but there's no connection between our school and Okumura Foods." said Makoto "Think they came to talk to Noah?" asked Grace "He's.... absent today. And plus work too." said Makoto "Then seriously, what're they here for?" asked Ryuji "I can't even begin to fathom the reason. Anyhow, let's be particularly careful not to stand out. And head straight home once school ends. Understand that, everyone?" asked Makoto as they putted their phones away. After school; the gang did as they were told and headed straight home but with Noah Sea and the police was at the Big Bang Burger's investigation the work place and Mr. Okumura's office as well, Noah was standing beside of his office to see Sae and a tired investigator there "We haven't found anything useful as evidence." sighed the tired investigator "I see." said Sae as she putted a finger on her chin "We were hoping to find something more than the calling card too." said the tired investigator "We've confirmed the victim's connection to the Phantom Thieves, at least. Thank you for your cooperation." said Sae as the tired investigator got a call so he pulled out his phone and picked it up, "Speaking..... Huh!?" said the tired investigator Sae looked at him, "What?" asked Sae "They found a calling card in the principal's office too!" said the tired investigator as Sae was shock to hear that but shocking and confusing for Noah "Yes!" said Sae as the tired investigator hung up and putted his phone away then Sae looked at Noah who was there "I'm sorry to ask again, but your Boss hadn't said anything about the Phantom Thieves, correct?" asked Sae "That's right...... Please contact me if something catches your attention. It doesn't matter how trivial it seems.....You don't have to force yourself though. Just anything that comes to mind." said Sae as her and the tired investigator leaved the restaurant, "The principal? No one told me about this....." said Noah to himself. At the investigation room; Sae looked at Ren "So basically, your group didn't go after Okumura's life..... and even the death of Shujin's principal, who we found a calling card for, was the work of another? Huh, you don't sound like you're lying.... If you wanted to deceive me, you could've easily woven up a much simpler lie than this 'Metaverse.' Moreover, your account coincides with my own investigation. Is that even possible if it were made up? ......And I hate to admit, but...... with my line of work, I know a false testimony when I hear one. Still, if you set your sights on Okumura based on my intel, it'd be before his name was even ranked. You could've ignored him and targeted some other famous person. Why would you go so far as to further investigate and purse this criminal?" asked Sae "My teammates was in danger." said Ren "Heh.... simple enough. There's still no proof that another suspect exists. That said, it's safe enough to say that you aren't the criminal type. But with the subsequent deaths of Okumura and Shujin's principal, the public's opinion changed. Pressed to prove your innocence, your next objective was......" said Sae as Ren held his head and shaken it "Hm? What's the matter?" said Sae as Ren looked up, "If what you're saying is true, you must tell your side of the story to the end. We'll both be in trouble if your testimony becomes unreliable." said Sae as Ren nodded his head, "Well then, let's move on. At last we arrive at your most recent crime." said Sae as she didn't opened her notebook but instated she pulled out the calling card and slit it down on the table to show Ren as she crossed her arms, "....You know what I mean, don't you? This calling card was delivered to your latest target—the one you had decided would prove your innocence. It was addressed to 'Sae Niijima.' ......Myself. Now, explain everything to me." said Sae. Back at present night; Ren and Grace were back at Leblanc in their room got change into their pjs then their phones rang they pulled it out to the group chat, "Has anyone been able to contact Noah?" asked Yusuke "I haven't." said Ren "No, not either." said Grace "No luck here." said Ryuji "Me neither." said Ann "He won't pick up." said Daisy "I know right." said Futaba "It doesn't look like he's seen any our chats either. I'm worried about him....." said Makoto as they putted their phones away as headed to bed.

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