Violet's debut...

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        The next morning, Ren got into his school uniform as Morgana hopped in Ren's bag then when downstair and when to the train station hop in the train and sat down on a seat, "It may be crowded, but it looks like you can still grab a seat if you're lucky..." said Morgana then Ren heard a familiar voice not too far from him, "Ah... excuse me" said the familiar voice Ren looked then he saw Grace standing with crowded people so Ren got up and helped her, "Oh! Ren! Thank you so much." said Grace with a smile on her face "Your welcome, I love to help you... I mean! I like to help you!" said Ren as was blushed red but Grace giggled, "I understand what you meant Ren! Oh! We're almost to the school" "Grace, would you like to.... walk to school with me?" he asked as he rubbed his hair and smiled "I like to!" As the train came to a stop then the both of them walked to the school together then they when inside the school to see Kamoshida keeping an eye out in the school hallway then he gave a dirty look to Ren then turned his face to Grace, "Grace, I know your new and all but I fear that your grades are not cutting it to the schools liking.... but I can help you with that." said Kamoshida as he came close to Grace. She backed up every time Kamoshida walk close to her, "I'm good. I don't need help" said Grace "Good isn't the best, look at the Volleyball team I lead them to victory. Now if you want to be the best and meet with the school's recommendations then I'll suggest you come to my PE faculty office and I can help you want you need." he said as he was about to grabbed Grace but then Ren blocked Grace from Kamoshida, "You really looking for trouble, huh Amamiya-kun!?" said Kamoshida "She said that she's good!" said Ren as he was all flustered at Kamoshida then he walked off, "Are you okay Grace?" asked Ren "Ya. I'm fine. Am I not meeting the schools requirements?" asked Grace Ren looked at her "Yes you are Grace you have to believe in yourself" "Ya! Your right" said Grace as her and Ren walked to they classroom and sat down on their decks Ren turn his head to face Grace, "Hey, Grace if your not busy would you like to hang out with me and my friends at the rooftop after school?" asked Ren "Okay, I would love to Ren" she said as Ren's phone started to ring he pull it out to see the group chat, "Hey, we're meeting up at the hideout after school, right!?" said Ryuji "Don't text now. We're in class." said Ann "Whoa! You mean you're actually listening to all that stuff?" "Yeah, but none of it is really sticking today..." "I know, right. Anyways, hideout after school?" "Where exactly is this 'hideout'?" "The school roof." "Wait, we can still go up there?" "Yeah, I'll Ley you in. Welp, I'll be waiting. Just come on up once school's over." said Ryuji "Gotcha" said Ren "I'm gonna find you if you're late!" said Ryuji as Ren and Ann put the phone away then Mr. Ushimaru yelled at Ren, "Hey, Amamiya! You! Pay attention! Is that how you listen when someone's talking to you!?" yelled Mr. Ushimaru as he threw his choke piece at Ren but he dodge it, "Wow! That was amazing Ren!" said Grace as she clapped her hands. "That's what you get for daydreaming! Kids these days have no respect for their elders." said Mr. Ushimaru as the bell rang then Grace and Ren walked to the rooftops to see Ann and Ryuji up there. "Oh!? You bring her?" asked Ryuji "Ya, I asked her to" said Ren "Ohhhh! Someone likes her!" said Ann smiling "We need to talk about you know what?" said Ryuji "What is this you know what?" asked Grace "It's nothing for you to be concern Grace" said Ryuji Grace looked at the group of friends then she petted Morgana then walked back to the door, "I'm sorry if I interrupted your talk...." said Grace she was about to leave but Ren ran to her and stopped her, "No you shouldn't be sorry Grace, how about this; if you need me or my friends we'll be in the rooftop for you okay?" said Ren Grace looked at him then smile, "Okay" she said as she leave the rooftop and walked downstairs to the hallway of the school. She was about to walk home but she felt a hand grabbing her; she turned around, "Ren!" she said but it wasn't Ren; it was Kamoshida, "What? Ren? Oh you mean Amamiya-kun!? Have you come to for the study" asked Kamoshida "Oh! Can you let go of me please! But no!" said Grace as she was trying to break free from Kamoshida's grip but it was no use. "You know if you don't meet the schools recommended your just branding yourself a failure and an unwanted student. So if I were you I'll just accept my answer and come with me..." he said but Grace finally broke free from Kamoshida's gasped and ran away as fast as she can to home back with Ren after all the medicine and shopping after school he came back home, "Boss, did you hear? Apparently that subway driver from the accident was acting really odd during his testimony hearing." said this Haughty Regular Customer "You taking about that psychotic whatever thing people's going on about?" asked Sojiro "Yeah, I heard it completely alters your personality. The news is saying the driver couldn't even speak when they tried asking him questions." "Only an idiot'd believe a preposterous story like that. Oh and sorry, but we're closing soon." "Hmph, how rude. The must be why you don't get many customers. Your coffee's actually not half bad. The beans must be lamenting the sorry state of this store..." "Thanks for stopping in. Please come again." "I'm only trying to help you fix your business. Thanks for the coffee, at least." said the Haughty Regular Customer as he paid and leaved. "Sheesh, what a pain... Oh... What do you want? If you're bored, go wash some dishes or something." said Sojiro "How's the business going dad?" asked Ren "Doesn't concern you. But it's all good as long as the shop doesn't fail. I'm not gonna go wearing a fake smile." said Sojiro "But what if it does fail dad?" "Who knows? Maybe I'll end up living out on the streets but we have a house. As long as I'm here, the world leaves me be. No annoyances or troublesome people to deal with. It's like my own personal hideaway. I'd be kinda screwed if I lost it, but I guess you would be too. So, you better at least try and be useful around here. Anyways, I'm leaving now. Don't cause any trouble." said Sojiro as Ren when upstairs to his room, then he got ding on his phone he pulled it out to see a text from Ryuji, "Yo dude, so we got all the stuff we need to go back to the Castle" said Ryuji "Ya we do but why did you say that to Grace?" asked Ren "Oh.... Look she ask and she didn't need to know" "But you shouldn't have say that to her like that" "True dude I'm sorry. Welp see ya tomorrow and let us know if we are going to the Castle!" said Ryuji as Ren putted his phone away then when to the bathroom to get change and then came back to his room, "We're just about ready to go to the Palace. We just need to assemble some infiltration tools. Clean off that desk back there so we can use it." said Morgana as Ren went to the desk and cleaned it, "That desk. Hurry now and clean it up." said Morgana as he licked his paw then the desk was all cleaned. "Great, now you can make things whenever you want!" said Morgana as he lay down on the desk the Ren sat down, "I'll provide the materials this time. Try making a lockpick. Don't think too hard about it. You'll get the hang of it." said Morgana as Ren was starting making an lockpick "Everyone starts off a little clumpy. Don't be sad if it doesn't go well at first, okay." said Morgana as Ren was done making a lockpick "Great! We should be able to use this. We should be ready now. We're heading into the Palace whenever your ready. Let's get some sleep." said Morgana as they both when to bed.

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