Into the unknown and the Phantom Thieves was Framed!?

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     The next morning came as Ren and Grace got changed into their school uniforms and walked out of the door. They walked to school until Makoto stopped them both, "Hey, Makoto, what's up?" asked Grace "This time, not letting the study's stop me, but this time I'm not seeking anyone's praise, and I'm not trying to show off my intelligence. I simply want to fulfill my own personal goals and dreams. Before now, I didn't have a clear vision of what what meant. I was lost in life..... but thanks you guys, I've finally come to realize it. My dreams... is to become a police commissioner. That is why I need to study." said Makoto "Police commissioner?" asked Ren "Yes, the head of police operations. It will required me to have an extensive academic background. There are too many incidents in this country that are never brought to light. That host was one. Villains who prey on the hearts of the weak with cowardly, legally questionable methods..... My father risked his life trying to catch a group of those people. I will never forgive them. But I won't be able to eradicate them all on my own..... Instead, I want to head an organization that will destroy the lawless and help rescue victims." said Makoto "I know that your father would be proud." said Grace "I hope so.... That is the justice I aim for. I also believe it will be a continuation of my father's legacy. Honestly, it's little strange that I found the true meaning of my studies outside of my studies. I think now I'll be able to see the world even more differently......Thank you two, for your help. Must have been difficult babysitting the uptight Miss President, right?" asked Makoto "We all went through so much." said Grace as Makoto giggled, "Even so, I'm glad I asked you guys....." said Makoto as it only showed Makoto, 'I am thou, thou art I..... Thou hast turned a vow into a blood oath, Thy bond shall become the wings of rebellion and break the yoke of thy heart, Thou has awakened to the ultimate secret of the Priestess, granting thee infinite power.....' then Makoto closed her eyes and had her head down as this blueish sparkles appeared in her heart then inside her heart showed Johanna then Johanna started to transform into Anat; her Mythical Trickster. Anat appears as a humanoid transformation of Johanna. "I can sense it.... The power within me has grown.... No, it's been born anew!" said Makoto's voice as the blueish sparkles disappear then Makoto opened her eyes "By the way, you guys can rely on me when you need it. I won't go easy on you guys if you guys hold back. Now them, in order to fulfill my dream, I'll need to be studying. What a funny thought..... Studying to become a head of police while working as a thief....." giggled Makoto "Just be careful, okay?" said Grace "I will. The objective is the same, after all.... Exposing the evil lurking in the dark shadows..... Oh, that's right. We all should head for class before it gets late." said Makoto as they walked into the school. As they came when to class the Middle-aged teacher asked for Grace to go to the spare class room was she walk with him Ren had a bed feeling for Grace, they walked to the spare class to see the Middle-aged teacher and Dr. Max then the Middle-aged teacher told her the news, "What....? Excuse me, but could you please repeat that?" asked Grace shocked "Now, nothing's been decided as of yet.... But at the rate that things are going, Brooks-san's honor states could possibly be revoked. Something so serious should, of course, be brought to the attention of her orphanage place and yourself." said the Middle-aged teacher as Grace had her head down sadly then Max wasn't having it for his daughter, "I've been told that her results at the latest meet quite laudable.... But isn't revoking her status as an honour student a bit of an overreaction on the school's part?" asked Max "I understand how you fell, but.... Well, low grades doesn't really cut it in this case..... She needs to attain high grades results for her exceptional status to be worthwhile." said the Middle-aged teacher as Grace looked shocked at the teacher "Don't get me wrong here. Personally, I think her results are good, but..... I suppose the argument could be made that if Shujin going to reputation on her and receive special treatment, it's not enough. Please don't shoot the messenger here, okay? This is necessary to guarantee fairness across the entire student body. It's not as if you've been expelled or the like. Another test is coming soon—please try for the results the school wants to see." said the Middle-aged teacher "Sir! Putting excessive expectations on Brooks-san will only be to her detriment." said Max then the teacher looked at him all panicking "Oh, that wasn't at all my intention! I just wanted to giver her a little encouragement. Dr. Max, please continue serving the student body as counsellor and providing to Brooks-san. This meeting was merely meant to express how the entire faculty will be supporting her. That's the reason I had you sit in today, Dr. Max." said the Middle-aged teacher as Max had a mix of concern and sadness, the word 'support' ran through Max's mind as he saw his own daughter upset but how would he explain this to her now wasn't the good time because of the stress and all she's going through with the school..... but now's not the great time to say that to her, "Supporting her.... I see." sighed Max "At any rate, that's all I wanted to discus with you today. Please keep in mind, these changes are all hypothetical—u-unless Brooks-san doesn't provide better results." said the Middle-aged teacher as Max looked away all upset and sighed "Well, I suppose we should wrap up here." said the Middle-aged teacher as they got out of the spare class room Grace was upset that she had tears in her eyes, Max walked out as he saw her daughter walk away upset and hurt, then Ren came up to Grace "Ah.... I-I'm sorry sweetie....." said Grace as she ran out Ren was worried for her then Morgana pop out of his school bag, "What's wrong with Grace? Didn't she seem off to you?" asked Morgana "Yeah, she did..." said Ren but then he saw her red good luck charm that she bought at Hawaii that she dropped, so Ren picked it up "It's her good luck charm, she dropped it." said Ren "Let's return it." said Morgana "I'm one step ahead of you, Morgana." said Ren as he grew more worried for Grace. After Grace had calmed down, she was looking for her lucky charm that she bought in Hawaii but it wasn't in her pocket so she walk to the hallways to look for it but wasn't there so she walked back to the spare classroom that she was, "Hmmm, maybe I left it in here...." said Grace to herself as she was about to go in but she head voices in there, "Hm, how did Brooks-san handle the news?" asked Mr. Williams Grace was shocked so she listen in, closer "She seemed pretty downcast. I think it was quite the shock to her." said the Middle-aged teacher "I truly hope this is what finally drives her to succeed.... She needs to push herself beyond a higher grade and have some stronger results, and soon." said Mr. Williams then Max gave Mr. Williams a dirty look, "Mr. Williams, I know I've already told you this, but your approach here is going to affect her adversely. Trying to motivate her with harsh words is only going to give her more anxiety." said Max "Ugh Dr. Max, we aren't running a charity. If she's going to receive special treatment, she needs to provide adequate results. Praising her until her head swells may be your idea of therapy, but we can't afford to just butter her up forever. But at this rate, we're only going to end up suffering for it. Not only she's an orphanage, but it's not doing us any good, we need more good results. Talk about a waste of effort....." said Mr. Williams as Grace had a sad look her in face, "Sir!" yelled Max's voice "Oh, ah, pardon me. But, there's no denying—first with Mr. Kamoshida, second me, and now the principal's death—we've got our backs to the wall here. If this school doesn't bounce back soon, even my own ass will be on the line.....That'll be all. Excuse me." said Mr. Williams' voice as Grace ran away then the bell rang for after school, Ren looked everywhere for Grace but no way to be found until he got a call, he pull out his phone to see it was Grace calling so he picked up but the service wasn't the greatest, ".....Ah, hello? Sweetie? I'm s-sorry, I just noticed that you tried to reach me. It seems like the server here is acting up here. You found my good luck charm, right?" asked Grace "Where at you, princess?" asked Ren "O-O-Odaiba, in front of the building where..... we met before at summer." said Grace then Morgana popped up "She's at the building?" asked Morgana "Sweetie? I'm sorry, I can't hear you....." said Grace as the signal cut out in her phone "I guess her signal cut out. I couldn't hear everything, but it seems like she's at the building." said Ren as he put his phone away "Yeah, she seemed to be acting unusually this morning, too. Do you think something happened?" asked Morgana "I don't know, but I'm getting really worried about her." said Ren "Yeah, me too, let's go." said Morgana as they left the school quickly, at Odaiba; Grace looked at her phone, "No connection..... I'm so useless...." sighed Grace as she looked at the building "I do nothing but cause trouble for Dr. Max....." sighed Grace as the couples came walking behind, "C'mon, I wanna get a parfait." said a pampered woman "Yeah, yeah, just a sec—I'm looking up a spot right now. It's supported to be somewhere around here....." said a laid-back man "Ugh, you've gotten us totally lost! I don't recognize any of these places. What's that building even supposed to be, anywhere?" asked a pampered woman "Uhhh, I think they're building some kinda convention center? Or was it a research lab what's it matter, anyway?" said a laid-back man as the two walked away as Grace sighed as she looked over to see Ren and Morgana walking to her Ren saw Grace standing there "Ah." said Ren as he was relief to see her okay as he walking to her and then Grace looked at Ren as she started to walk to him then without her knowing her Metaverse Navigation app started a destination, "Beginning navigation." said the Metaverse Navigation as Ren, Grace and Morgana entered the Metaverse "Ah!" said Grace as they all saw a mysterious Palace "Hey, is that a Palace!?" asked Morgana as they all were in shock. Ren, Grace and Morgana were all in their thieves outfits, "What the....?" asked Grace as she looked at her thief outfit on, then Morgana looked at Ren and Grace "This atmosphere.... Is this a Palace!?" asked Morgana "But, we never activated the Nav...." said Grace "It's a possibility. The area heading down past these gates seems suspicious to me. Let's go, Joker and Violet!" said Morgana as they climbed up on the gates and ran down to the entrance to the mysterious Palace as Ren called for the elevator then they all when in and it when up then they saw the door there, "That door might be our only option. Let's go check it out." said Grace as they ran to up the stairs Doves flew off as they ran and doves feathers fall down it was all sliver and modern like Palace as they was billboards of something about mental health as they ran to the door Ren tried to open it but it was locked. "No good.... We'll have to find another way." said Morgana as they ran to the other side of the hall but then Grace looked up and pointed to the platform "Hey, Joker and Mona!" said Grace as they stopped, "Look, up there.....!" said Grace as they looked at what she was looking "Looks to me like that could be a foothold. Let's see if there's a way to climb up!" said Morgana as they ran to the platform at the bottom then Ren held onto Grace and Morgana held onto the coat tail of Ren's as he used his grappling hook then did the same thing to the other platform then they jump to the next platform then climb to the other one then they heard a voice in the other side of the door that was locked, "Grace!?" yelled an unknown voice "What!? And how did they know my name!?" asked Grace "I don't know?! But Let's move to see what it is!" said Ren "Yeah, stay on guard though!" said Morgana as they all slide down and landed on the roof and then jumped off they ran to this adult; she was not as tall, she had long red hair as she wore this blue light t-shirt and grey jeans, she had black flats and she looked at Grace, "Why..... How do you know me!?" asked Grace "Who's that!? Is that woman a cognitive being?" asked Morgana "Grace..... It's my fault...." said the woman with red hair "What.....?" asked Grace "You must...... my daughter..." said the woman with red hair "Stop! Stop it!" cried Grace then something happened to Grace as she fall down to the ground "Nngh!" cried Grace "Violet!" yelled Ren as he got down to her height and hugged her then the woman with red hair backed up but then a Shadow appear and pushed the woman with red hair to Grace then the woman with red hair reach her one hand out to Grace "You must....." said the woman with red hair as she disappeared like a Shadow by that Ren and Morgana known that woman was a cognitive then the Shadow looked at Grace ".....Heresy. You dare to spurn our lord's mercy....." said the Monstrous Shadow as it transformed into this Evil Synthetic Organism, "Are you alright, Violet!?" asked Morgana "Are you hurt, Violet!?" asked Ren "Yeah.... I am. But more importantly, looks like that thing's ready to rumble." said Grace as Ren helped her up to her feet, "Accept yourself..... Our lord laments the foolishness birthed from your pain." said the Shadow's voice "What are you talking about?!" asked Grace as they all heard voice's "I heard the school's gives her extra time on her exams, it most be nice get special treatment like that" said a female student's voice "Where are these voices...." said Morgana "All that 'I'm not bother' really pissed me off." said another female student's voice "Getting a special treatment is like whatever it's deserve, but do you think she really deserve it." said another female student's voice "That's....." said Grace "I understand how you feel but a low grade doesn't really cut it, in this case she needs to attain a high grade results for her exceptional status should be worthwhile." said the Middle-aged teacher's voice "Not only she's an orphanage, but it's not doing us any good, we need more good results. Talk about a waste of effort....." said Mr. Williams' voice "I've had enough of this.... Still..... I don't care what anyone says about me..... I will NOT tolerate anyone speaking ill about my dream! Now come and fight!" yelled Grace as she pulled out her sword and the fight was on. Grace pulled out her mask "Dance, Persona!" said Grace as she summoned Vanadis, "Dazzle us, Vanadis!" said Grace as Vanadis cast Kougaon as the Evil Synthetic Organism was disappear and the battle was over, Ren, Grace and Morgana were confuse on the Palace and the Palace ruler is but then they heard more noises of Shadow not to far from them, ".....Looks like they've found us." said Grace "Time to get out of here, quick." said Ren "Right!" said Grace as they all ran out of the mysterious Palace and was back to the real world in front of the building in Odaiba, "We're back, but what was that Palace? The ruler wasn't there and that Cognitive woman......?" asked Grace "I don't know either? Do you still have the search history on the Nav?" asked Ren "Oh yeah! The search history!" said Morgana "I'll check it!" said Grace as she pulled out her phone and entered the Metaverse Navigation app, push on the bookmark and then saw something suspicious "Sweetie look at this...." said Grace as Ren and Morgana when to see what happening Morgana climbed up to get onto Ren's shoulder and looked at the search history, "Huh? It's fuzzy and the name is hard to spell out....." said Ren "Yeah.... This is suspicious, but this isn't our actual target though." said Morgana as they nodded and headed back home for the bed.

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