Phantom Mice, Black Mask and Shido's Cruise

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            The morning came as Ren and Grace woke up but Grace got into her school uniform on and gave a kissed to Ren as she left for school, int the train ride to school Ryuji and Ann hop in and over heard a conversation starting "There's no point in even having an election Shido's gonna win." said the older man in a suit "Of course. He's the only reliable politician there is. Plus the current government has been getting wrapped up in events after events. Even more importantly, there's just an aura about him. Like he can fix whatever problems we have." said the middle-aged man in a suit "Honestly, it doesn't really matter to me who does it. I just wanna see our society back on track. Especially after it turned out those Phantom Thieves were nothing more than scum in the end...." said the older man in a suit Ryuji and Ann looked away, "We'll show you...." whispered Ryuji "Yeah, we will." whispered Ann as they walked to school. Grace looked around the classroom and looked at the empty desk beside her as Ren sit was empty, "Is it true the leader of the Phantom Thieves died?" asked the male student "How could the police let him commit suicide in jail? They need to get their shit together." said another male student "Quiet down! You're in class! Break's been over for quite some time now. I swear, you're like monkeys in a zoo. ......Hm? Oh yeah.... I received word from Amamiya's dad that he'll be absent for a bit. Geez..... What do you people think school is, anyway?" said Mr. Ushimaru "It's almost time...." said Grace as they started the lesson. Back Leblanc; Ren looked at his phone and saw he got a text from Mishima, he pulled onto the message "Hey, it can't be true, can it!? Please tell me you're okay!" said Mishima "I'm all good." said Ren "Oooh! Thank god you're safe! That suicide report was all over the news, and Mrs. Kawakami said you were sick..... I was honestly worried about contacting you.... Even Sakamoto, Takamaki, Brooks and the two Williams was dodging he question when I tried to ask them. But don't worry. I won't tell anyone! By the way, the Phan-Site is a real mess right now..... But I'll keep supporting you guys from the shadows! Good luck!" cheered Mishima as Ren put his phone away "Okay, let's try and think of the keyword once the chief's curry has energized you." said Morgana as Ren ate the curry and headed upstairs then he got a ring from his phone so he when to the group chat, "Have you guys figured out the keyword to Shido's Palace yet?" asked Ann "I've tried all sorta stuff, but no luck so far." said Daisy "It is hard to understand the thought process of a criminal mastermind like him." said Yusuke "Y'know, I've been wondering.... If he's been behind all of those incidents..... Doesn't that mean all the weird accidents from these past few years were his fault? Like, that subway accident back in April...." said Futaba "Now that you mention it, that accident lost the Minister of Transport his job....." said Makoto "Wait...... Are you trying to say Shido caused that accident? But it's the subway! Does he not care at all about innocent lives!?" asked Ann "This man seems to be truly unbelievable......" said Daisy "Supposedly there are still tons of victims from that." said Futaba "Masayoshi Shido..... How many has he killed over the years?" asked Noah "How could we ever understand what goes on in the mind of such a horrible man.....?" asked Grace "Hey, wouldn't it be faster if we just go there and try and think about it on-site!? Let's try that!" said Ryuji "If we're going to go, I'd like Ren-kun to join, but....." said Noah "Will that be okay? Won't somebody spot him there?" asked Grace "Eh, we'll prolly figure out the keyword in no time once we're there. Plus I can throw off anyone who tails us with my blazing speed!" said Ryuji like he was proud of that ".......Alright. Let's have Ren-kun join us then." said Noah "Remember though..... We're going with the intent of not being seen." said Daisy "Mkay. Well, let's meet in front of the Diet Building and force that bastard's Palace open!" yelled Ryuji Ren putted his phone away, "Alright, let's head to the Diet Building. Make sure you aren't discovered, okay?" said Morgana "Okay." said Ren as he pulled his hoodie out and walk downstairs Sojiro saw his son there, "Huh... You going out?" asked Sojiro as Ren stopped and looked at his father "That's the plan." said Ren "You gotta be kiddin' me..... You realize you're done for if you get caught, right? ......Sheesh, the stunts you pull sometimes..... Just don't stay out too late." said Sojiro "Okay, I wouldn't dad." said Ren as he walked out and met the gang out front of the Diet Building. "Goro isn't here....." said Yusuke the Daisy pull out her phone and enter the app, "Let's begin at once. Police cars are making rounds, so we can't stay here too long. We already have 'Masayoshi Shido' and 'Diet Building.' All we need is 'what' he thinks of this place." said Daisy "Maybe 'Mt. Fuji' since it's the highest place in the country?" asked Ryuji as Daisy typed it in, "Conditions has not been met." said the Metaverse Navigator app "What about a 'mansion'?" asked Ann Daisy type it in, "Conditions has not been met." said the Metaverse Navigator app "Since he's going to subjugate everyone as prime minister..... perhaps a 'school'?" asked Noah as Daisy type it in "Conditions has not been met." said the Metaverse Navigator app "What an 'arena' like the Colosseum?" asked Yusuke "Conditions has not been met." said the Metaverse Navigator app "'Imperial palace'?" asked Futaba "Conditions has not been met." said the Metaverse Navigator app "What about 'courthouse'?" asked Grace "Conditions has not been met." said the Metaverse Navigator app ".....It's no good." said Makoto "I though we would've gained entry by now..... Maybe we shouldn't have called Ren-kun here....." said Noah "Hey, you think he's guardin' his whole Palace with a barrier?" asked Ryuji as everyone was confuse on what Ryuji was saying, "Shido stole the cognitive psience research, right? Maybe it had some special move written in it." said Ryuji "Is that even possible?" asked Ann "Who knows? I've got no idea." said Morgana "There was nothing like that in the notes I saw." said Futaba "Anyways, what kinda person is Shido? I can't figure him out...." said Ryuji "Me and beauty did some light research on him last night, but we couldn't get a grasp on the type of man he is." said Yusuke then Grace saw a legislator man was talking to a police officer "That man over there's probably a legislator, right? I'll try asking him." said Grace as she walk away to the gang and saw the legislator finish the talk, "Excuse me.... I'm a member of the newspaper club at my high school. May I speak with you for a moment?" asked Grace "Sure." said the middle-aged legislator as he was confused "What kind of person is Representative Shido? What's he think about the National Diet?" asked Grace "His stance is 'dedication for country's'—it's how he's garnered everyone's trust. He's an admirable man of action with a first-class determination. I'd say he's a model politician. I believe that he'll help create a wonderful future in which young adults like you can live in ease." said the middle-aged legislator as he walked away then Grace came back to the gang, "An exemplary answer." said Futaba "It makes sense he wouldn't tell teenagers anything unnecessary." said Daisy as Yusuke saw something, "Look over there! He's on a walkie-talkie....." said Yusuke as the gang saw the police officer on his walkie-talkie "Wait, is it about us?" asked Ann "That doesn't look good." said Ryuji "We should leave at once." said Makoto "Tomorrow's a day off, so let's have an early strategy meeting. Meet at Leblanc, okay?" said Daisy "We should all think about this tonight...." said Noah as the gang left the Diet Building. Ren, Grace and Futaba walked back to Leblanc to see Sojiro there with the tv on so they walk to the tv and listen in, "The criminals calling themselves the Phantom Thieves are no more. However, I believe that this country's citizens are still living their days in anxiety. These events only increase our distrust of the current government. As a citizen myself, I am enraged!" yelled Shido "Look who's talking." said Morgana "What does it mean to be a politician with responsibility? Working toward personal gain without consideration of the country is outrageous!" yelled Shido "Rgh, the election's public notification is tomorrow, but no matter where I go, people are cheering for Shido." said Sojiro "Everyone's being deceived so easily." said Futaba as Ren, Grace and Futaba's phone started to high at the same time as they pull it to the group chat, "I tried looking Shido's interviews up online. They all sound so goddamn fake." said Ryuji "I checked his profile as well, but I couldn't find much outside of his title and education. He's currently 53 years old, and has gone from being a metropolitan assemblyman to a representative. Though he is a cabinet minister, he's split from the ruling party to form the United Future Party." said Yusuke "He was specially appointed to the position. That's his current title." said Daisy "Apparently he also won a contest for who people would most like to have as their boss." said Yusuke "Even the news sites write about him as though he's assured to become the prime minister." said Noah "If only we could find out the meaning behind Shido's words....." said Makoto as they put their phones away then Ren, Grace, Morgana, Futaba and Sojiro watch the news, "In order to save this country that has been tainted by villains, social reform is essential." said Shido "Ugh....." said Grace as Futaba and Sojiro walked back home then Ren, Grace and Morgana headed upstairs Ren and Grace got changed into their pjs and then their phones rang as they pull it out to the group chat, "Shido's reputation is truly astronomical....." said Daisy "It's preposterous." said Yusuke "This isn't the popularity level of a normal politician anymore." said Ann "What's so great about him? I seriously don't get it." said Ryuji "He's a strong leader who protects his citizens..... Well, supposedly." said Futaba "Is everyone blind!?" said Grace "We'll just need to shed light on who he really is. By the way, is it ok if my sister joins us tomorrow? She's hoping she can be of help as well." said Makoto "That'll be fine." said Ren "Ok. I'll tell her that." said Makoto "Ok, we'll figure out the keywords tomorrow for sure!" said Noah as they all put their phones away then Ren and Grace headed for bed.

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