Lavenza the True Warden of the Velvet Room

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             The next morning came as Ren was now able to go to school he and Grace final finished the exams, Ren and Grace mat the gang at the old hideout near the Shibuya station, the gang all heard the news about how Shido won by a landslide, ".....There, they announced the poor health of their leader, Masayoshi Shido. As such, the special Diet session was postponed, along with Shido's inauguration as prime minister." said the newscaster "Postponed?" asked Makoto "They should be firing him!" yelled Ryuji "And wait, 'poor health'?" asked Ann "This is completely different from what my sister told us....." said Makoto as the gang hear more people talking about it, "I heard he barley slept during the election campaign. I don't blame him." said the languid man "He's not going to step down now, is he? Will this country be fine without Shido?" asked the worried man "How can people still believe in him?" asked Yusuke Daisy pulled out her phone to see something out of the blue, "What the heck!?" yelled Daisy as the gang looked at her "The Phantom Thieves are being treated like, well...... like they never existed!" said Daisy as the gang was shocked they all pulled out their phones to the Phan-Site have a look Morgana looked over at Ryuji's phone, "Goodness....." shock Morgana "'No link among the 'change of heart' incidents, only coincidental psychiatric disorders'...... 'The Phantom Thieves only used those rumors to their advantage'....." said Daisy "This is preposterous...... Who would believes such things?" asked Yusuke "But the person saying this is a famous researcher. And even the ministry is saying that's how they determined the situation too....." said Noah "When's Shido gonna make a comeback?" asked the carefree man "Honestly, I don't think anyone else but Shido can handle times like these." said the bombastic man "What's going on? No matter how we look at it, this isn't normal." said Grace "Yeah.... It's as if the people in realty have become distorted...." said Morgana "What Grace and Morgana said, worries me." said Ren "Yeah..... but the only thing we can do right now is wait and see what happens....." said Morgana as the gang looked at the people among them. At the SIU Director's office; the psychiatrist and the proxy SIU Director pull Sae in the officer to have a little chat, "What do you mean I can't question him at this point!?" asked Sae "Mr. Shido is in an extremely unstable state. I can't allow you to get in contact with him. He may officially have undergo a psychiatric evaluation at this rate." said the psychiatrist "We're at the cusp of making a case! Do you know how much trouble we've gone through to get this far?" asked Sae "I'm just doing my job as a doctor." said the psychiatrist "Even if Shido was behind it, do you plan on convicting a central figure behind such a historical change?" asked the proxy SIU Director "What? Don't be ridiculous! This is a country governed by law. You still want to protect him though you know what happened to the man previously at your post!?" yelled Sae "So you plan on taking the head of the nation to court? You need to take a break, Niijima. I'm taking you off this case, especially since it's rumoured you have ties to the Phantom Thieves." said the proxy SIU Director ".....What!?" yelled Sae "If I recall correctly, you still aren't married, are you? You'll be on leave for a long time. Why not look for a husband while you're at it?" asked the proxy SIU Director as he and the psychiatrist leave the office as Sae looked at them as they leaved with a dirty look as she huffed in anger. At Leblanc; Makoto got off the phone with her sister and told the gang the news, "The assembly of Shido's case is in danger!?" asked Yusuke "We know he doesn't need a psychiatric evaluation!" yelled Daisy "His lackeys must've pressured the others around him. It means theres far more people who'd be in trouble if the truth came out than we imagined." said Sojiro "Isn't there anything we can do?" asked Ann "Sis said the assembly of a case may be possible if the general public wants Shido held accountable.... But even that chance has been destroyed with the manipulation of the mass media. They made it clear that the argument itself was 'occult,' even claiming that it never happened." said Makoto "Huh, as a result, the Phantom Thieves are still labeled as criminals, even after all that's happened." said Grace "It's a storm of criticisms online too. People are saying to catch the remnants and execute them....." said Futaba "This is crazy....." said Noah "At any rate, let's wait for my sister. She should be arriving here soon." said Makoto as Ryuji pounded his fist to the table, "Everyone's being tricked so easily! Why the hell did we risk our lives then!?" yelled Ryuji "If Shido isn't judged by the law, everything we've dow will be treated as if it never happened." said Noah "Moving the entire country however they wish by controlling people's cognition..... This is no different than being inside a Palace....." said Daisy as the door open and they Sae walking to the gang, "....I'm sorry. I gathered the best of the best and fought for a case....... but as Makoto must've told you, was denied. At this rate, it won't end with just Shido's innocence. This trend will continue spiralling down. Theres even the possibility that crimes using the Metaverse will advance onto a national scale." said Sae as the gang looked at each in shock ".....But, that's not what I'm here to tell you. We're in danger because we know the truth. It's only a matter of time before we're apprehended. It wouldn't be odd if they were to charge in now." said Sae "This makes no effin' sense....." yelled Ryuji "Sis....." said Makoto "There's nothing more I can do with my resources...... That's why.... I want to ask for your guys help. I wondered if there was any way you guys could do something one last time. I know that I'm in no position to ask this of you guys." said Sae "That doesn't matter to us." said Ann "So what are we gonna do? Should we change the hearts of all Shido's followers?" asked Grace "Even if Futaba were to research all of them, it'd take time." said Makoto "Hm, there's too little information....." said Futaba "We can only target individuals.... Are we no match against the national power?" asked Daisy as when one looked down and fall silent Morgana looked at them "......Mementos." said Morgana as the gang look at him, ".....If we use Mementos, we might be able to do something." said Morgana "There's something we can do there?" asked Grace "Like I told you guys before, Mementos is the Palace of the general public. It's the source of all distortions, and is maintained by the people's 'collective unconsciousness.'" said Morgana "Wait..... Do you mean that there's a Treasure even in Mementos!? And if we go after that...." said Daisy "The collapse of Mementos should affect the public as a whole.the state of society would change too. If everyone's hearts grow to hold Shido responsible for his actions, things might start going our way." said Morgana "......That's a bold plan, but an interesting one." said Yusuke "Sounds good to me!" yelled Noah ".....But if we're gonna so this, there's one thing you all need to realize." said Morgana as the gang was confuse "To begin with, why does something like the human cognition exist as another, substantial world? The reason for that is most likely sleeping within Mementos...... We'll be destroying that, you know." said Morgana ".....I don't see where you're goin' with this." said Ryuji as Morgana shook his head, "The human cognition will lose substance, so you can't sneak into people's Palace anymore! So if other criminals appear, you guys won't be able to steal their Treasure and change their hearts. It means..... the Phantom Thieves will be gout out of business." said Morgana as everyone was shock "We'll have to discard this way of life...." said Daisy sadly as Futaba fall silent "I think we need to do this. I mean, we're the group who's reforming society, right?" asked Grace "Ren..... What do you think as our leader? You guys will lose your powers if Mementos is erased. Will you guys still do it?" asked Morgana "Yes. For our justice." said Ren "Yeah, that's right!" said Grace "You guys have all grown, huh? Alright..... It's seems there are no objections." said Morgana as everyone nodded "Did you guys come up with a plan?" asked Sae "Whether it succeeds or not is another story though." said Daisy "Miss Prosecutor.... looks like this is gonna be our last job." said Noah "Last job?" asked Sae "We're erasing the Metaverse." said Makoto "Once we accomplish our duty, we entrust the world to respectful adults. That is our condition for accepting this job." said Ann "This is a 'deal' then..... That's certainly a heavy condition. But very well, I accept. I swear to make Masayoshi Shido stand and be tried in the court of law. Beside..... my pride won't allow me to be continually saved by you all without doing anything in return." said Sae "We'll be counting on you." said Makoto "Looks like it's decided then." said Sojiro "You're the leader, Ren, and this is officially our last mission. C'mon, say something!" cheered Grace "I'm going to miss this." said Ren "Don't bring that up! It's on our minds anyways!" said Ryuji "Actually, that's something you should be saying after we've accomplished our goal, Ryuji." said Yusuke "We don't have much time, right? We should carry this out tomorrow...... I'm counting on you guys. No matter what happens, you better see it through!" said Morgana as everyone nodded and leave Ren and Grace headed upstairs got change into their pjs they lay down into the blankets as Morgana looked at Ren and Grace ".....Hey ......Actually, never mind. You two must be tired." said Morgana "We're not tired at all, Morgana." said Grace "Honestly..... the gang are amazing. There's definitely something special about you. You dodge everything the enemies throw at you like it's your destiny. At first I just though you were going to be a useful tool for me..... but now this is where I belong." said Morgana "Stay here forever." said Ren "Yes. Yeah. You're right...... It's not like me to say all that embarrassing stuff. But still.... I think it's fine. For tonight, at least." said Morgana as this pitch black and only showed Morgana, 'I am thou, thou art I.... Thou hast turned a vow into a blood oath, Thy bond shall become the wings of rebellion and break the yoke of thy heart, Thou hast awakened to the ultimate secret of the Magician, granting thee infinite power.....' then Morgana closed his eyes and had his head down as this blueish sparkles appeared in his heart then inside his heart showed Zorro then Zorro started to transform into Mercurius; his Mythical Trickster. Mercurius has a blue disc jumpsuit and golden shoes with wings and a golden staff "A new power burns within me!" said Morgana's voice as the blueish sparkles disappear then Morgana opened his eyes, ".....We should rest in preparation for tomorrow." said Morgana as Ren and Grace tried to keep their eyes open but they fall for asleep Morgana looked at Ren ".....He's repelled such an ordeal, and this guy's still not being rewarded for it? If gods really do exist..... They're being too hard on him....." said Morgana as he lay down and fall asleep. Ren woke up at the Velvet Room, he got up and walk to his cell bars then Caroline hit her Baton on the bars so hard that it shook his cell "That was a fruitless delight, Inmate!" yelled Caroline "We gave you words of praise.... but we take them all back!" yelled Justine "The source of what was hindering your rehabilitation..... To think it would be the ignorant masses to which your tried to prove your integrity. Did they themselves not show elation for those who are unseen? Despite all that, they now say you guys do not exist. They toyed you guys, yet none take responsibility. The distortion of man's world is endlessly deep..... Fixing it may now be impossible even with the appearance of the Trickers....." said Igor as the twins both looked at their master with shock in and their face, "M-Master?" asked Caroline in shock as Justine fall in silents in fear "It seems this is the limit of humanity....." said Igor "Don't give up on us!" said Ren "The time of ruin is nigh...... One due to the distortion of man's own heart, from which none can escape......" said Igor "Huh......!" said Caroline as Ren walk back to his bed and fall asleep.

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