Jail of Arrogant: Closed

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      The next day Ren when downstair, "Here you go breakfast" said Sojiro as he placed the meal down Ren nod as he sat down then was eating fast, "Woo, slow down son, are you in a hurry?" asked Sojiro Ren looked at him and nodded as he looked at the time on his phone then stopped eating as he drank his water then ran out "Oh boy" said Sojiro as he smiled then took his plate; Ren ran to the school and saw the gang waiting for him, "dude you're late!" yelled Ryuji "We were eating!" said Morgana as he popped out of the bag "So what do we do now?" asked Daisy "We just pulled out the Navigation App and put in the keywords then we're at his Palace" said Ann as they put in the keywords and entered the Metaverse.

         "Oh yeah, you need a code name" said Ryuji "Oh code name?" asked Daisy "Yeah! I'm Panther, this is Violet, Joker, Mona and Skull" said Ann Daisy looked at them all confuse, "Oh! Oh! I got it! Shoulder Pads!" said Ryuji "Ya no!" said Daisy "What about Spike?" asked Ann "Spike? I like it" said Daisy "Okay, from here on out your Spike!" said Morgana as they head out in the Jailhouse. "So this is what my Unlce's heart is like?" asked Daisy was they walk around the until they found a map and only one map of the Jailhouse, "So here we are and here's the Treasure" said Morgana "Treasure?" asked Daisy "Yes its the core of the Palace ruler's desire" said Ren "Yes, let's find it" said Ryuji as they ran to the hall of the Jail, "Woo! Are those....cells?" asked Ann "Ya..." said Ryuji as they push on. When they arrived at the officer's office Daisy pushed on the door but nothing happened, "Why is this not openin'!?" asked Ryuji as he kept on pushed on the door but still won't open "Guys looked it's has some pad lock, we need some code to get in" said Morgana Daisy looked at the 4-digit code, "Can I try to crack the code?" asked Daisy "Sure go ahead Spike" said Grace as Daisy when to the pad lock and start putting in the code then the door opened, "What! For real!?" said Ryuji as he was all shock "How did you know Spike?" asked Ann "When I saw the 4-digit code I realize that it's my birthday" said Daisy as they when and saw the misty thing floating, "So is this the Treasure?" asked Daisy "Yes, once we send out the calling card then we take the Treasure" said Morgana as they return to the real world, "Can I make the card calling?" asked Daisy "But I wanna to do it" said Ryuji but then Ann rolled her eyes, "Sure Daisy go right ahead" said Ann as they head out. Ren and Grace walked home, "Oh Ren?" asked Grace "Yes Grace?" said Ren "I really loved our first date and I was wondering if we can go on a date after the change of heart of Mr. Williams?" asked Grace "Sure!" said Ren as he walked her home then he when back home.

        The morning came, at after school Mr. Williams walked to the hallway to see a bunch of calling cards, "Sir Rob Williams of the selfish of arrogant, you think you can do want to other students but we will steal your twisted desires from you tomorrow I hope you'll ready, From the Phantom Thieves..... Who in the heck did this!?!" yelled Vice Principle Williams as they saw the gang there as he walked, "Well hello Mr Vice Principle" said Ryuji "Was it you punks!?!" yelled Vice Principle Williams "What was that!? Huh!!? Huh!!?" said Ryuji but Ann pulled him back, "Whatever! Dasiy come!" yelled Vice Principle Williams "No!" said Daisy "What was that young girl!" "I said no!" said Daisy as the school around them turned this pinkish red then when black to only show Ren, Grace, Ann, Ryuji, Daisy and Shadow Williams, "Come and try to steal my Treasure you petty Thieves!" yelled Shadow Williams then the background around then when back to normal then he walked off and took the calling card off the walls and ripped them in half. "Looks like it our time to head out guys" said Daisy as they walk off to the back ally of outside of the school and when to the Metaverse. "Our only objective here to get the Treasure! Let's head out!" said as they ran to the Treasure room but then stood Shadow Williams with a wicked smile "You think you can come to my Jailhouse and change my heart!?" asked Shadow Williams as he held onto his Treasure "I'm tired of your smart mouth! Head over your Treasure!" said Daisy "Well you have to defeat me then!" said Shadow Williams as he transform into this robot version of himself but he had these wings to help him to stay afloat "I am the law of Justice! And petty Thieves will be defeated!" said Shadow Williams "Incoming guys!" said Morgana. They fought the long fight with Shadow Williams then he fell down and transformed back to himself "Why can't I win.... the power... I'm sorry that I had treated you like this Daisy" said Shadow Williams "Confess everything please" said "I will..." he said as he tossed the Treasure and he disappeared the cells started to fall off, "We got to go!" yelled Morgana as they quickly ran out of the Palace.

        "The destination has been deleted." said the Metaverse Navigator "So we change his heart?" asked Daisy "Yes but we have to wait for tomorrow to see and find out" said Morgana then Daisy saw the badge but it wasn't a badge no more but it was a family photo, "Uncle..." said Daisy as she held it close to her, "Is that picture of your family?" asked Grace "Yes, before he was the school's Vice Principle he was the kindest person ever but I guess the power got through him" said Daisy "Well, all we got to do is wait for that change of heart" said Ann as they walked out. The next day, they all waited for the changed of heart then when after school came Vice Principle Williams putted the announcements on, "I have something to say.... I have done something as an Uncle and a Vice Principle to a student.... I am a selfish person no more then that my own family would not be proud of.... Please forgive me!" cried Vice Principle Williams as the announcements went off and the gang when up to the school roof top, "So he did changed," said Daisy "Yes he did! And your apart of our team too!" said Ann "Yes, but like me help u guys, since my Uncle is the Vice Principle I can get us extra time after school" said Daisy "Sure, it's a deal" said Morgana; back in the investigation room Sae looked at Ren, "Usually a normal student would go home after school but you most had someone to get you more time after school, who was it!?" asked Sae back at the present; "I wouldn't let you guys down!" said Daisy "Alright see you guys tomorrow after school here okay!" said Ryuji as they one nodded and left to go home.

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