Pyramid of Wrath: Plundered

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            As the morning rolled in Ren and Grace woke up got changed and had breakfast then they texted the gang to come to the hideout. When they got to Leblanc they headed upstairs to Ren and Grace's room and sat down, "So are we gonna charge into Futaba's room? There's no point thinkin' it over now. Well, I got the calling card." said Ryuji as he placed the calling card on the table "This is different from past cases. We'll be handing the calling card directly to Futaba herself. Once we give it to her, we'll head straight into her Palace." said Morgana "Okay, let's go to sis's room." said Ren "Okay, looks like it's my turn to unlock the entrance. Forgive me, Chief." said Morgana "How will we convince Futaba to let us into her room though? Even Boss is forbidden entry." asked Yusuke "We'll be honest." said Ren "Yes, that is the best curse of action." said Grace "You know a method?" asked Daisy "Futaba doesn't know what we're doing inside her Palace, correct? Hence, if we tell her we've come to steal her heart, she'll surely open the door and let us inside." said Grace "Wait.... That's it?" asked Ann "Futaba wants to have a change of heart. After all, she contacted us for that express purpose. That desire should lead her to open the door as well." said Daisy "You're right.... Our feelings should get through if we just try and talk to her." said Makoto "Aright, I believe in Futaba! C'mon, let's get this done!" said Ryuji as everyone nodded and lefted. In Futaba's room; she was looking at her phone until she noticed the Metaverse Navigation app was on her phone "An eyeball....? What's this? Huh? When did it get on here?" asked Futaba as she pushed on the app then active it then this black and red stuff appeared in front of her then she saw her Shadow then Futaba jumped off of her computer chair all scared "Wh-Whoaaa...... Wh-Who're you?" asked Futaba all scared "I am the other you." said Shadow Futaba as she looked at her Shadow self, "Is this some kinda hallucinations? It's different from usual....." said Futaba "How long will you continue blaming yourself and shutting yourself away from the world?" asked Shadow Futaba "Blaming myself for what?" asked Futaba "For you and your brother's mother death." said Shadow Futaba as Futaba looked away from her like she knew what she meant, "Don't you think it's time you grasped the truth of that moment? What happened before your eyes.... What happened to you and your brother mother...." said Shadow Futaba "The truth...." said Futaba softy "Why did you choose to rely on the Phantom Thieves?" asked Shadow Futaba "That's....." said Futaba "Are you simply going to shut yourself in and do nothing? Are you going to avert your eye from the true answer?" asked Shadow Futaba as Futaba fall silent on Shadow Futaba "If so..... I will kill them in your world." said Shadow Futaba as she disappeared and Futaba shocked her head as she didn't know what to do, "I.... What should I do?" cried Futaba. Back with the gang, they sneaked in Sojiro's house and then Grace faced Futaba's door, "We're sorry for sneaking in so many times, Sojiro." said Grace "There's no mistaking it. This is the same door as in the Palace." said Daisy as Grace knocked on Futaba's door, "Hello, Futaba? You're there, aren't you? Please answer us." said Grace "I doubt she'd answer...." huffed Ryuji "Alibaba, we know you're there. It doesn't matter if it's through chat messaging. Just answer us please." said Grace they heard Ren's phone ring he pulled it out to see Futaba massage "You should've told me you guys were going to come here." said Futaba "In order to steal your heart, we need you to open this door. We can't change your heart otherwise. Please let us in." said Grace "I'm not mentally prepared!" said Futaba "Get ready right now then, sis." said Ren "It's too sudden, bro." said Futaba "The other you within your heart told us to have you open it. Deep down, you want to open this door, don't you?" asked Grace "The other me?" asked Futaba "Right. We're trying to uphold our promise, but you're the one resisting us." said Grace "Give me some time." said Futaba "Ten seconds." said Grace "That's too short! At least minute. Please!" said Futaba "Fine. But if Sojiro come here, we'll kick down the door and enter if we must." said Grace as the gang wait for at least a minute; Grace knocked on the door, "Time's up, Alibaba." said Grace as Ren looked at his chat message and showed it to Grace, "Alright, I'll open it now." said Futaba "We need to change her cognition. Better to be completely safe than sorry." said Yusuke "So she has to be the one to invite us in...." said Daisy "Futaba, please open the door." said Grace as the gang looked at the door then they hear her footsteps to the door and then she opened the door as everyone was shocked "Alright, let's go in..." said Makoto as everyone walked in her room, it was small but messy "What is this....?" asked Yusuke "Medical science, information technology, biology, psychology.... These are all technical books...." said Daisy as she looked at the books Futaba had "She keeps herself cooped up in a room like this all the time?" asked Ann "Where's Futaba?" asked Grace "Where could she be hiding?" asked Ren then they heard a small rumbler on the closet as they all looked "The closet!?" asked Makoto "She'll shut herself in to the bitter end, hm?" asked Ryuji "Even if that door's opened up, we'll get stopped again inside. I bet a fence or something formed right in front of the Treasure now." said Morgana as they heard Futaba's voice coming from the closet, "Th-This makes no sense! Explain yourselves!" yelled Futaba "Whoa, she talked....." said Ryuji surprised "We needed to change your cognition. Unless we do so, we can't steal your heart." said Grace "I highly doubt she would understand it even if we explained it to her...." sighed Ryuji "So basically, my cognition is being a hindrance, keeping you guys away from the core of my cognitive world?" asked Futaba "Huh? She understood it?" asked Ann "Why do you know about that? Who are you?" asked Makoto as Futaba sighed then Ryuji looked at the gang "Why'd you call yourself Alibaba and make things more complicated?" asked Ryuji "If you wanted help, you could've just asked it." said Ann ".....was ......rrassed." said Futaba quietly "Huh? M-My bad. I didn't catch that." said Ryuji ".....'Cause I was embarrassed." huffed Futaba "I think get it. Asking someone for help isn't that easy...." said Daisy "Futaba, can you tell us more? How do you know about the cognitive world?" asked Makoto "....'Cause I knew about it." said Futaba "Oh... That reminds me. Sojiro was talking about 'cognition' or something before, right?" said Grace "You think this is related to how he was gettin' grilled by that one lady?" asked Ryuji "Perhaps our mom was researching this cognitive science that was mentioned?" asked Ren "Bro it's 'Cognitive psience,' with a PSI in front! Less science, more supernatural. That's important." said Futaba "Well that certainly get her attention... It seems we're on the right track." said Daisy "So, cognitive.... psience? Sis, what was mom working on?" asked Ren but there no respond "Please tell us sis. What happened?" asked Ren but there was still no respond "She's not answering." said Yusuke "Yo, maybe save this for later. Seems she's been through some serious shit, so.... you know?" asked Ryuji "True..... She did say things like 'die'....." said Grace "Hold on. Futaba-chan. Did you really kill you and your brother mother?" asked Ann then Ryuji looked at her, "Whoa, you moron!" yelled Ryuji "Wasn't her death an accident? What actually happened? 'Maternity stress'? Is that really true?" said Ann "Ann!" yelled Ryuji again "We all saw what your heart is like, but we still can't figure anything out. The mother that Boss told us about is completely different from your cognition." said Ann then they heard a sighed from the closet "We want to hear the truth from your mouth." said Ann ".....O-Our mom.... was.... The.... one who killed her.... was.... Nngh....." cried Futaba "It's possible that she can't remember because her heart has become distorted." said Daisy "I'm so sorry, Futaba-chan. It's just that... I went through a lot myself, and I... I'm sorry." cried Grace then suddenly Futaba came out of the closet so fast that it scared the gang "Th-There! Now steal it!" yelled Futaba as she had her head down and arms out then the gang shocked their head "....What's gotta into you all of a sudden?" asked Ryuji "C-C'mon, hurry it up!" yelled Futaba "We did come to steal your heart, but it's not really done right here at this moment.... All you really had to do was open that closet door...." said Grace as Futaba looked at the gang nervously ".....I'm sorry we made you jump to conclusions, you don't have to be like that....." said Daisy "I-I see...." said Futaba as she backed up and closed the closet door "She went back in!" said Ann shocked "....Wh-What's the meaning of this!? D-Did you guys trick me?" asked Futaba "No! Please listen! There's a reason we had to do this!" said Makoto "She's aware of the cognitive world, but it seems she doesn't understand how a change of heart occurs." said Morgana "Um, sis, how much do you know about the cognitive world?" asked Ren "I know that there's another world based on cognition. But I don't know how to get there. Can you guys go there? You said you 'saw my heart' earlier." said Futaba "Yes, that's right." said Grace "How do you do it?" asked Futaba "We use a smartphone app." said Grace "An app?" asked Futaba "Yes. By entering the required information, we can go to the cognitive world." said Grace "A name, a place, and a distortion—those three. So in case, 'Futaba Sakura,' 'Sojiro Sakura's house,' and..." said Ryuji but then Ren cutted him off, "Sis, you don't happen to have this app, do you?" asked Ren "This.... I don't." said Futaba "Thank goodness.... Okay then." said Ren in relived "Can you guys take me with you too?" asked Futaba "No, sis." said Ren "I'll leave it to you then." sighed Futaba "Good. And you better not forget about our promise, alright?" said Ryuji as everyone walked out of her room then Ryuji remember something, "Oh yeah! Almost forgot! The Treasure's not gonna appear if we don't have her read this!" said Ryuji as he pulled out the calling card and slipped in the closet and then Futaba catch it and looked at "Hm? A calling card?" asked Futaba "It's the one you prepared. Read it." said Ryuji "....I can't read it. It's too dark." said Futaba "You could just come out...." said Ryuji ".....It's embarrassing." said Futaba "What." sighed Ryuji "I'll make sure she reads it, so you guys go on ahead." said Morgana "Futaba, make sure you read it, okay?" asked Grace "....Okay." said Futaba as Ren, Grace and Ryuji leaved her room as for Morgana he hide in behind the bed; Futaba opened the closet door to see if everyones out of her room then she out and walked in, "Let's see...." said Futaba as she looked at the calling card and started to read it out loud "Futaba Sakura has committed a great sin of drowning in sloth.....Thus, we will rob every last bit of those distorted desires......" said Futaba as the sky around her wasn't a pinkish purple but it started to change to a lime green then it was patch black and only showed Shadow Futaba, "No. I'm going to die....." said Shadow Futaba as it changed back to Futaba herself then Morgana jumped out of his hiding spot and looked at Futaba "Good." said Morgana as Futaba fell down to her butt as she was scared to see Morgana there then he ran off to catch up to the gang, "Eek! Kitty! You again!?" asked Futaba. The gang arrived at outside entrance of Futaba's Palace, "The Palace's security level is so high I can feel it from all the way out here...." said Ann "Futaba seemed totally up for gettin' her heart stolen.... What's up with this?" asked Ryuji "Hm.... Something about this place really is unusual. Either way, there's only one thing for us to do now that we've sent the calling card!" said Morgana "Hell yeah! No matter what we gotta face, we're gonna take that Treasure for sure!" yelled Ryuji as they entered inside the pyramid then ran all the way up to the location of the Treasure and the door of the elevator, "I hope she read the calling card." said Grace "I mean after all the trouble we went through, she damn well better've read it!" yelled Ryuji then lock of the door unlocked and opened, "Alright! It's open!" said Ryuji "We yeah, Futaba-chan opened the door herself." cheered Ann "Anyway, the Treasure is up ahead! Let's finish this!" cheered Morgana as they all when inside and then Ren touched the panel and then the platform when straight up. As the platform reach to the end it stopped and then the gang looked around and saw all codes and screens also known as; the Chamber of Emptiness; "So, this is the place that represents Futaba's room." said Grace "Yup, this is the heart of a hacker alright. Anyways, where's the Treasure?" asked Ryuji Morgana pointed up, "I'm getting a strong signal from above us. The Treasure has definitely manifested." said Morgana "There's no knowing what may lie ahead, so let's be vigilant as we push toward the Treasure." said Daisy as they all ran and kept a close eye on any Shadows that may hanging about. As they got to the door of the Treasure "There's no doubt about it: The Treasure is right past this point." said Morgana "What may await us within?" asked Yusuke "No matter what it is, we need to be ready for it!" said Morgana "Let's do this!" said Ren "We're coming to save you, Futaba-chan!" said Grace as they head on in the room of the Treasure; back in the real world in Futaba's room; Futaba sat down on her computer seat and looked at her phone with the Mateverse Navigation app on and debate on whither or not to use it, "If I use this... I can change my heart? Vocal input.....?" asked Futaba herself as she started to type in the keywords that was required "Fu—Fu—Futaba Sakura." said Futaba as the first keyword was correct "......Sojiro Sakura's house." said Futaba "Candidate found." said the Metaverse Navigation app "And then... Something about 'distortion' ..... Distortion.... Distortion.... Hm?" asked Futaba as heard ringing in her ears "Not again...." said Futaba as she started to hears the voices again and again "No!" yelled Futaba then she got out her chair and ran out of her room she looked around saw that she outside of her room as she huffed and puffed "That's right..... I remember now. Back when they were here, I—I messaged big bro 'tomb' in the chat, and...." said Futaba as the MetaNav picked up her voice for the last keyword then this pinkish red started to active, "Input accepted. Searching for route to destination." said the Navigation voice as Futaba looked at her phone, "....I can go in now?" asked Futaba then the voices in her head started to act up again, "No....." cried Futaba as she pushed her headphones to her ear to not hear the voices "I can't take this anymore!" cried Futaba then the MetaNav started to destination "Beginning navigation." said the Navigation voice as Futaba entered the Metaverse. Back with the gang; why walked in a dark chamber with only one coffin there "The hell? This ain't what I was imaginin'!" said Ryuji as he was disappointed "Were you expecting a mountain of treasure or something of that sort?" asked Yusuke "There IS that over there." said Daisy as she pointed the only coffin there in the chamber they looked at the coffin, "That's it?" sighed Ryuji "The Treasure must be inside." said Grace "Alright, let's take it!" said Ryuji moved his shoulder as he walked to the coffin "Be careful." said Yusuke as Morgana started acting up "T-Treasure.....!" said Morgana as he ran to the coffin and was about to look inside but then they heard a horror scream and a big rumble that came on going, the gang looked around to there and where was that "There's something here....." said Yusuke "I got a bad feeling about this...." said Daisy then the top of the pyramid walls broke a little bit to show the sun the gang looked at the top to see who or what did that but it was hard bad to see because of the sun in their eyes'. Then this big creature that poked it's eye to see the gang, "Fuuuuuuuuuuutaaaaaaabaaaaaaa!" yelled this creature angrily the gang backed up of not knowing what it is, "Is it a Shadow?" asked Grace panicking "No..... Then..." said Daisy "It's not Futaba!" said Yusuke "Don't tell me...." said Morgana as the creature broke the walls more and more as it make a big gust of wind that cost the blocks to over and show a winged-creature with a familiar face on it, "This is insane!" yelled Ann as the winged-creature flapped it's wings to cost a huge gust of wind that almost blew off the gang "If it's not a Shadow, then what is it!?" yelled Ryuji "It's a.... cognition! A monster that Futaba's cognition created!" yelled Morgana "How can that be!?" asked Grace as two pillars broke in half by the wind that was heading to Grace and Daisy's way "Hey Violet and Spikes, look out!" yelled Makoto as the girls looked at the pillars that was coming towards their way Ren quickly ran to Grace held her tight as they fall on top each other and Yusuke ran so fast and held Daisy to him and they too fall on top each other; Ren and Yusuke saved their girls' from the two pillars Ren and Yusuke looked deeply into their girl's eyes' and so did Grace and Daisy looked deeply into their boy's eyes' "Sorry to ruin the lovely dovely moment here, but here it comes!" yelled Ryuji as they looked at the winged-creature.

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