Madarame's Museme

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         The next morning rises, Ren woke up and got changed to his school uniform and ran to the train and hop onto a train, a young man sighed, "I don't wanna go to work today...." said a young man "You still working at that beef bowl place on Central Street? I thought you liked that place 'cause the pay was good. What happened?" asked a caring young friend "Sure, the pay's fine, but I'm only one there at night. That job again said it was a 'fun, friendly workplace.' Maybe I should just quit...." sighed a young man as the train stopped and Ren arrived to school, then was Ren walked up to the score board Grace looked at her score and sighed, "Oh, our grades are out. How'd you do?" asked a female student "Damm.... I'm dead...." said a male student "Phew! I'm above the average. That's the real dividing line. My allowance is safe for now.... " said another female student "Oh! Ren, what score did you get?" asked Grace Ren looked at the board, "I finished a little higher than the average score." said Ren "Amazing! I just got the average score." said Grace "Hm... Well, it should set a good example to Ryuji." said Morgana as they both walked to their classroom as the teachers did they lessons and the bell rang for after school, "We need to start inviting Yusuke to the hideout meetings now. Our fight's not over until the exhibit ends. Keep your head in the game." said Morgana as they all when to the hideout. "Yusuke, we still need to explain the basics to you, don't we?" asked Morgana "Oh, you mean about the Metaverse and the Nav. Yeah, I guess that stuff is pretty important." said Daisy "Please elaborate." said Yusuke "Okay, let's start from the beginning. First, the Metaverse spots where we act as the Phantom Theives are called Palaces. Palaces are worlds that take form from someone's cognition.... A materialization of their reality." said Morgana "So do we each hold Palaces within ourselves as well?" asked Yusuke "No, not just anyone will have one. It's primarily those with strong distorted desires." said Morgana "They gotta be criminals. Real bad ones like Kamoshida, Mr. Williams or Madarame." said Morgana "On the other hand, Palaces CAN'T exist within Persona-users. Basically, your Persona is the true feelings of your heart, which arise from accepting your inner Shadow." said Morgana "S-So that's how it works....." said Grace "O-Obviously I knew that....!" said Ann "Oh yeah, and we use the Mateverse Nav app on our phones to get into that world!" said Ryuji "It's actually pretty simple. Just say a person's name, location, and distortion, then you're in." said Daisy "Location....?" asked Yusuke "So like Madarame's would be 'shack,' then his distortion is that he thinks it's a 'museum.'" said Daisy "How do you know what their Palace is going to look like if you have never set foot in it before.....?" asked Yusuke "That part's kinda like a quiz or something. It'll prolly get pretty tricky from here on out too." said Ryuji "Hm, I feel as though I have a good grasp on the basic concepts. If anything arises which I fail to understand, I'll rely on those more experienced than myself." said Yusuke "Yeah! I gotcha covered, newbie!" said Ryuji "Uh.... You should probably ask Morgana if you need anything." said Ann "Thinking back to Madarame though.... I can't believe he'd consider pressing charges." said Morgana "Yes, I've never seen him show such anger before. He is most likely quite serious about that." said Yusuke "What should we do...? There's no way we'll be able to win if that happens." said Daisy "He likes won't act on that treat until the final day of the exhibit: June 5th. Simply put, I doubt he would be so foolish as to taint his name with a trail during his exhibition." said Yusuke "Alright, so we just gotta steal Madarame's heart by then." said Daisy "There's no way we're going to let him press charges.... We'll show people who his really is!" yelled Ryuji as they entered to the Palace. "Oh yeah. We haven't decided on the new recruit's code name, yet." said Morgana everyone looked at Morgana "It has to be 'Kitsune.' You know, wth that kitsune mask and everything." said Daisy "Heck yeah. That really leaves an impression." said Ryuji "Are you talking about me?" asked Yusuke "What do you want your name over here to be?" asked Daisy "I'd say 'De Vinci.'" said Yusuke then Ryuji looked at him like he wasn't liking the name, "Nope! Well, you've got that mask like Daisy said.... And there that weird tail..... Alright! You're Abura-age!" yelled Ryuji excitedly like it was the best code name in the word then Morgana started to laugh "Very well." said Yusuke as he held his shoulder and rolled his head "He's agreed to it!?" shocked Morgana "It's decided then! Abura-age!" said Ryuji happily as for once someone agreed to his 'code names' not like the last time with the girls' code names. "Nuh-uh! Not happening!" said Daisy as she gave another look at Yusuke's outfit, "Oh! I got it! How about Fox?" asked Daisy "Ohhh, just keep it literal, huh." said Ann "Sounds good to me." said Ryuji "What so you think, Fox?" asked Morgana "It's acceptable. May I ask what our your code names?" asked Yusuke "Skull!" said Ryuji "Mona." said Morgana "Joker." said Ren "Violet." said Grace "Panther!" said Ann "Spikes." said Daisy "Spikes.... I like it, and thank you." said Yusuke "Not a problem. Let's go." said Ryuji as they nod and head out to the Central Garden and ran to the where the big door was still open, "Sweet, the security's still down!" said Ryuji excitedly the Daisy sighed, "Thanks to all my hard work." said Daisy then Yusuke looked confused "....What do you mean by that?" asked Yusuke "Don't worry about it. C'mon, let's keep going!" said Ryuji was they walked inside the Treasure Hall Lounge was they walked to the hall until Ren stopped at the stand and saw another piece of brochure of the maps, "Ooh, do you think that could be another pamphlet!? Let's take it with us, Joker!" said Grace was Ren took the brochure and took out the others and piece it together. "Hey, aren't this pamphlet different from the one we got before?" asked Ann "You're right. It says it's the second out of two." said Morgana "Oh, and it has the rest of the map! Now we can use it to figure out where the Treasure is, right?" asked Daisy "I suspect it's in the innermost point of this place. If that's the case.... The most suspicious spot seems like this is main hall here." said Morgana pointing on the map "Hm, we will need to pass through the lounge and the gallery in order to reach it...." said Yusuke "The deeper in we go, the tighter security's going to be. We need to advance carefully, okay?" said Morgana as everyone nodded their head and head off. They walked to the enter point in the gallery until they saw more lasers, they came to a compete stop "It feel like I might touch them accidentally.... Let's be careful as we go through here, okay?" said Grace as they carefully watch their backs and entered to the other side of the hallway then Ren noticed something; a strong Security Shadow Guard standing there guarding the control room, "H-Hey, there's a strong-lookin' one over there! We've seen that kind before...." said Ryuji all nervous "His stance conveys the notion that he is no ordinary foe." said Yusuke "I think the control room's behind him. He's probably guarding it to make sure nobody gets too close." said Daisy "However, we'll need to disarm the security if we want to ensure we have a safe infiltration route. Forcing our way through seems to be our only option.... Hey, are you ready to do this?" asked Morgana "Let's go." said Ren as they came close to the Security Shadow, "Hm!? Who are you!? How did you get in here!?" yelled the Security Shadow "Step aside." said Ren "You expect me to move just because you tell me to!? I'm afraid you're sorely mistaken!" yelled the Security Shadow as it transformed into his blue guy with eagle wings; so it was battle time. The gang threw the every bit of power in them to fight of Monk of the Valley then Ryuji threw a Headbutt to it then it disappeared, then Security Shadow dropped a card of some sort, 'Media' but it was only one though, "Phew, that guy was tough..... you guess that's just par for course in a Palace...." said Ryuji huffing "It really was on a totally different level from the other enemies though...." said Daisy "Hm, he dropped some sort of card." said Yusuke as Ren picked it up, "What's this for? I've never seen anything like it...." asked Morgana "Is it just some kind of loot?" asked Grace "C'mon, let's get back to explorin'." said Ryuji as they head in to the control room "It appears this is the control room for the security....." said Yusuke "Sweet! Let's turn that stuff off already!" said excitedly as they found the only computer open as Ren was about to turn off the security the Terminal turned on, "Please input the password." said the Terminal "Ugh, another one......?" asked Ryuji "We'll just have to look for someone else who might know it..." said Morgana as they head out of the control room and walked to the long hallway until they reached to the gated walls and heard a two Shadows talked to each other so the gang knew this was they golden opportunity to know or what's the password as they hide in plain site, "I hear the intruders already got past the central garden security...." said the Trailing Guard Shadow "Yeah. I just got a call earlier it change the password here too..." said the Leading Guard Shadow "What to? It better not be simple." said the Trialing Guard Shadow "Well, I was having some trouble coming up with a good one.... For now, I set it to the numbers for Lord Madarame's feet." said the Leading Guard Shadow "Lord Madarame's feet? What are you talking about?" asked the Trailing Guard Shadow "Let's get back on duty. There's a chance the intruders are nearby." said the Leading Guard Shadow as the gang walked about the standing area near the gallery of the Treasure Lounge, Madarame's feet? What is that supposed to mean?" asked Grace "Maybe... his she size?" asked Daisy "Yo, Fox. You know his shoe size?" asked Ryuji "Unfortunately, I have never heard him mention it. Are we sure that is the proper password...?" asked Yusuke "Madarame's feet.... What do you think that could mean...?" asked Morgana "The golden statue of him in the front of the Treasure Lounge." said Ren as they all ran to the Treasure Lounge. When they got there was a giant Madarame statue and plaque, "There's something written here...." said Ann "'Here we praise our most holy lord Ichiryusai Madarame, the one ray of hope in this depraved world.'" said Grace "'He stands alone at his two adept hands paints into the future. None shall ever match his excellence.'" said Morgana "Pffffft! He's really puffin' his chest out here, ain't he...?" said Ryuji all annoyed "Hold on a moment.... Could this be the spot of 'Madarame's feet' that the security guard mentioned?" asked Yusuke "It's at his feet.... Oh right! But isn't the password supposed to be a number of some kind?" asked Ann all confused "Hm, I do believe there are numbers here though...." said Daisy as she got a closer looked at the words on the plaque "Here! 'One' ray of hope stands 'alone' with 'two adept hands.' 'None' shall match him.... That means..." said Daisy "The password is 1120." said Yusuke "Yeah, that must be it!" said Morgana "Sweet! Let's head back ad shut down the security!" yelled Ryuji as they all nodded and head on back to the Control Room and when to the computer, "Alright, let's try that password we found!" said Morgana excitedly as Ren typed in 1120 on the computer, "Password accepted...... Disengaging security protocol..." said the Terminal as all the lasers except the one that was blocking the entrance of the other room and the bars gates opened the area opened up as well. "Whoa... That opened all sorts of stuff..." said Grace "We'll definitely be able to go to more places now! Come on, let's get moving!" said Morgana as left the walked to the other side of the gallery three big painters on the wall "What a giant painting...." said Daisy "Indeed. It bears such bizarre texture as well. It's as though I could simple slip inside...." said Yusuke as he touched the painting but then something bizarre happened when Yusuke hand touched it, it was like his hand slip through the painting but then he pulled it back all in shocked, "Wh-What the-!?" said Yusuke all shocked "What happened?" asked Ann "Are you okay?" asked Ren "M-My hand.... It actually entered the painting...." said Yusuke "So we can go inside of it....? Well, I don't see any other path for us to take. Let's give it a try!" said Morgana as they all entered inside of the painting then they heard a familiar voice, Madarame's; "How dare you trample on my tranquil bamboo garden with those grimy feet! You shall not leave alive!" yelled Madarame's voice "What the heck was that...!?" yelled Ryuji "We're probably just hearing Madarame's thoughts. There's no need to panic." said Morgana "Madarame...." said Yusuke as they continue going on the path of the painting until they arrived to the second painting, "Oh... We're in another painting..." said Daisy "Hm.... So this space is not merely one, but a multitude of paintings." said Yusuke "....You're tellin' me they're all connected? Which one goes where?" asked Ryuji "That, we will have to continue on walking to find out...." said Yusuke as they walked then jumped out of the painting and back to this platform, "So he dears call us thieves who dirty his heart.... The one who has sullied the very nature of art itself has no right to accuse us of such a thing....!" said Yusuke "Save your emotions for later. We have to keep moving!" said Morgana as they found a vent and they crawled through it, "Hey, don't go starin' at my butt." said Ryuji towards Ann "What are you talking about Skull?" asked Yusuke "Hey, I am NOT Skull!" yelled Ann as they jumped out of the vent and landed to the other room and continue on walking to the next room in the Museum. They arrived to the this long big gallery of painting hanging on the wall; the Treasure Hall Gallery.

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