You'll never see it coming.......

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           Sae crossed her arms, "What a disappointing end to the hero of justice. I still can't believe it..... but I now have a general idea of the methods you used for your crimes. There's much more I'd like to ask, but my allotted time is nearly up..... I do have a suggestion though......Care to strike a deal? If you cooperate with me, I'll consider lightening your sentence." said Sae as Ren was silent "I have a responsibility to solve this case. I will win, even if it means brokering a deal with you. Your operation was leaked, and you failed to change my heart. There's no point in being obstinate now. You've corrupted the order of this country and caused an uprising against its very existence. You'll most likely be given life imprisonment or the death penalty...... Unless you accept my deal. Going forward, I will read a list of people who are closest to you and this case. Tell me honestly whether or not the following are involved with the Phantom Thieves...... First, the friend who you've been with since the day school started in Shujin—Ryuji Sakamoto. One of the victims of the Kamoshida case—Ann Takamaki. The new transfer student of Shujin—Grace Brooks. Shujin's Vice-Principle cousin—Daisy Williams. Ichiryusai Madarame's pupil—Yusuke Kitagawa. Your sister of your mother; Wakaba Sakura—Futaba Sakura. The employee work of Mr. Okumura—Noah Williams. And.... the frequently-probing student council president of Shujin Academy—Makoto Niijima. Those are your accomplices in the Phantom Thieves case, are they not?" asked Sae "I never heard of them." said Ren as he shook his head "So you won't sell out your friends..... Then let me change the question.....I find it hard to believe that high schoolers could have pulled off these crimes by themselves. Were there not others outside of your direct group who encouraged your crimes or lent their aid? Not to repeat myself, but remember that your life will be forfeit if your sentence is not lightened.....You had the cooperation of people outside your group, did you not? Can you tell me about them?" asked Sae "There were no such people." said Ren "......I see. So you won't speak a word about either your teammates or your collaborators? Do you even understand the position that you're in? .....Let's discuss one other person—Goro Akechi. There are reports that he was acting alongside the Phantom Thieves as well. Might he be a part of your team too?" asked Sae "That's impossible." said Ren "So Goro Akechi wasn't one of you. Very well......So be it. You clearly have no intention of bargaining with me." said Sae "I don't know a thing." said Ren "Even now, you're still acting as though you're a hero of justice? Your team-mates have sacrificed you in order to escape, yet you wish to defend their honor? Why won't you talk about them?" asked Sae "It goes against justice." said Ren then Sae got up and slam her hand down on the table hard, "Don't be ridiculous! You're not the one to decide such things!" yelled Sae "Justice is on our side." said Ren ".......Justice?" asked Sae then she slammed her hand down on the table hard again ".....Then tell me! What is this 'justice' you speak of?" asked Sae "Sticking to the right path." said Ren as Sae sat down on her chair "Sticking to the right path? That's no different from us! You continue to stand firm..... Are you implying that we have no evidence on you? ......You're right—we have nothing. And it doesn't help that your story sounds like a fairy tale! But many people have fallen victims to this! We need to learn the truth. The truth, huh? I don't even know whats right anymore. And it's all due to your strange story!" yelled Sae "What about the true culprit?" asked Ren "After all this, you're still—Are you listening? I won't be deceived by such a poor act." said Sae "'I won't be deceived'..... I feel like..... I'm forgetting something important....." thinked Ren as it was back at the school festival when Goro caught them, it was him and Morgana there, "....You realized it too, then. It was our conversation about pancakes, right? There's no way he could've reacted like that if he hared me." said Morgana then Sae saw Ren spacing off, "Hey......Can you hear me? It seems your mind is clearing up..... but unfortunately..... my time has run out..... athough I find your story to be quite interesting, I won't be able to speak with you any longer." said Sae "Don't you want to win?" asked Ren ".....Huh? What are you getting at? .....That's right. No matter the results of this case, I won't be receiving credit. I even had to call in a large favor just to conduct this interrogation." said Sae then Ren remembered Futaba meaning something about that, "'Interrogation' room....... That's right....." thinked Ren as it was before the day of entering Sae's Palace Morgana, Futaba and Grace was there, "So, how did that thing we asked you to look into go? Niijima mentioned a special interrogation room, didn't she? Good. It looks like we can make this work if we lure them there." said Morgana as Sae saw Ren spacing again, "Hey..... Hey, are you listening? .....Our time's up. We're done talking here......Goodbye." said Sae "Do you know this place?" asked Ren "Do you mean this interrogation room? Why wouldn't I know about it? What an odd thing to ask. Anyhow..... there's one last thing I want to ask you. There's something that's been bothering me for some time now. Recently I was removed from my post as head of this investigation and was told to remain on standby. A short while later, I received word you were caught in the act..... within some bizarre phenomenon.......But that was all I was told. You were told some sold you out, correct? If that's true, who could it have been? Don't you have any idea?" asked Sae Ren remembered Morgana mentioning that with him, Grace and Futaba just before the entering Sae's Palace, "'Sold out'........ That's right..... There's something I need to do...." thinked Ren as Morgana looked at Ren, "My suspicions were true in the end. Still, to think his true intention was to sell us out.......All that's left is to figure out a way to hand it over. It's all up to you, Leader." said Morgana "Alright." said Ren "Okay then. Giving him the phone without arousing suspicion will be easier said than done. We'll be counting on you to pull this one off." said Morgana as Sae saw Ren yet again spacing off, "What's wrong? Might you have an idea as to who sold you out?" asked Sae "Yeah, I do." said Ren "Huh!? What do you recall!?" asked Sae then she slammed her one hand on the table, "If you know something, you must tell me! I won't allow things to end like this!" yelled Sae "The phone....." said Ren Sae looked at Ren's phone on the table beside her, "You mean...... this? I've been told the lock on it is quite complicated. But. It's only a matter of time until it's cracked. What's so important about this smartphone? Are you going to unlock it and show me the data?" asked Sae as Morgana did mention something about his phone, Grace sat down on the edge of the couch as Futaba layed down and was sleeping, Ren looked at his phone, "Let's let her sleep. She hasn't slept for days while she's been getting that app ready. Now we gotta figure out a way to show him the phone." said Morgana "Him?" asked Ren "Makoto and the others should have told you." said Morgana "Morgana's talking about the true culprit here. You know, the traitor." said Grace as Sae saw Ren yet again spacing off, "Hey..... What are you trying to get at here? And what about this smartphone?" asked Sae "Show it to the traitor." said Ren "The traitor?" asked Sae as Ren still remember hearing the voice through the phone with Grace by Ren's side, "We could say he stole the guard's gun and committed suicide during his imprisonment..... How about that? Public security questioning will occur on the first day.... and with that room, my task will be simple. And thus, the dangerous criminal responsible for the mass incidents shall end his owe life." said the young man's voice a Sae was tired off seeing Ren spacing off so she got up and slam her hands on the table as hard as she can, "Please!" yelled Sae as she slam her hands again, "I need you to be clear with me! Who am I supposed to show this to?" asked Sae "Not a teammate." said Ren "What do you...?" asked Sae then suddenly Sae knew who the traitor was, "My god......You're referring to him, aren't you?" asked Sae "You need to trust me." said Ren "What are you plotting? I can't even begin to fathom it.....But it appears my time is up. This is as far as our conversation can go. This will be my last involvement with this case......Hehe......Very well. I've listened to your whole story, so I may as well play along to the end. And that honest look in your eyes..... I used to view the world the same way too, once. I'll place my bet on you. I just need to show him the phone, right?" asked sae as Ren nodded as this pitch black and only showed Sae, 'I am thou, thou art I....... Thou hast turned a vow into a blood oath, Thy bond shall become the wings of rebellion and break the yoke of thy heart, Thou hast awakened to the ultimate secret of Judgement, granting thee infinite power.....' as the came back to normal to show Sae and Ren then Sae heard the door knock then she started to sigh "I'll be going now." said Sae as she grab Ren's phone an got up "What good will this do though?" asked Sae as she leaved the room.

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