All hail the Queen!

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        The morning came rolling in, as Makoto came walking in to Goro's school she walked to the hallways until Goro saw Makoto there, "You're Sae-san's younger sister, correct? May I talk to you for a moment?" asked Goro as Makoto stopped where she was and faced Goro "Is it about the Phantom Thieves.... Akechi-kun?" asked Makoto "....You're quite perceptive. I was wondering if there were any points in common between Kamoshida's, Mr. Williams' and Madarame's cases. There have been victims, after all. The Phantom Thieves need to be pursued." said Goro "You criticize the Phantom Thieves, yet you don't doubt their actual existence." said Makoto "Oh, you saw that show on TV. Common sense can get in the way at times when pursuing the truth. Many details become logical if I think on the premise that they do exist." thinked Goro "Is this.... because my sister told you to do so?" asked Makoto as she gave him a look then Goro started to smile at her, "It was just a coincidence." smiled Goro "Why do I get the feeling that you're enjoying this?" asked Makoto with a anger face then Goro started to laughed at her, ".....You may be right." laughed Goro "Huh?" asked Makoto "Phantom thieves that use calling cards and succeed in their crime..... As the so-called 'Charismatic Detective,' it'd be hard for me not to see them as my rivals." smiled Goro "You have such high self-esteem. So the Phantom Thieves are evil, and you are just?" asked Makoto "Compared to people who manipulate hearts as they see fit, I believe I'm on the side of justice. Beside, I'm only using my natural-born talents for the sake of serving the world. Don't you think the same about yourself too?" asked Goro "I...." said Makoto as she looked down and sighed "....Oh, that's surprising. So you're just the good-girl type of pushover." said Goro as Makoto looked down even more sad of herself then Goro pulled out his phone to look at the time, ".....Looks like it's starting soon. See you later. Give Sae-san my regards." said Goro as he putted his phone away smiled and walked away Makoto looked at him as he walked away and sighed, "Why does everyone get on my case?" asked Makoto to herself. Back at Leblanc; Yusuke woke up early and got his belongings and when downstairs as Sojiro made coffee for him then Yusuke sat down on the chair near the counter, "It's such delight to enjoy coffee of this quality." said Yusuke "You could stay until you find a place, you know. I can't promise it'd be comfortable here though." said Sojiro but Yusuke shocked his head, "Thank you, but I'll return to the dorms. I realized something after talking with everyone last night. Perhaps it's due to my upbringing, but I don't know anything of the world. I'll return to the dorms." said Yusuke "I see. Good on you for realizing that yourself." said Sojiro "There's no need to exaggerate. May I come again sometime to enjoy your coffee and tea?" asked Yusuke "My doors are always open." said Sojiro "Ren's been through a lot too, from what I heard... Are you related to him?" asked Yusuke "Yes, I'm his dad. His adopted father." said Sojiro "I see, I may be overstepping my bounds, but why did you decide to take him in?" asked Yusuke "My reason, huh.... Probably because... he reminds me of my old self. And plus me and wife wanted a child. The first was a miscarried so we decided to adopted a kid, when I saw Ren we knew he was the one." said Sojiro "That's so wonderful" said Yusuke "Ya, it is" smiled Sojiro "I should probably get going..." said Yusuke as Sojiro looked his side of his wall to the painting of the Sayuri, "Hey, you sure about this? The painting, I mean. It'd be a waste to keep here." said Sojiro as Yusuke looked at the direction where Sojiro was looking he smiled at his mother's self portrait on the wall of Leblanc, "Even if I kept it at the dorms, it'd only be met with skepticism. I doubt my mother wouldn't want that. Adding a hint of colour to an otherwise ordinary day.... I'm sure my mother would've done the same." said Yusuke "....I see. I'll hold on to it for you then." said Sojiro "Thank you for the coffee." smiled Yusuke as he got up and when to his luggages and held onto it, "...I'll come again." said Yusuke as he walked out of Leblanc. In Ren's room, Ren got up and saw Morgana starting there but no Yusuke "....You're finally awake." said Morgana "Where's Yusuke?" asked Ren "He wasn't around when I woke up. He must be downstairs." said Morgana as Ren got change and went downstair to see Sojiro looking at the Sayuri, "....You're finally up. You know it's past noon." said Sojiro "Have you seen Yusuke?" asked Ren "Ya, that kid ended up going back to his dorms. He left this painting before he took off, though. Supposedly to thank us for taking care of him." said Sojiro "Sayuri...." said Ren "It's rare to see a kid acting so grateful these days. And this painting is amazing. Not only is the mother is stunning, but the expression on her face..... The regulars will probably freak out when they see it in here. Still.... I feel like I've seen it somewhere. It's a bit different from how I remember it, though..... Well... if you're up for the day, go out. I opened the shop hours ago, so go take the cat out somewhere." said Sojiro as they went upstairs and then the phone rang as he pulled it out to see a message from Yusuke, "Thank you again for letting me stay the night. Apologies for leaving so quietly. After a great deal of inner struggle, I have decided to return to the dormitories. Furthermore, I've entrusted my mother's painting to your father, Sojiro. The painting should no longer exist in reality.... but it is truly what my mother painted. I am simply satisfied that we were able to obtain it. And it was all because of you guys. I cannot thank you enough. PS, I will believe porridge is the best way to end a hot pot meal." said Yusuke "I believe so to Yusuke, and your welcome" said Ren as they putted they phones away as Ren was waiting for Grace to coming over to his room until his phone rang, it was the gang chat; "Yo, I just checked the Phan-Site. There's some kinda thread on there looking for info about burglars using the Phantom Thieves name. Sounds pretty lame to me." said Ryuji "Ok, I saw that too. They target restaurants, right?" asked Ann "I actually found a really interesting post on there." said Daisy "Oh!? What did the post say?" asked Grace "it says, 'My bother has suddenly started acting violent towards everyone. I might end up getting killed at this rate.... I wonder if it's because he got caught up with all those weird people in Shibuya.'" said Daisy "You think he means those burglars when he's talking about them 'wired people'?" asked Ryuji "The post said he started spending a bunch of money lately, too.... Isn't that kind of suspicious?" asked Daisy "I wonder how many burglar groups there even are in Shibuya....?" asked Grace "Damn, thing're really starting to get serious." said Ryuji "Let's look into it." said Ren "I thought you will say that. But how exactly will we go about investigating?" asked Yusuke "We'll go to Shibuya in the middle of the night and catch them all red-handed!" said Ann "No way. The police'd totally nab us if we were out that late." said Ryuji "Plus it would be bad if the chief knew you were out in the middle of the night." said Morgana "Hm, if they targets restaurants..... Aha! That if we grew them to Leblanc?" asked Yusuke "What!?" yelled Ryuji "There's no way... Who would go after a shop like this?" asked Morgana "Wouldn't that cause a lot of trouble for Boss?" asked Daisy "'Leblanc Targeted!' It seems like a visible plan to me..." said Yusuke "Let's do it." said Ren "Cut it out!!! You'd get kicked outta Leblanc if we failed!!!!" yelled Ryuji "Oh, I suppose I left the Sayuri there as well. I had forgotten." said Yusuke "How'd you forget something that important!?" yelled Ryuji "Either way...." said Ann "I don't really want more thieves to be posting as us in the future." said Grace "I wish there was some way we could make an example of these ones...." said Daisy "At the moment, we will just have to wait. We can continue searching for more information whatever possible, though." said Yusuke "Yeah." said Daisy "I'm gonna try looking for stuff too!" said Ryuji as they all agree and putted they phones away and then Ren saw Grace walking to Leblanc as he ran downstairs to get her as she had a smile in his face as they spend the whole day with each other.

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