Crow Joins the Team and Sae's Casino

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          The next morning came as Ren and Grace got up and dress in their school outfits and came downstairs to see Sojiro sitting on the chair watching the news, "That concludes the speech given by Representative Masayoshi Shido, who may be forming a new party." said the newscaster as Sojiro huffed at the word, 'Masayoshi Shido' "We now resume our coverage of the Phantom Thieves, the suspects for Mr. Okumura's death and others. The police have designated the Phantom Thieves as the country's most wanted fugitives.... And have decided to reward anyone with information leading to the capture of the Phantom Thieves." said the newscaster as Sojiro looked at Ren and Grace, "Look." said Sojiro "Those who provide information will be offered a reward of thirty million yen...... And considering the high amount, it shows how extraordinary the situation has become. Reward money will be supplied by the police and the families of the victims, further...." said the newscaster as Sojiro cut it off, "If I report you to the police and they arrest you, I supposedly get thirty million yen for it." said Sojiro "That's insane...." said Ren "I hope you understand the situation you're in. Even people who didn't have an interest before will be on the lookout for the Phantom Thieves. And it'll happen every day, even at school.....Why did this happened?" asked Sojiro "I didn't know it would." said Ren "I see..... Well, how do I put this.....? I'm sorry I didn't realize it. It's also my responsibility that this happened. All I can do now is give you support. Just don't become desperate and do something reckless, alright?" asked Sojiro "Believe in me, dad." said Ren "I won't sell you out. As long as you're here, there's nothing to worry about." said Sojiro "I feel bad about what we've done to the chief. I'm responsible too." said Morgana sadly as they head out to school. At the SIU Director's office; the SIU Director was on the phone with someone, "Did you see that reward? Perhaps we put too much pressure on them. With this, the Phantom Thieves have become public enemy number one. Exactly.....That will be when their curtain falls." chuckled the SIU Director. At school; Ren and Grace were sitting down on their chair listening on the teacher's lesson as their phones ring, they pull out to the group chat, "Yo, you see the news?" asked Ryuji "I had braced myself for this possibility...." said Yusuke "Actually having a wanted notice out for us feels kinda weird....." said Daisy "I'm not sure we're gonna get away this time." said Futaba "Our backs are truly against the wall now." said Grace "But discussing it here won't do us any good though." said Daisy "Let's talk more in person." said Makoto as they put their phones away and continue on listen to the lesson. After the school was over the gang immediately head upstairs to Ren and Grace's room and they all fall silent, "We're 'wanted' now....." said Grace "And the reward's thirty million yen? What is this, a comic book?" asked Daisy "Haha, it feels so unrealistic, I can't help but laugh....." said Ryuji "We're finally being treated as actual criminals......" said Ann "I'm positive now..... Remember all of those what-ifs me and Daisy mentioned before? All of this was truly set up." said Makoto "How President Okumura ranked first, the fad before that, even Medjed..... It was all to make the Phantom Thieves famous. On top of that, we were lured to target Okumura....." said Daisy "Yeah.... The enemy like planned to lay the blame on us from the start, after we gained popularity." said Morgana "Then, what about everything we've done until now? Are the people whose hearts we changed and thought were corrupt actually not?" asked Ann "No. Because me, Yusuke and Makoto, my uncle, Madarame and Kaneshiro cases were coincidental....... Wasn't that the case with Kamoshida too? Considering what happened with the rankings, only the previous target would have been used to lure us....." said Daisy "What a cheap trick to use....." said Ryuji "Cheap? It's nothing of the sort.... There's the fake Medjed and the site's altercation. They might have even engineered the fad around us. So much time and effort has been put into this..... President Okumura probably wasn't their only target." said Makoto "Perhaps they intend to place all blame of past and future incidents on our group....." said Daisy as everyone was shocked then Yusuke looked at Ryuji "....That's why I said we shouldn't jump into things so carelessly, Ryuji!" said Yusuke Ryuji gave Yusuke a dirty look, "What, so this is my fault!? And there was that ting with Noah at the time. How're we s'posed to ignore that, huh!?" yelled Ryuji ".....I'm sorry. This was all because I one-sidedly decide that my Boss was a criminal. All I could think about was my place as an employee was at risk because of Nate. If I had only been able to cope with it more calmly....." said Noah sadly "Noah...." said Makoto "It's not Noah's fault. I should've spoken up too when Principal Kobayakawa died!" said Ann then Ryuji punched the couch with his fist, "Dammit!" yelled Ryuji as he continue on punching the couch, "This is bullshit! God!! Rgh, fu—Raaaaaaaaaagh!!!!!!" yelled Ryuji "Ryuji! Taking out your frustration on things doesn't help anyone!" said Ann "Hey sweetie, what do you think? ....Why did we lose? What did we do wrong?" asked Grace worriedly "We lost sight of our goal." said Ren "It's probably because..... we weren't acting like ourselves." said Morgana ".....Agreed. At the time, we only cared about the opinion of the general public." said Yusuke "Yeah.... that really is it." said Daisy "I'm sorry if I caused the problem to guys, if I had done what I was took none of this would happened. I'm such an idiot! I became a phantom thief because I hated those same kinds of adults!" cried Grace then Daisy came to her and hugged her, "It's not your fault Grace." said Daisy "We were meant to be the righteous Phantom Thieves, but we lost sight of our original cause....." said Noah sadly "I'm so irritated with myself!" said Makoto "Makoto...." said Futaba "Dammit! I know that we've been set up, and that I was a complete idiot too. But still.... it's so damn frustrating! Of course I wanna do something about this....." yelled Ryuji as everyone nodded "Yeah. We'll be in deep water at this rate..... However, we have no idea who we're up against..... and whether they're an individual or an organization." said Morgana "Furthermore, they must be in a position of power, or have powerful backers, if they can go far." said Yusuke "Are we really a match for this?" asked Noah "Should we..... end this now?" asked Futaba as everyone was shocked to hear say that "I mean, things might get worse for everyone....." said Futaba "Hey sweetie, what should we do?" asked Grace "Let's turn the tables then." said Ren as he got up then Ryuji stood up, "Yeah.... Running away with out tails between our legs is exactly what they want.... We'd be dumping everything we stand for just to save our own asses!" said Ryuji ".....I see." said Futaba as she stood up "I take back what I just said! I can't let it end like this! Absolutely not like this!" yelled Futaba as everyone stood up too as they all agreed "Looks like we're settled on 'what' we want to do. All that's left is 'how' we go about it....." said Morgana "Yeah....." said Makoto as they all leave Ren and Grace got changed into their pjs then Ren's phone rang he pull it out to see he that got a call from Ryuji he answer it, ".....Hey, it's me Um..... About me yellin' earlier. Bein' framed, and the added bounty..... It all felt like such bullshit. I lost it..... I'm sorry." said Ryuji "I know how you feel." said Ren "....You too? It is confusing. We're wanted criminals now..... Maybe I haven't changed at all since that time we went up against Kamoshida. I wanted to be a phantom thief because I thought even someone like me could be a hero..... It made me so happy to be depended on. Guess it all went straight to my head. I thought I could do anythin' if it was for justice. But that'd make me no different from our targets..... I called them shitbags, but I must be the shittiest of shitbags. I can't even joke about it....." said Ryuji "You going to give up?" asked Ren "Ren..... Heh, you're right. I can start by changin' who I am now. Thanks, Ren. I feel like I can think straight now. Oh—I scared Grace and Futaba, didn't I....? I'll have to apologize to them soon. Seeya!" said Ryuji as he hung up and the Ren and Grace got a ring so they pull it out their phones to the group chat, "I got a message from Goro. He wants us to gather at Leblanc tomorrow after school." said Makoto "Who does he think he is, trying to boss us around like that!?" said Futaba "Tomorrow...? That's sudden." said Yusuke "This is directly after the reward announcement. There must be a calculated reason for this too." said Daisy "We'll be ok, right?" asked Ann "We'll mange "Yeah. We're going to overcome this, together." said Makoto "Regardless, I don't want anyone disturbing our pace anymore. Let go about this calmly. Well, see you all tomorrow." said Daisy as they put away their phones away ".....We've reached a crucial moment. There's no point fretting about it now though. Let's just stay calm and wait for tomorrow." said Morgana as they headed off to bed.

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