Yusuke the Passionate Artist

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       The next morning rise and the last day for exams, Ren got up and head out the train and saw Ryuji there as he yawned, "I'm so sleepy. I ended up pullin' an all-nigher once I realized today's the last day of exams." said Ryuji then Morgana pop out of Ren's school bag, "You? Staying up studying?" asked Morgana "Nah, I gave up on the exam. I was playin' some games, then before I knew it, it was morning." said Ryuji "I know how it feels." said Ren "Bull! You say that, but you prolly just spend the whole night studyin'." said Ryuji as Grace, Ann and Daisy all yawned as they walked to the boys, "Morning..." said Daisy "Yo, look who else is yawnin'." said Ryuji "Exams are almost over, so I thought I'd make one last effort across the finish line." said Ann "Impressive, Lady Ann. You're quite different from this stupid monkey I know." said Morgana "Huh? Don't gimme that. Your brain's tiny compared to mine." said Ryuji "Size is meaningless if there's nothing inside, you know." said Morgana "What was that!?" yelled Ryuji "Ugh, will you please be quite!? You're gonna make me forget everything I memo......!?" said Daisy as she looked over her shoulder "Am I imagining things?" asked Daisy as she look over the other side "What's wrong Daisy?" asked Grace "What, you see a groper or something?" asked Ann "No, that's not it. It's.... nothing." said Daisy then the gang grew about Daisy as they walked together out of the train as the boy walked out of the same train with the gang and followed them. The gang when to the excavator and Daisy looked over to see then saw the boy, "Oh my god, that guy got off!" said Daisy as Ren, Grace and Ann looked at what Daisy was seeing "Isn't this bad?" asked Daisy then Ryuji yawn as he stretched then Ann slap his shoulder, "Hey! At least act like you care!" yelled Ann "Fine..... Come on." said Ryuji as he sighed then walked up, "Huh?" asked Daisy as they all follow Ryuji. Then when they were at the streets Daisy stood there backed turned waiting for that boy to come out, the boy walked to the stairs to see Daisy there, he walked to her as he had his hand out then Daisy turned around to see who was following her then the others when behind her as the boy stop at his tracks and looked at them and tilt his head "......?" as he was quite then one piece of his hair fell out, the gang looked at him all confuse "Hey, uh.... are you sure it's him? Or are you just that self-conscious." asked Ryuji Ann slapped his shoulder "Eww!" yelled Ryuji "Rgh, I'm not that...." said Daisy but then the boy cut her off, "Is there something you want?" asked the boy then Daisy got out of the shield of her friends and pointed to him, "That's my line! You were the one following me!" yelled Daisy the boy looked down as he took a deep breath and looked at back at Daisy "Following you...? That's outrageous." said the boy as he fix the one piece string of hair, "I know you've been following me! Ever since the train!" said Daisy "That's because..." said the boy but then a car pulled by and honk it's horn then they all saw a car packed then a window goes down to show an old man "My goodness... I had wondered why you left the car. So this is where your passion led. All is well that ends well. Hahahahaha....." laughed the old man. The boy has dark blue hair with parted bangs slightly covering his left eye, blueish eyes and taller. He wore a winter-variant uniform consists of a white gakuran-style shirt embroidered with a fleur-de-lis, fitted black pants and black loafers. A silver ring that holds multiple keys is attached to his belt loop. "I saw you from the car.... and I couldn't help myself from chasing after you. I didn't even notice the calls from Sensei... But thank goodness, I caught up to you." said the unforeseen boy "Okay..." said Daisy "What?" asked Ryuji "You're the woman I've been searching for all this time! Please, won't you..." said the unforeseen boy but Daisy cut him off "W-Wait a minute, I..." said Daisy but the unforeseen boy cut her off "—Be the model for my next art piece!?" asked the unforeseen boy then all of the gang was confuse on what is happening here, "....Model?" asked Daisy "All that I've drawn till now has been lacking, but I feel a passion from you!" said the unforeseen boy "This man's highly suspicious!" yelled Morgana "Aren't this a recruit for some shady business?" asked Ann "Will you cooperate with me? What do you say?" asked the unforeseen boy then Ryuji gave him a dirty look "Hold your horses! Who're you anyways?" asked Ryuji "Oh, where my manners? I was a second-year at Kosei High's fine arts division but I have graduate. My name is Yusuke Kitagawa." said Yusuke as he bumped Ryuji out of the way and walked to Daisy, "I'm Madarame-sensei's pupil, and I am being allowed residence at his place. I'm striving to become an artist." said Yusuke "Huh!? Do you mean THAT Madarame? The one who was on 'Good Morning Japan' the other day?" asked Daisy "The very same." said Yusuke "You know who that is?" asked Ryuji "He was introduced as a super-famous Japanese-style artist who's been recognized all over the world." said Ann "All over the world? Huh, I have never heard of this Madarame person." said Grace "But we heard that name the other day in Mementos..." said Daisy then they heard the window open again, "Yusuke!" yelled Madarame "I'm sorry, Sensei. I'll be right there!" said Yusuke "That old guy's Madarame?" asked Ryuji then Yusuke walked to Daisy "Madarame-sensei's exhibition will begin at the department store near the station tomorrow. I'll be there to help out on opening day. Please come by. It'd be great if you could give me your answer in regard to being a model then..." said Yusuke then looked at the others and pulled out tickets, "I bet you have no interest in the fine arts, but I'll give you tickets too." said Yusuke as Daisy took the tickets out of Yusuke's hand. "Well then, I hope to see you there tomorrow!" said Yusuke as he smiled to Daisy then he when in the car then it drove off. "That guy's as easy to read as a book..." said Ryuji "You're not planning on going, are you?" asked Ann but Daisy couldn't stop staring at the spot of the car was packed, "Yusuke Kitagawa......." Daisy said underneath her breath then smiled a little. "Daisy?" asked Grace Daisy looked at the gang as she stopped day dreaming, "Oh! Sorry what was the question again?" asked Daisy "Are you planning to go?" asked Grace "....I think I will." smiled Daisy then pulled out her phone to look at the time, "Oh! Look at the time! I'll see you later!" said Daisy as ran to school "Does she love that art dude?" asked Ryuji "It's Yusuke, Ryuji" said Ren "I know that!" said Ryuji as in back of the investigation room; Sae looked at Ren, "You became acquainted with Madarame's pupil by chance? That's a little too convenient. It makes me wonder if you're even telling the truth. So be it. What I want to know most is your method. It's true that Madarame was an unforgivable criminal worthy of the scorn thrown at him. He was an adult who cultivated his own fame and fortune by sacrificing the livelihood of children..... But he'd been covering his tracks for years. How did you uncover the truth in such a short span of time?" asked Sae "In the Metaverse." said Ren "This 'Metaverse' business again? ........Fine. Let's suppose that people's hearts can be changed by stealing their Treasure, like you've said. If so, a different suspicion arises. People have gone mad or lost consciousness, but they're good to recover..... like the subway accident in April. Depending on how you look at it, that could be taken as a phenomenon for a sudden change of heart too.....Were you related to those as well?" asked Sae "I don't know...." said Ren ".....I see." she said as she looked at her watch, "Tch....Fine. Let's get back to Madarame's case. Keep it concise, and stick to the facts." said Sae as Ren he had his head down, back to the present day; Ren, Grace and Ryuji when to school and when to their classroom and started their last day of exams .After school; the gang when to the station "Mmmmmmmm, it's over!" said Ann "It's over...." said Ryuji "I'm happy it's over!" said Daisy "IT'S OVER!" said Grace excitedly "I'm feeling confident." said Ren "You traitor! Anyways, can we stop talkin' about the exams? Like it or not, they're gonna come back graded next week. Rather than focus on stuff that's over with...." said Ryuji as he pulled out his phone and looked at it, "What're you looking at?" asked Ann "The usual site....It's no use. There's ain't any useful info. The number of posts are gettin' less and less too......" said Ryuji as he putted his phone away then Morgana pop out, "I am not letting this end as a one-hit wonder, okay?" said Morgana "There's no point in getting antsy though." said Grace "I know! Why don't we go eat lunch somewhere? We still have some money left over from the other day." said Daisy "I want sushi, then! Or domestic-raised eel." said Ryuji "We don't have THAT much left. Oh right. There are those tickets to Madarame's exhibit! Wait, that's tomorrow, plus we got free tickets!" said Daisy "When I was watching that special on TV, his artwork was pretty nice." said Ann "Beside, this could also be related to what we heard in Mementos." said Grace "....Madarame, was it?" asked Ren "I'm curious too." said Ryuji "Hmmm......?" said Morgana "That aside, what should I do about the other four tickets? Wanna go appreciate some fine arts for once?" asked Daisy as she smiled "Fine arts, huh..." said Ryuji as he didn't said too happy "I suggest we should all go together! Appreciating the fine arts builds character. A phantom thief who can't identify an original is lame." said Morgana "Well, if everyone's going...." sighed Ryuji like he didn't want to go "It's settled then!" said Daisy "It should be fun for my first time to an exhibit." said Grace "Yeah." said Ren "Just the phrase 'going to an art exhibit' sounds kinda mature." said Ann "Let's meet at the exhibit entrance tomorrow." said Daisy as everyone leaved the station, Ren arrived at home then when to his room and got change into his pjs, "Tomorrow we go to that exhibit with Daisy. I'm curious to know if this Madarame has anything to do with the name we heard in Mementos... we can't afford to be late tomorrow." said Morgana as Ren sat down on the bed and his phone rang as he pulled out to see the group chat, "So I keep thinking about what Nakanohara said..... Could he have been talking about the famous artist Madarame?" asked Daisy "That sounds about right." said Grace "Seconded." said Ren "Great. The name really stood out to me....." said Ann "Yeah I mean, you guys ever heard of someone else called Madarame?" asked Ryuji "It's really not that common at all. If what we heard is true, Kitagawa-kun is studying under a corrupt teacher." said Daisy "You mean a teacher who treats people like tools." said Ann "Kitagawa-kun's life is probably pretty terrible..." said Ryuji "We got to look into this." said Ren as they all put their phone away and head to bed.

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