Max's Laboratory

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               Ren woke up and sat down his bed, got change and head to Odaiba, once he got there he saw Goro on his phone waiting for him, then Goro saw Ren there and putted his phone away, "So, you came." said Goro "Yeah, I did." said Ren "Based on the look in your eyes, I'm guessing your friends aren't going to be of any use to us." said Goro "I'm sure they'll come around. Got a problem with that?" asked Ren while nearing his eyes "Oh yes, because I'm sure you're all just as close as you were before reality was changed. Well, there's no point in griping about it out here. Are you ready? As I mentioned yesterday, it's quite like that we'll have to confront Max physically." said Goro "Okay, good to go." said Ren "Well..... Should we go then?" asked Goro as they entered the Metaverse. While back at Leblanc; the gang were all sitting and waiting for Ren and Grace, "'Scuse me, is uh.... Whoa. Uh, hey guys......" said Ryuji shocked "Looks like we've all had the same idea." said Daisy "Are you guys here to speak with Ren as well, like me and beauty?" asked Yusuke "Uh, kinda....." said Noah "So, he's not here?" asked Ryuji "He left around noon—said he meeting up with Goro." said Morgana "Dad said if we need to.... talk about stuff, we can use this place for a while." said Futaba "Cool." said Noah as the gang fall silent "You know.... Ren asked me the other da..... something along the lines whether or not I'm okay with how things are. At first I didn't know what he was talking about, but as he kept going, his words started making my heart feel all tight...." said Ann sadly ".....I know what you mean. And, ever since then, it's like..... like something isn't right anymore......" said Daisy sadly "Indeed, I have no complaints about my current life—on the contrary, in fact. I am truly happy with it, I have my mother. So, in that case.... what is this inkling of a feeling I have deep in my soul?" asked Yusuke sadly "Huh..... Ugh, dammit! I'm so bad at figurin' out this sorta stuff." said Ryuji "Hey..... Do you guys think maybe we're all running away from something super-important?" asked Noah as everyone looked at him shocked, "I've been kind of wondering for a while now....... Maybe the reason Ren's words hurt so much is because he's right..... But I was too scared to admit that, for some reason. That's why I pretended I didn't understand what he meant......" said Noah "When me and Yusuke was speaking with Ren, we felt like..... we caught a glimpse of this mysterious sight. Something that shouldn't have happened, but still...... we felt like we shouldn't turn away from it....." said Daisy "Myself as well." said Yusuke "It seems that we really have lost sight of something precious to us after all." said Makoto "That..... might be..... But..... But..... I'm scared to remember what it is! If I remember..... 'that,' I feel like my life as I know it is gonna end!" cried Futaba "Oh, Futaba......" said Ann "But, even still..... I don't want to feel this way anymore, either....." said Futaba ".....Me too" said Ann "I guess that's it, huh? Ren was tryin' to tell us all somethin' important, and I bet he's probably still workin' on it somewhere. Ain't no way I'm gonna bail on him just so I can keep ruinnin' from....... whatever it is." said Ryuji "When me and beauty had that strange experience you all mentioned, we Ren and the rest of us there together. I want to believe the connection we guy share here is a genuine one." said Yusuke "Well, I know if we don't do something soon, we're gonna lose our connection with Ren and Grace...... Don't ask how I know..... it just feels like the truth to me." said Daisy as everyone nodded "I admit I am happy right now, but...... I just can't accept the situation as it is. I'm done withe trying to escape my problems!" yelled Morgana as they agreed then something happened to them, as Morgana wasn't human no more and everyone was awake, "Huh?" asked Ann as the gang was confuse on what just happened to them.

             Ren and Goro arrived at Max's Palace; "Let's figure out where Max is first. I don't want to waste any time wandering about aimlessly. We encountered an information guide after going up that elevator...... If he intends to welcome us in so graciously, perhaps we'll come across another guide soon. Ah— Before I forget..... I suspect the battles are going to get even tougher from here on out due to our lack of manpower. If most..... focusing on our own abilities is fine and all, but depending on the situation, it'll be more efficient to team up just this once. The combination move we pulled off before.... That wasn't half bad. Tch, of course..... that all depends on whether or not you can keep up with me." said Goro as they headed to the elevator to go up and then they got out and arrived to the entrance halls and entered where they last were, "I think it was somewhere around here." said Goro as the announcement went on, "VIP patients identified. We will now begin the grand tour. The Auditorium is now open. The master awaits you there..... with the patient you seek. Please enter through the door on the left-hand side of the Entrance Hall." said the polite announcement "Just as I though—they're politely informing us of their location. That must be the door. Let's go." said Goro as they enter the door and continue on they're journey to Max's location. Ren and Goro arrive at the Auditorium to see it dark then the light when on, to show Grace laying down on a glass-like chair and Max standing beside her, "Grace!" yelled Ren "Thank you for coming." said Max "What did you do to her!!!" yelled Ren "She's only sleeping. I've never had any intention of hiring my daughter." said Max "Call it what you like—you're merely putting your ideals on people for your own satisfaction." said Ren "I'm wholly aware that some will interpret my acts that way.... But if that self-satisfaction leads to the happiness of thousands of others, don't you agree that outcome is for the best? Ren-kun—if I understand correctly, you went and checked in on your friends this past week. This reality is the one that they all wished for..... Did any of them seem troubled by that fact?" asked Max as Ren looked over what he saw his own eyes, "This reality is the 'true' reality—all you have to do is recognize it as such. Once you do, you'll be just as happy as they are. Didn't you see it yourselves? Your friends don't just want to live these lives—they want you to choose this reality for yourselves and live happily too." said Max "This reality......?" questioned Ren "Please, I want you to understand...... For their sake, as well as yours....." said Max "My friends want to stay in this reality..... But, is that really true?" thought Ren "Well, it's time....." said Max "Hrgh......" huffed Goro "........If I accept Max's offer.... My friends, Grace and I will. Be able to live happily in this reality he's created.... Or so he says..... If we stay in this world, we really could lead happy lives, free form pain and suffering..... But our memories will be distorted to allow for new circumstances. There's probably no way to avoid that....." thought Ren "For the sake of my daughter, and the rest of your friends....... I ask you to give me your answer." said Max "I CAN'T accept this reality!!" yelled Ren "Huh!?" asked Max shock as this crystal blue butterfly appeared in front of Ren's eyes "Negotiations seem to be have broken down." said Goro ".....I see. It seems we still haven't reached an understanding......" said Max as Grace woke up slowly to hear, "No......" said Grace as she slowly got up and Max watched his daughter standing up "You're not serious, right? Please..... I'm begging you, sweetie..... It's all my fault that I blamed my parents." cried Grace "It's okay, Grace!" said Ren "But, why? This pain is too much..... I just can't leave it behind me!? I blamed them...... it's all..... it's all my fault! I can't deal this guilt and the pain!" cried Grace as her thief outfit appear and she ran to them as she pull out her sword, "Please.... Don't try to stop me.... If you do, then I'll....!" cried Grace "Don't do this Grace....." said Ren "How stubborn..... No matter what you say to her, I doubt she'll understand. I don't think we have a choice in the matter here. I could take care of it for you right now.... But you'd prefer her to leave here alive, right?" asked Goro "Oh yeah! I do want her alive!" said Ren "Just hurry up and end this." said Goro as he walked away then Ren look at Grace "Please..... Don't make me do this....." cried Grace "Grace..... It's okay...." said Ren "I can't stop this...... I refuse to living my life and blaming them!" cried Grace she pull off her mask and Vanadis appear, "Persona!" cried Grace as Vanadis cast Sword Dance on Ren but he dodge it, "Persona" said Ren as he took off his mask and Satanael appeared as he cast Megidolaon on Grace as she fall down to the ground "Why....... Ngh......" cried Grace "Looks like you lost." said Goro "......Why?" cried Grace "Princess, you need to stop. It's okay me and others are here for you." said Ren Grace got up and had her head down, "Sweetie....... You saw all for yourself....... it's my own fault that blamed my parents not loving me...... Please, I beg you....." cried Grace as Max saw her daughter there, "My daughter...... Huh....." said Max as he walked down the stairs to Grace then Grace turn around to see Max there, Max rise his arms "I can give you strength.... So you don't have to suffer." said Max "Dad...." said Grace as she looked at her dad, "Tell me: if you want your pain to end....... I'll actualize it!" yelled Max as there was a crumble from where Grace stood as Max lifted his hands in the arm as the room got dark then these cable-like-tentacles appeared from the ground grabbing Grace by the legs "Huh!?" panicked Grace as it got her arms as well, "Huh!? Grace!!!!" yelled Ren "Hrgh!!!!!!" screamed Grace as it lift her into the air then it sent shock of lightning to her body and through her mask "Ngh— Aaaaaah!" screamed Grace as she was out cold then the light blue flames disappear on her mask then this black and red mist appeared and was in front of Ren and Goro was her Persona; Vanadis.

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