Laboratory of Sorrow: Shut down

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         As the days when by, the gang got a lot stronger and preparing for the big battle with Max ahead, after helping out with Sojiro at the cafe he leaved the cafe for him and Grace to themselves, at the evening Ren, Grace and Morgana were upstairs in the their rooms sitting on the couch as they both had their phones out so they can be quick about it, they had the group chat on, "Tomorrow's finally the day." said Noah "We've already secured the route to the Treasure....... No problems there." said Futaba "All we have to do now is wait." said Ann "Sweet. We're gonna rock this shit!" said Ryuji pumped "Yes!" cheered Grace "Yeah, but Max is hasn't contracted us yet." said Ren "I see.... I suppose waiting really is our only option." said Yusuke "You're right, hon. If anything comes up on my end, though, Me and Yusuke will get in touch with you all. See you all tomorrow." said Daisy as they all putted their phones but then Ren's phone rang they look at each other then Ren pick it up, "Hello?" asked Ren "Hey, my apologies for calling so late. This is Max, by the way." said Max as Ren and Grace were shock then Morgana lift his head up a bit, "I'm actually rather close by..... Would you mind lending me an ear?" asked Max "Sure, what is it?" asked Ren "There's something important we need to talk about....... And, if you do intend to confront me, I believe there's something you guys have to give me first." said Max "Alright." said Ren "Thank you. I'll be at the cafe shortly. See you later." said Max as eh hung up then Ren putted his phone away "Me and Grace caught all of that. Just as we suspected, he knew he'd have to get a calling card." said Morgana "I have no clue how this meeting is going to go down......" said Grace "Hey, ah..... Ren? Just make sure you guys keep your guard up, okay?" said Morgana as they both nodded and headed downstairs "However you respond to Max, I trust you, Ren. I know you'll make the right decision." said Morgana as they walk down then saw Max there sitting on the booth so Ren, Grace and Morgana sat down as well, "Sorry for the last-minute visit. How's Grace holding up?" asked Max "I'm fine." said Grace Ren held her hand, "I've been concerned about a potential relapse, considering her difficulties with accepting that she's isn't to blame." said Max "She's just fine." said Ren "I see..... No, that's great news. So..... Getting down to business.... I wanted to confirm with you one last time: is there no other way to come to an agreement besides fighting?" asked Max "We can't accept this reality." said Ren shaking his head "The reality I created may seen distorted from your guys point-of-view..... But it's a reality where everyone is happy. If you guys just stay, you guys all will never have to suffer the pain of loss, or the pain from having people and things stolen away from you guys!" said Max "Like you have, dad..... You had something stolen away from you." said Grace max looked at Ren and Grace in shocked, "Ugh.......! So.... You saw what happened with your mom...... I'm not the one who suffered—you did Grace..... But she's alive and well with me a wonderful life, we can be a family again right now..... In this world you guys call a 'distorted reality.'" said Max smiling "But mom is alive like her death didn't exist right? And you're fine with that?" asked Grace "She may be in my life now and happy one now. I'm not just doing this for Nora—I want all of you guys to live just as happily as I am. After all that's happened to her— to me— to Grace— I just cant drag Grace into it." said Max "Doc......" said Morgana "My stance will not change. Strange circumstances have led to my gaining this power—however, I now recognize it as being wholly inevitable. This is something only I am capable of doing. I promise: every person alive or dead will be saved and happy in the world I created...... So, let me ask you the same: after really considering every option, do you have any doubts about your guys views?" asked Max "What are you getting at?" asked Ren then Max looked other to the side,"I suppose it's more accurate to ask, 'Do you two gentleman have any doubts?' You're here, aren't you? .......Goro-kun." said Max as Goro open the door and was anger that his plan was a fail was he walk in the cafe as well, the three were shocked to see him there, "Goro....." said Morgana shock "......You caught me." said Goro with no emotion in him "Oh, it was just a hunch. This issue doesn't only affect you, Ren-kun..... Goro-kun, this involves you, too." said Max "Both me and Goro?" asked Ren "Rgh......." huffed Goro "What do these two have to do with.....?" asked Morgana as Max cut Morgana off "The frenemy relationship you two share is ver unusual..... A detective and a phantom thief. Despite being enemies. That's why I found it so tragic when I learned what happened in Shido's Palace....." said Max sadly as Ren remembered what had happened, "Say, Ren-kun..... Didn't you regret how the fight ended with him? You two came to a somewhat understanding of one another..... yet you had no choice but to leave Goro-kun to his fate. That's why I crated a reality where you two could have a fresh start." said Max as both Ren, Grace and Morgana were confused and shock in the same time he remembered the last words that Goro said at Shido's Palace before he die, "That would mean the Goro in the real world is..... dead." said Morgana "Get what I'm saying? I genuinely dint want to tell you like this. I didn't want to make it seem like I'm holding him hostage..... But no matter what you guys may think of me, I just want you guy all to accept this reality and move on with your guys happy lives." said Max ".....And that matters, how, exactly? Don't tell me you think dangling my life before us is gong to have any impact on our decision." said Goro "So, you knew...." said Ren "Well, I lacked conclusive evidence..... But after I fought against you guys all, I had a gap in my memory that ended with meeting up with Ren again. There were also the cases of Wakaba Sakura and President Okumura..... Of course I'd find all of that suspicious." said Goro "I see. I had a feeling the truth of the matter still wouldn't dissuade you, Goro-kun..... But how about you, Ren-kun? 'You think dangling my life before us is going to affect our decision?' That's what Goro-kun said a moment ago. If that's how you see it at this point, I'm fine with it..... But I'm still going to ask you, one last time: Will you accept the reality I create for you? You were the guiding light to my research. You showed me the way so I could make my dream into reality. I have nothing but gratitude for you—not a single ounce of ill will. That's why I wanted you of all people to understand....." said Max Ren fall silent then Max got up from his seat "Perhaps I shouldn't ask you for an answer on the spot like that. I'll be going now." said Max smiling Ren faced was a different story he wasn't letting Max's distorted desire stay like this for him and Grace's future, their future kids, and his friends future and their future kids he got up from his seat then Grace knew his face so she grabbed out it out and handed it to him, "This is for you." said Ren furious as he took the calling card and threw on the table to Max then Max saw the calling card and pick it up and read it aloud, "'Max Brooks has committed a great sin of Sorrow, You created a overblown self-righteous reality granting people's wishes. However, we will not soak ourselves in this false happiness, and we will overcome our pain and move forward. As a result, we will not accept your proposal salvation. Thus, we will steal your distorted desires and take back our future. From the Phantom Thieves of Hearts.' Ah, that's right. I've heard your calling. And, about my question—let's do this.... I'll be waiting in the Palace tomorrow, just as I promised. If you guys still haven't changed your minds by then, we'll meet there.... But if you guys don't show, I'll take that to mean you've accepted my reality...... See you." said Max as he left the cafe, "......What are you gonna do?" asked Morgana then Goro looked at Grace and Morgana "Rgh...... I'd like to speak with Ren." said Goro "Goro..... Gotcha." said Morgana "We will leave the decision up to you, sweetie—let me know when you've reached an answer." said Grace as Ren kissed Grace she smiled as she and Morgana headed upstairs.

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