Fox joins the team!

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       They arrived to a long hallway but there was lasers blocking they're path so they walked back until Ren spotted a a hole in the wall so they climbed up then they saw a big hole on the floor with only a wooden plank. "The heck!? How're we supposed to get past this huge hole in the...." said Ryuji as Daisy cut him off, "Calm down Skull. Look at where the security guard is walking...." said Daisy "as they watched the security walked "Oh! Oh okay!" said Ryuji as they jumped off and hide in the couches as the security guard walked away and they walked to the other side that was blocking they way and continue the hallways of the second floor of the exhibition room. They reach to this big room that had stairs and paintings but then lasers appeared blocking they only exit, "Huh...? Is this..." said Ann but then they heard a voice from not too far, "Intruders in the Second Exhibition Room! Apprehend them at once!" said a myserteous voice then Shadows appeared in the same room the gang were at "Crap, let's get outta here, fast! Which way's the exit!?" asked Ryuji as they fought the two Shadows in the big room then saw this big box then they climb up and up onto the other box then threw his grappling hook at the and swinging to the other side and they saw gated door "Dammit. Looks like we ain't gettin' through here...." said Ryuji but then Ren saw a button so he pushed on it then the lasers was out, "Oh, look! The electric thing's deactivated now!" said Grace "This should let us move forward. Nice work, Joker!" said Morgana as they jumped then when to the middle of the building and walked up the stairs walked to the other side and saw an opening for Ren's grappling hook, he did it and they were at the walkway and walked toward an hidden place that had this door covered in fancy robes as Ren took out his dagger and slice it then push the door open and took the first Will Seed of Vanity. They when back to the place they came then when to the door that they reach to the Central Garden of the museum but then Ryuji stopped them, "Hold on, Joker! Don't you think that tiny buildin' over there's kinda suspicious?" asked Ryuji as they walked to the garden of the museum to see the building was all shiny and bright. "Whoa, it's even gaudier than the rest of the museum....." said Daisy as she covering her eyes of the brightness of the building "It definitely looks like something important would be hidden away in there...." said Morgana "Let's go find out!" said Ann as they walked to these colourful Shoji, went they got close a lot of Shoji's opened up automatically "Whoa, it really opened up...." said Ryuji as they walked until they saw lasers beam "Whoa! The heck!?" said Ryuji "Are these.... Infrared lasers? There's no way we can get past them..." said Grace "This level of security only proves there's something worth protecting up ahead." said Morgana Daisy looked around then found a sign, "Wait, there's something written on the sign.... 'All personnel: This door can only be opened via the security room that lies beyond it.....' 'Please be cautious, as it is impossible to open from the outside.'" said Daisy "So, it's never gonna open!? How're we supposed to get past!?" asked Ryuji Morgana looked at the big door, "Wait..... That door.... I think I've seen that pattern somewhere...... Oh right! There's no mistaking it! That's the same door I saw earlier! Guys, let's head back!" said Morgana "Huh? Why!?" asked Ann "I think I know what real-world door that's based on. There may be another way to open it! In any case, I'll explain later! Come on, let's go!" said Morgana ran they all followed Morgana out of the Palace and outside of the Palace "Now returning to the real world from Madarame's Palace. Thank you for hard work." said the Metaverse Navigator as they exit to the Metaverse and was back to reality. "I think we're almost halfway through. I'm staring to get a faint sense of the Treasure near here." said Morgana "That means we're at least making some progress, right?" asked Ann as they all looked at the shack, "How're we supposed to get past that door?" asked Daisy "I dunno..... You think there's mona kinda off switch somewhere?" asked Ryuji "Looks like this is where I come in." said Morgana "Morgana?" asked Grace "I have a suspicious place in mind." said Morgana as everyone was shocked "Remember? This shack is the basic for Madarame's Palace. I actually scouted it out the last time we were here." said Morgana "Whoa.... So this was your plan from the start?" asked Ryuji "Correct." said Morgana "....You only went 'scouting' because you were bored." said Ann as Morgana was shocked by Ann's answer "So, where's this suspicious place?" asked Grace "It's on the second floor. I noticed an unnaturally hefty lock on a door up there." said Morgana "If it's locked, that means there's something in there he doesn't want people to see." said Daisy "But don't we wanna be openin' the door in the Palace?" asked Ryuji "Yes, and we're going to be do that by opening the real one in front of Madarame's eyes. Basically, we're going to change his cognition that the door is unopenable." said Morgana "In other words... when we open the one in Madarame's house, that area in his Palace will open on its own?" asked Ann "I'm not really gettin' it..... Is that gonna work?" asked Ryuji "Trust me! There's no chance it won't open! ......I think! You understand, don't you, Ren?" asked Morgana "Sort of.....?" said Ren "Well yeah, but......" said Grace "Yeah....." said Daisy "Why don't you trust me!? It's worth a try!" yelled Morgana "But even then, there's still that hefty lock we have to deal with in reality, right?" asked Daisy "Oh, that'll be a breeze. Just give me a hairpin and I'll handle it. It will take some time though. Doing everything by myself in front of Madarame would be impossible. If only there was someone who could distract him for a while......" said Morgana "......Huh?" asked Daisy "Oh..... Ohhhh!" said Ryuji then the others looked at Daisy, "Man, how are we even gonna get into his house? We'd get reported for sure if we force ourselves in...." said Ann "What?" asked Daisy all confuse "I guess the only way is.... Having you go to model." said Grace "What!? Me model for Kitagawa-kun!?" asked Daisy as her face was blushing so much "It's simply the best excuse for you to enter Madarame's house without raising suspicions.... So, we'd like you to play the role of decoy, Daisy." said Morgana "This is way too sudden...... I mean, I don't even know where the locked door is." said Daisy "Don't worry, I'll accompany you." said Morgana "But that's still technically only me.... Worst comes to worst, what if I get found out?" asked Daisy "We can run into the Palace! ......Or something?" said Morgana as he wasn't too confident on his answer "Is that really gonna work!? I mean, you're not giving me much confidence in this plan! Do I have to be the bait?" asked Daisy "I can't be the bait." said Ann "Yeah, me either." said Grace "There's no other way." said Ren "But what if, you know....? Uhh! Um......Nothing." said Daisy "All you got to do is trick Kitagawa-kun, have him take you to that room, then just open the door." said Ann "You make it sound so easy! But if there's no other way.... I don't..... I don't.... I don't have a choice...... Urghhhhh! Fine, I'll do it! For justice! Seriously, you better pull this off!" said Daisy "I won't stop scratching even if all my claws were to break!" said Morgana "We'll be countin' on you, Morgana! Don't let Yusuke notice ya, alright?" said Ryuji "I'm really gonna lose it if we do all this and the Palace door doesn't open. Got it!?" asked Daisy "We're working to get dirt on that guy's crimes either way. It won't go to waste." said Ann "Alright, let's get down and dirty tomorrow." said Ryuji "Tomorrow!?" asked Daisy "Ealier the better." said Ryuji "Um, b-but.... will Kitagawa-kun agree?" asked Daisy "I dunno, just say something like, 'I really need it to be tomorrow.' That should work, yeah?" said Ryuji as Daisy sighed then they all head home for tomorrow big day, Ren was in his room as he had his pjs now then Morgana looked at Ren, "Leave this to me, I'll get it open right before his very eyes." said Morgana as Ren's phone rang he put it up and saw it was the gang; "Daisy, did you get in touch with Kitagawa-kun?" asked Grace "Yeah, he asked me to come by tomorrow." said Daisy "Awwww yeah, he fell for it!" said Ryuji excitedly "Um, do I..... really have to do this.....?" asked Daisy "It's the only way Daisy" said Grace "Yeah." said Ann "Yeah...." said Daisy "Man, this is such a pain.... We gotta open that door AND have Madarame see it, right?" asked Ryuji "Yeah. Morgana said that'll change his cognition." said Ann "I don't get it... Oh, and one more thing. Let us know if any weird stuff goes down and we'll be there to back you up ASAP." said Ryuji "Okay, go it." said Daisy as he put his phone away, "A Palace is a reflection of how its owner views the real world. So, if Madarame's cognition of reality changes, it's only natural that his Palace would be affected. And all jokes aside, we really will need Daisy to model for Yusuke. it's the only way." said Morgana as Ren when to bed.

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