MEDJED declares war!

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        Back at the present day; the morning rolled in as Ren and Grace got up and got changed into regular clothes and headed downstairs to see Sojiro at the counter, "Hey, do you two don't mind helping me out in the cafe for me?" asked Sojiro "Sure, dad." said Ren "Sure thing, Boss!" said Grace "Oh!? I know that people call me Boss but you can just call me, Sojiro." he said as Ren and Grace walked in to the kitchen and helped out Sojiro in the cafe. Sojiro was teaching Grace on how to make coffee while Ren was doing the dishes, "Hey son, can you check the ingredients in the fridge." asked Sojiro Ren nodded as he when to the fridge then Sojiro's phone rang, "Hang on for a sec there Grace, I just need to get this call." said Sojiro as he pulled his phone and answered it then Grace stopped what she was doing "Hey, what's up? Huh? It's not right? .....Not cute? That was the one the staff recommended to me though..... Won't that printer do? Huh? It'll do, but it's not it? ......Okay, I'll be right over." said Sojiro as he hung up and putted his phone away then sighed, "Son, this might take a while.... I'm leaving the store to you guys. Lock up for me, if I don't come back." said Sojiro "Got it dad. Oh, and tell sis I said hey." said Ren "Okay, and I will. Sheesh, she's a handful...." said Sojiro as he walked out of the counter and walked away. Both Ren and Grace looked at the tv to see the news, "......And that concludes the tastes news on the suspect Kaneshiro who spammed all people of Shibuya. This case is said to be a result of the Phantom Thieves' actions, but what do you think?" asked the TV reporter "We don't know their methods, but I believe they are a menace that will threaten this law-abiding country." said a pundit "I see. You're absolutely correct." said the TV reporter then these tow elderly customers looked over at Ren and Grace, "I wonder what's going on. Didn't this happen a little while ago too? Who was it again? You know, that famous artist...." asked the elderly female customer "Ah, Madarame, was it?" asked the elderly male customer "They punished those awful people, didn't they? The Phantom Thieves aren't at fault then." said the elderly female customer "That may be true, but...." said the elderly male customer but the elderly female cut him off, "Deary and Sunshine, don't you two think so too? The Phantom Thieves aren't doing anything wrong, are they?" asked the elderly female customer "Probably not." said Ren "Ya, they're not." said Grace "Well, I think they're doing good. Oh my, look at the time. We should probably head home." said the elderly female customer "Ah, you're right. Thanks for the drink." said the elderly male customer as they got up paid and lefted as Ren took the cups and washed and Grace took a rag and wiped down the table to make all clean. Back at the Director's office, the SIU was sitting down while having a phone call, "Yes. I've received the reports on Kaneshiro's case. But to think the Phantom Thieves would honestly attempt as absurd idea like social reform.... You're absolutely right. I'm not pleased about the general public's support of them either. There's also the danger of the Metaverse being exposed with their continued actions..... Actually, there is one countermeasure he brought in that seems useable. It involves having the Phantom Thieves destroy themselves without our direct t intervention..... We'll set things up so that those case occurrences are their doing. ......Ah, I thought as much. I had a feeling that it was too brutal for it to be his own idea. Still, to think you'd go through such elaborate detail to crush them..... Their actions must be that much of an eyesore for you. I sympathize with what you're going through. Well then, we'll clean this up quickly and put it behind us. Yes. A grand undertaking like social reform is beyond a group such as the Phantom Thieves. Only a select few are worthy of changing the world. And who better than the future Primer Minister..... sir?" asked the SIU directer. Back at Leblanc, Ren and Grace were at the counter waiting for people to come until Ren's phone rang he pulled it out to see a call from Ryuji, so he picked it up, "Hey, it's me! Where you at? Whatcha doin'?" asked Ryuji "It's a secret." said Ren "Pffft! Don't be such an ass! I bet you're at home with Grace, right?" asked Ryuji "Yeah." said Ren "Were gonna come over right now about the you-know-what. Seeya!" said Ryuji as he hung up so Ren and Grace cleaned up the cafe and waited for the gang to come. Then the door opened and the gang arrived, "'Sup? Were here to hang out." said Ryuji "That's not why we're here! We need to study for finals!" said Daisy then Makoto sighed, "Why am I here too?" asked Makoto "You're one of us now, so of course you gotta help us. We're in trouble if you don't teach us, you know?" said Ryuji "That's right" said Morgana "Even you're saying such things?" asked Makoto "Let's leave those guys be....." said Ann as Makoto sighed then she looked at Leblanc "I couldn't ask the last time I was here.... But what is this place? The storekeeper doesn't seem to be around...." said Makoto "It's where this guy lives and the storekeeper is his dad." said Ryuji as he pointed to Ren as Makoto was shocked to hear that "Me, Ann, him, Grace, Dais and Yusuke are pretty much the same, too. I mean these shitty adult to do the effin' want while the weak are left to stuffer. There's just something we can't ever put up with. That's why we all because Phantom Thieves." said Ryuji "Hey, don't forget me." said Morgana angrily "Don't worry Morgana, We're all part of the team." said Grace as she petted Morgana "By the way, Makoto, isn't there someone you can't forgive either?" asked Daisy "......That's a secret." said Makoto "Ooh, there's someone like that? You could just tell us, you know. You don't gotta be so cold." said Ryuji "That aside, do you have any intention of studying for exams?" asked Daisy "Not really...." said Ryuji "Then it's fine if I leave then?" asked Makoto "No, no, I'm just joking! Please teach us....." said Ryuji as they all when to the table together and when through their textbooks, "Hmm, what was this term? It's 'phobia,' so it's a fear of some kind...." said Makoto "I think it's a fear of open spaces. You don't hear it that often, though." said Daisy as Makoto looked at Daisy amaze, "Leave vocabulary and long sentences to me." said Daisy as she smiled then Ryuji huffed at his work, "Even if we study English, it's not like I'm gonna use it in the future." huffed Ryuji "When it comes to you, your Japanese is questionable too, Ryuji." said Morgana "Aw, shuddup!" yelled Ryuji "Explain the writer's feelings....? What point is there in that?" asked Ann "It's impossible! I can't memorize all these formulas..... Ain't here a good way of cheatin'?" huffed Ryuji ".....Why don't we take a break?" asked Grace as everyone took they're break but Yusuke who was sketching the news came back on so everyone looked at the tv screen, ".....And that was the follow-up report on the suspect Kaneshiro. Now, Akechi-san...." said the TV reporter as that got everyone's attention to the screen "This case is said to be the result of the Phantom Thieves' actions, but in actuality, is this true?" asked the TV reporter "Considering how a calling card was scattered about, I believe there's no mistaking that. The question is what the Phantom Thieves actually did. It casts doubt on the authenticity of any confession." said Goro "Is the Phantom Thieves are fabricating crimes that may not exist?" asked the TV reporter "We can't deny the possibility. There's no doubt that the Phantom Thieves are exposing hidden injustices in society. However, if this done by sidestepping the law, their way of thinking is very dangerous." said Goro "So in a way, they're outlaws." said the TV reporter "Yes. This can't be overlooked." said Goro "I see." said the TV reporter as the gang looked at each, "'I see.' my ass. Why the hell're we bein' treated as the bad guys?" asked Ryuji as he was fired up "Just let them say whatever they want. More people are starting to understand that what were doing is right, after all." said Ann "When I'm walkin' around in town, I hear a lot more people talkin' about us too. And the forum's been full of hype! Do you think we made it big time?" asked Ryuji "Don't get pompous over that. Save it for after we deal with bigger target." said Morgana "We just gotta take down a bigger one, yeah? That was the plan from the start, anyways!" said Ryuji "True, it may be best if we start thinking about it." said Daisy "I bet we'll find one in no time. The wind's blowin' in our direction and everything! I feel like we won't lose to anything right now." said Ryuji all confident "Well, we'll decide on that eventually. We need to overcome our exams first." said Grace "Now then, break time's over! Let's get back to....." said Makoto but Ryuji cut her off "That reminds me—the celebration party. Weren't we gonna do it after exams?" asked Ryuji "Yes, I believe so." said Ryuji "Where should we go? I feel like I'll study better if I got something to look forward to." said Ryuji "The last one was a buffet at a hotel. We haven't gone anywhere since." said Daisy then the word 'buffet' got Yusuke's attention, "....Hm? A buffet!?" said Yusuke excited "Yeah! It was so good, too!" said Daisy as she smiled to Yusuke "Where would be good?" asked Grace as she thinked "Hey, what about fireworks!? A fireworks festival!" said Ann "Oh yeah, it's that season, huh!" said Ryuji "That sounds good to me." said Makoto "It's hard to ignore a buffet. Still, I ask if we feast durning the festival as well." said Yusuke "Do you guys own a yukata? Will you wear a yukata!?" asked Morgana happily "A yukata? No, I don't not sorry." said Grace "Same here." said Daisy "Don't worry, girls! We're going shopping for yukata's!" said Ann as the girls nodded happily and started to chat away "Doesn't a firework festival sound good? You think so too, right?" asked Ryuji "It's a great idea." said Ren "Alright, fireworks festival it is! Let's look for a good one!" said Ryuji "Study comes first, though. I won't let you off if you fail any of them. Are we clear?!" asked Makoto "Y-Yes, ma'ma...." said Ryuji as he was sacred, then in this girl room, she was sitting on her gaming chair with her computer's on and had her headphone's on her ear, then she heard; Ryuji and Makoto's voices as she giggled and typed away in her keyboard. Back at Leblanc; the gang said they're goodbyes and headed back home, as for Grace and Ren when went straight to bed.

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