Bank of Gluttony: Cleaned Out

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         The next morning rolled in after school, Ren texted everyone to the hideout, "All that's left is the calling card, right? We should send it." said Makoto "I would agree, but it will not be an easy task this time." said Yusuke sadly "Yeah, nobody actually knows him...." said Daisy sadly "There's so goddamn much I wanna write on the calling card too...." said Ryuji as Ren gave them the signal to send the calling card "I guess we should send out the calling card...." said Ryuji "Now the question is, how do we deliver the casing card to him...?" asked Yusuke "Yeah, we don't know where he lives...." said Daisy "Hm? Why not use the same method as before?" asked Makoto as everyone was confuse as they all put in they faith in Makoto and head back home for tomorrow heist then Ren and Grace's phone rang they pulled out their phones to the group chat, "So, what ended up happening with the calling card?" asked Yusuke "Makoto took Ryuji with her." said Daisy "Yeah, she specifically mentioned that he would be fine and we have nothing to worry about." said Ann "Hm? I wonder what she plans on doing with him..." said Ren "Has anyone heard anything from either of them?" asked Grace "Nothing at all." said Ren "I see..." said Yusuke "I'm sure it'll be fine if Makoto's there with him." said Daisy "I'd definitely be worried if Ryuji was going alone though." said Ann "I suppose we will find out tomorrow either way. For now, we should get some rest." said Grace "Yup, cya!" said Daisy as they all putted their phones away "We finally strike tomorrow. Make are you get your sleep done—we need to be in top shape for this!" said Morgana as they took Morgana advice and when to sleep.

       As the morning came rolling in the gang was pumped as the school rang the bell for after school, but then at the hideout that Kaneshiro was with then one of his henchman came in with a calling card, "Excuse me, sir, but.... Uh, I found this on the car. There's something written on it....." said the menacing man as he looked at the calling card then Kaneshiro looked at him angrily "Hm! Read it." said Kaneshiro "Um, but...." said the menacing man as he was scared to read it, "I said, read it!" yelled Kaneshiro "'Sir Junya Kaneshiro, the money-devouring sinner of gluttony..... You indulge in scamming others with horrendous methods that target minors exclusively. We have decided to make you confess all your crimes with your own mouth. We will take your distorted desires without fail. From, The Phantoms Thieves of Hearts.....' I-Isn't this bad?" asked the menacing man all worried for Kaneshiro "What of it?" asked Kaneshiro "I-If something happened to you....! I mean, if the higher-ups find out about this....." said the menacing man but Kaneshiro cut him off "DOne waste your time worrying about this useless shit. Just keep quiet for now." said Kaneshiro with an anger face "B-But it's..... posted all around the city...... People're talking about it online too...." said the menacing man with worried "Grr.... All of you, bring me your earnings! If you don't surpass your quota.... I'll kill you." said Kaneshiro angrily as he stood up "Y-Yes, sir!" said the menacing man as he walked away then Kaneshiro looked down at the ground then the sky around him started to change then it when pitch black with only Shadow Kaneshiro there, "Phantom Thieves? Don't make me laugh." said Shadow Kaneshiro as the sky was back to normal with Kaneshiro as he looked at his girl, "Hey, we're leaving." said Kaneshiro angrily as his girl was confused but then Kaneshiro looked away, "They'll pay for this...." said Kaneshiro to himself. Back to the gang's hideout, "The calling card's been posted all over Shibuya....." said Morgana "A good idea, no? Given the theatrical nature of this one, Kaneshiro must surely have been contacted about it." said Makoto "You and Daisy are the brains of this Phantom Thieves operation! Ryuji, you should follow Makoto and Daisy example!" said Morgana "Y'know I'm the one who went postin' it everywhere, right!? I even had to get all dressed up so they wouldn't notice me!" yelled Ryuji "Come now, we don't gave the time for idle chitchat. Let us get moving." said Daisy "We're going up against a truly horrible criminal this time..." said Ann "That dick ain't gonna stop us now that we got our new member! Makoto! You remember how all this works?" asked Ryuji with anger face on "Once we steal the Treasure, the Palace will crumble and the Palace ruler's heart will change." said Makoto "Wow, you got that quick! I think Ryuji's still struggling to comprehend it all...." said Daisy "The old me is dead. Makoto the sycophant is gone.... and the corrupt adults who controlled her are next!" said Makoto all fired up "Sounds like you're fired up!" said Grace "Alright, Ren! Give us the signal!" yelled Morgana "Let's do this, guys, it's showtime!" said Ren as everyone nodded and then they entered to the Metaverse in front of Kaneshiro's Palace then they headed to the locations of the Treasure. As they entered the room of the Treasure they saw Shadow Kaneshiro and his henchman's standing there then this big safe locks was spinning around and around. "Is that Kaneshiro!?" asked Makoto shocked "He was waitin' of us!" yelled Ryuji as they ran to face Shadow Kaneshiro "What the hell!?" yelled Ryuji "A safe!? This wasn't here the last time we came! He changed the entire room so quickly.... Tch, I guess this Palace isn't a bank for nothing." said Morgana "Greetings. Welcome to my private city bank. I'm surprised you guys made it here alive. It seems you are quite lucky." said Shadow Kaneshiro "Lucky? Don't be ridiculous." said Makoto "We're gonna change your heart and make you confess everything you've done. That'll save all those people who're suffering 'cause of your shitty actions. Even the police're strugglin' to deal with you, so that'll make the public believe in us too!" yelled Ryuji "Those in power work the ones below them to the bone for money. Such is the hierarchy of the world. Just accept your fate as a source of my wealth!" yelled Shadow Kaneshiro "We'll never agree to that!" yelled Yusuke "And hierarchy? You have to be out of your mind!" yelled Daisy "All of that was forced on me too, you know! I went through shit until I crawled my way out of the dregs! Now it's my turn to profit on everything else!" yelled Shadow Kaneshiro "Still! Don't you think you're getting back at the wrong people?!" asked Grace "What a pitiful man." said Ann "It doesn't matter whether you're clean to dirty! Only the clever come out on top! The strong and the smart devour the weak. That is the natural order of things. You damn brats who think toy know the world through the shit you read online will make perfect prey." said Shadow Kaneshiro "Hmph. He is utterly hopeless." said Makoto "It's always the fools who get tricked! Fools who have to pay for their foolishness. And if those fools don't learn, well they have to suck it up and stay as plain, stupid fools!" yelled Shadow Kaneshiro "Will you just shut it already!?" yelled Ryuji "I guess there's not much point saying anything to you fools! This is where my gracious lecture ends. Now then, I hope you're ready to work as slaves here for the rest of your lives." said Shadow Kaneshiro "That's outrageous!" yelled Yusuke then Shadow Kaneshiro laughed and snicker at the gang, "I'm gonna swarm all over you.... And squeeze out every last penny!" laughed Shadow Kaneshiro as he stopped and lay his head down as his henchman was confused.

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