Castle of Lust: Seized

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       In the morning Ren got ready for school ate breakfast and when inside the train, "There was this overseas drama on TV last night. I only started watching partway through, but now I'm totally hooked. I wanna start watching form the beginning now. I wonder if there's anyway I can borrow season one..." said the laid-back College Student "How about the rental shop on Central Street? If you become a yearly member, you can borrow as many DVDs as you want." said the shallow College Student "Oh? They're a pretty big chain, so they probably have it. Thanks, I'll stop by later." said the laid-back College Student then Morgana shaken the bag, "The video rental shop on Central Street... Oh, they must mean that giant building right in front of the book store. Being able to borrow as much as you want sounds tempting. Let's check it out when we have the time." said Morgana as the train came to a stop and they got off to go school, as Ren was walking Grace ran to check up to Ren, "Morning!" said Grace "Good morning Grace" he said with a smile as she smile back, "I still feel a little tired form all that hard work, how about you?" asked Grace "Same but good" said Ren "Wow! That's good! So we found the Treasure, so all that's left is to send the calling card." "Let's send the calling card" "Okay we'll be at the hideout" said Grace as they walked to school. When the school bell rang for end of class Ren got up and walked to the hideout as Morgana popped out of his bag a little bit, "Sending the calling card is a make-or-break. I'm sure both Lady Ann, Grace and Ryuji are uneasy, too." said Morgana as he when to Central Street to get some stuff for the stealing the Treasure ahead then he saw the door to The Velvet Room, come to think of it... Ren did remember Igor saying that 'return here whenever you wish. It shall be of your own accord...' as he walked to the back alley of the street to see the Twins, Justine and Caroline. Ren was surprised to see the Twins here in the real world "Hey, Inmate!" yelled Caroline "Our master awaits. Please come this way." said Justine as the door aglow light blue and opened by itself Ren walked slowly to the door and studied it but then Caroline walked behind Ren, kicked him in the butt with her foot to cost him to stumbling inside the door as Justine just watch. As he arrived in The Velvet Room he slowly walked to the cell bars and held onto it and looked at his outfit that was still a prison uniform and still had the cuffs on his hands and still had the ball of chain on is one foot, "So you've come. How does it feel slipping into the unusual from your usual life?" asked Igor "Our master has arranged an access point to assist you in coming here directly form the real world." said Justine "That door you just went through is it! Be thankful, Inmate!" yelled Caroline "This too shall aid in your rehabilitation. Make good use of it." said Igor as Ren return back to the back ally of Central Street as he return back to school and when to the rooftop of the school to see Ryuji, Ann and Grace waiting for him, Morgana got of the bag, "Alright! All that's left now is to send the out the calling card and take Kamoshida's heart!" said Morgana "Couldn't we have just sent one at the beginnin' of all this...?" asked Ryuji "It's not that simple. A Treasure won't stay materialized forever. Once the impression is gone, the Treasure will disappear. I think it'll last around a day, at most." said Morgana "The heck...? That's like no time at all... Anyways, we can send a callin' card right now, yeah? Let's do it and steal his heart!" said Ryuji "The Palace will go away once we take the Treasure." said Morgana "Okay, let's send the calling card." said Ren "I've been waitin' to hear you say that! Tomorrow's finally the day." said Ryuji "So we send the calling card in the morning... and carry out the plan by the end of the day, right?" asked Ann "Correct. The effect won't last that long....Are you worried?" asked Morgana "Heh. Waited too long." said Grace "Prefect." said Morgana "We're going to pull this off, no matter what!" said Ann "So, who's going to write the card?" asked Morgana "Leave it to me!" said Ryuji excitedly "Why?" asked Ann "Why...? Why wouldn't it be me!?" said Ryuji "This is important. Are you sure you can handle the pressure?" asked Ann "Ya?" said Grace "I must agree." said Morgana "I really wanna get him good! Lemme write it... C'mon, please?" said Ryuji as he was looking at Ren for the answer "Alright then" said Ren Ryuji gave him a high five, "Yeah, I got this!" said Ryuji all happy "Hey, are you sure about this? If they find out our identities, all this work will be for nothing..." said Ann "I know, I know!" said Ryuji "Alright, then! Tomorrow it is! You'd better not slack off on this." said Morgana "I don't!" said Grace was they all head home for the day, Ren finally arrive at home, "Well, whether you like it or not, the real battle begins tomorrow. Better be sure you'er prepared, okay?" said Morgana then his phone rang he pulled dit out to see the group chat, "Man, there's so much I wanna write on the calling card. It's kinda tough figuring out what to say." said Ryuji "Are you sure you're really capable of this!?" said Grace "Don't worry. I got it. I even made a logo for us." said Ryuji "....A logo?" asked Ann all confuse "Yup. You'll get to see it tomorrow." said Ryuji "Well that's worrying..." said Ann "Anyways, you guys should rest up." said Ren " Ya, if we screw up tomorrow, we're totally done for." said Ryuji "Morgana wanted to say that he's counting on us guys." said Ren "Yup, I'm sure we can do this." said Grace "Just remember, we can't trust any rotten adults. That's why we gotta so this ourselves. Anyways, let's pull this off and surprise everyone!" said Ryuji "Ya, let's do this guys" said Ren as he putted his phone away as he when upstairs to his room got came to his pjs then when and lay down on bed and fall asleep.

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