The truth about Max......

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        The next came, New Years day; Ren woke up, he look around him not to see Morgana any where, then he found a note in the dresser that it was from Grace remembering him that she'll meet him at the Shrine around noon because she was shopping for a yukata, Ren smiled as he was imaging her yukata on her, then he heard his dad coming him, "Heeey, son you up yet?" asked Sojiro "Yeah I am dad." said Ren "Could you lend me a hand?" asked Sojiro "Sure dad." said Ren as he got dress then saw Sojiro there so he helped his dad doing the dishes, "Sorry to make work your first activity of the new year. Oh, that reminds me—Happy New Year, son. I said Happy New Years to your girlfriend Grace." said Sojiro "Happy New Years to you too dad." said Ren "We're especially grateful you're open today. You know how everything on TV for New Year's is the same old, same old....." said the elderly male customer "Say, Boss, don't you have any plans for this morning?" asked the elderly female customer "I could cook some up, so long as you serve yourself everything and pay your bill on the way out." said Sojiro "Ah right, haha. Can't exactly make plans when you've already got customers." said the elderly male customer "How about you, young man? Are you going to the shrine for the new year?" asked the elderly female customer as they, Ren and Sojiro looked at the young man that was sitting at the chair near the counter then he shook his head, "That's a wise choice." said Sojiro "Happy New Year! That's what you say today, right?" asked the studly guy, he wore this sleek dark blue hair with side-swept bangs and blue eyes. He wears a gray jacket over a dark beige scoop neck shirt, alongside a thin yellow necklace. In addition, he wears white jeans with a black belt and black sneakers with white shoelaces, soles and toe caps "It's nice to meet you, my name is Ren." said Ren "Nice meeting you too— Wait, what are you talking about? Are you still half-asleep or something?" asked the studly guy like he knew Ren then Futaba opened the door and walked in as she twisted around and threw her hands in the air, "Wa-BAM!" said Futaba as she was wearing a light green yukata and her hair up in a bun, "Oho, looking sharp." said Sojiro "Oh, you look absolutely lovely, Futaba-chan." said the elderly female customer "Heheheheh..... I picked it out with mom." said Futaba smiling "Our mom sis?" asked Ren "Yeah big bro! Sorry, I don't want to be late to the shrine. Welp, time to make like a tree!" said Futaba as she walked out of the cafe "The year's first shrine visit, eh? What do you think we should do?" asked the elderly male customer "Well..... Perhaps we don't need to go this year. We don't have any more wishes that need granting." said the elderly female customer as Ren's phone rang he pull it out to see a text from Grace, "Hey sweetie I bought my yukata and it's on, but I think I'll be getting there sooner than I expected. It was way less crowded than I thought it would be. Did my wish actually came true?" asked Grace "You're lucky my princess." said Ren "Awww, sweetie! I'll be waiting by the entrance once I get there. Don't worry sweetie, no need to hurry!" said Grace "It's okay, I'll be there soon, I just need to change." said Ren "Okay!" cheered Grace as Ren put away his phone then Sojiro look at his son, What's up? Did you have plans with Grace today?" asked Sojiro "Yeah, me and Grace are going to Meiji Shrine." said Ren "Aw, c'mon, you should've just said as much, then. I'll be fine here, so off you go. Have fun with Grace. Oh, but it's pretty cold out there, so don't forget to dress warm so you don't catch a bug." said Sojiro as Ren nodded he took off his apron hung it up when upstairs got change into this black turtleneck sweater, a long gray coat, dark blue jeans and brown, laced dress boots. Ren walk downstairs, "That reminds me, I still haven't seen Morgana toady..... Where could he have gone?" asked Ren to himself as he walk out of the cafe and to Meiji Shrine. 

            Ren was walking down the path of the Meiji Shrine, he couldn't find Grace so he pull out his phone and text her where she is, "Hey sweetie, where are you?" asked Ren "I'm at the torii." said Grace as Ren putted his phone away then he saw Grace there, "Sweetie!" said Grace as she ran to Ren, he looked at her like as if she was running to him in slow moment, Ren looked at his girl, she was wearing this pastel yellow yukata with a coral flowers design, her sash was this light yellow with multi-colours of flowers and she wore this bright red ribbon that had light pink flowers and yellow stick to act as the bow, "Um, sweetie do I look weird?" asked Grace Ren looked at her yukata and his started to blush, "No, you don't princess." said Ren as he smiled to her "Sorry for the short notice." said Grace "It's okay, my princess, well, should we?" asked Ren as he held his hand out "Yeah!" said Grace as she took his hand and they walked off to the Shrine. They arrived to the Shrine and made their wishes and they look at each other, "Sweetie, I wonder why......? There aren't many people here at all." said Grace "Yeah me too?" said Ren "It's really unexpected." said Grace "Yeah, I'd almost prefer the usual crowd." said Ren as they heard voices coming in, "Man, the ned of the year was just a few hours ago." said a familiar voice, "Hm?" asked Ren as him and Grace turned around to see the gang there, Futaba, Makoto as she was wearing a dark navy blue yukata with white flowers on it, her sash was pink and yellow, Noah wore this dark blue shirt with this grey jacket, blue jean and brown shoes, Daisy was wearing her yukata that was light purple with light pink with hint of orange Orchid flowers, her sash was a light green with white, pink and purple to outline the flower shape with an Orchid flower on her side of her hair, Yusuke was walking with Daisy, he wore this grey-brown coat over a patterned dark blue, electric blue and black tunic shirt. He retains the black pants and ankle boots, Ryuji wore this bright blue jacket over a red sweatshirt with a graffiti paint design, a camouflage-patterned scarf with black pants and blue sneakers, and Ann wore this bright red yukata with white and yellow flower, her sash had different color of polk dots. "Believe it, or don't: only three-sixty-four days until the next one!" said Futaba as Makoto and Noah giggle at Futaba's excitement "That IS true, Futaba." said Daisy "Indeed, beauty!" said Yusuke "I KNOW I'm gonna use the wrong year for a while." said Ryuji then Ann giggle at him, "Well, I have an idea! New Year's party tonight to help switch gears!" said Ann as they all walked and Ren and Grace walked them and they all stopped, "Didn't expect you two here!" said Makoto "How many coincidences can there be in one day?" asked Noah "And a good morn unto you big bro and you all! I haven't seen in you guys in absolute ages!" said Futaba then Ann giggled "We were hanging out just yesterday!" said Ann "Oh! I guess we all had plans to drop by here first thing today?" asked Ryuji "That would explain what led us to the shrine, but to this spot at the exact same time? Talk about incredible happenstance." said Daisy "Indeed—but, due to this fortuitous turn of fate." said Yusuke "So, what do you guys wanna do after this? If we've got the time for it, why don't we grab soemthin' to eat together?" asked Ryuji "I'm sorry, I'll be heading out with my family once we're finished here." said Makoto "Me and beauty have somewhere to go with my mother." said Yusuke "Oh ya! The dinner with your mom!" said Daisy "Me too—I'll be having a dinner meeting with my Boss somewhere." said Noah as Ren and Grace both look at each confuse "I'm gonna hit up some New Year's sales with mom! Big bro, you should bring Grace along with us so she can hang out with mom!" said Futaba "Huh...... but mom is die?" said Ren "Welp, looks like you're all busy..... Then maybe I should hit up the track team and see what they're up to." said Ryuji "Ooh, I'll get in touch with Shiho and find out if she has any plans yet." said Ann as Grace looked at Ren all confuse, "It's like no one's making any sense sweetie...." said Grace "Yeah, I know." said Ren "Well, I guess we'll all just go do our own thing then." said Makoto "Mmhm! See you guys later." said Daisy as they nodded and left "Looks like it's just now." said Grace "Yeah, but wasn't it wired though?" asked Ren "Yeah it was, it was like the gang wasn't making any sense whatsoever....." said Grace as they walked out of the Shrine and then Ren and Grace saw this woman that had the same hair colour as Grace, she walked close to them, "Who do we have here? I believe this is our first time meeting your boy, Grace." said the woman in red hair "Wha....!?" asked Grace in shock "How do you know her name?" asked Ren in shock "Hm? Grace is my daughter, of course I'll know her name. Oh! And my name is Nora. Nora Brooks." said Nora "Well then, oh......." said Grace panicking "Me and Grace will be going Nora, it was nice to meet you." said Ren as him and Grace walk back to Leblanc, Ren and Grace when upstairs got changed into their pjs and layed down on the bed, "Morgana still hasn't returned....." said Ren "Really? Oh my..... Sweetie look at the questionnaire on the Phan-Site...." said Grace as she showed her phone screen, "It has changed, too?" said Ren as their phone rang they pull when into the group chat, "Hey, do we have our first dream of the year today?" asked Ryuji "Do we? I thought that was tomorrow night." said Ann "Is it that big a deal? You guy all just have your first dream whenever it happens." said Futaba "Hey, this is important! I can't let my first dream of the year be a nightmare!" said Ryuji "Then it doesn't count. Duh." said Futaba "But you gotta dream of specific things if you want to have a good year, right? What's the traditional thing again? Mt. Fuji, sheep and okra?" asked Ryuji "Sounds messy." said Makoto "It was Mt. Fuji, a hawk, and an eggplant. In that order." said Daisy "Yeah, that's it! I'm gonna make myself dream about that!" said Ryuji "I sincerely doubt you can brute—fore yourself into dreams." said Yusuke "I gotta get to bed anyway! I got practice tomorrow too!" said Ryuji as both Ren and Grace put their phones away and looked at each other, "What happened this afternoon can't be normal....." said Grace "Something is wrong princess......" said Ren as they fall asleep.

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