Casino of Jealousy: Bankrupted

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           The next morning came as Rena and Grace got changed for school then headed out. When they arrived to their classroom and sat down on their chairs then Mrs. Kawakami enter the classroom, "It's already November..... We've gone through pretty much all the school events now, so that frees you all up for studying. It'll be getter colder from now on, so wrap up warm and don't get sick. I mean it. If you even THINK you've got a fever, then go see the nurse. Oh, speaking of the nurse's office...... Dr. Max's going to be leaving us on the 18th. If you all need to talk to him, now's the time. He was kind of a quiet guy, but it was nice having him around.... I'll be kind of sad to see him go. So if he held any of you feel better, make sure you thank him before he's gone......Anyway, time to start class." said Mrs. Kawakami "Man, time really flies..... A whole year's gone by already." said Morgana as they started class then Ren, Grace and Ann's phone started to ring they pull it out to the group chat, "Was school always like this? Don't it kinda feel different than usual?" asked Ryuji "Do you think?" asked Noah "I'm getting a weird feeling too." said Ann "What do you mean?" asked Daisy "It's like the people around us seen restless or something." said Ann "Pretty unsetting, right?" asked Ryuji "Something's different." said Ren "Yeah, right." said Grace "Hm? Is it just me that thinks nothing has changed?" asked Daisy "Nothing seems unusual on my end." said Yusuke "What about you, Makoto?" asked Noah "Someone ask for me? Everything's normal over here." said Futaba "Is Makoto sick today?" asked Noah "Sorry, I only just noticed the chat right now. I think everyone's just agitated by the Phantom Thieves rumors. Try not to be affected by the people around you." said Makoto "It's impossible to stay calm in times like these!" said Futaba as they putted their phones away. As after school fall; Ren noticed the gang to meet at the hideout, so they all went to Leblanc and upstairs to Ren and Grace room; "Aw yeah! All we gotta do now is send the callin' card! So, when d'ya wanna send it? The earlier the better, right?" asked Ryuji "No..... In my option, we should wait until right before the time limit." said Goro "My I ask your reasoning behind that idea?" asked Makoto "Sae-san is a realist. Even if she believes the Phantom Thieves exist, do you think she knows how they steal hearts? Furthermore, there is a chance she expects that she herself will be targeted." said Goro "So because her heart is ready for any possibility, the calling card might not have enough effect?" asked Daisy "I only say that theoretically, but I believe so. Hence, it would be prudent for us to wait until we are driven into a corner to act. If we do so with no time to spare, I assume even Sae-san would have to be somewhat agitated." said Goro "Hm, ensuring the Treasure actually appears.... That sounds quite logical. Impressive, Goro-kun...... Though is it a bit vexing that you know more about my sister than I do." said Makoto "Haha, that's only because of my work as a detective. Well then, if our time limit is November 20th and we act the day after sending the calling card..... Shall we sed it out the 18th?" asked Goro "We should prepare as much as we can before then. Well, I can't complain about having more time. Make sure you're ready, everyone!" said Morgana as everyone leaved then Goro pulled Ren to the side, "Can I talk to you? Alone?" asked Goro "Sure. Princess, I'll be right back." said Ren "Okay, sweetie." said Grace as Goro, Ren and Morgana walked out of Leblanc and arrive outside of the train station to Shibuya's square station "Do you have time? I want to talk to you about something..... It'd be best if we went somewhere where there aren't many people around. How about, let's say.... Mementos? ......Nobody can get in our way there." said Goro "He wants the two of you to go to Mementos alone.....? Well, you guys are strong enough that you should be fine, but..... be ready for anything, I guess Ren." said Morgana "I know. Okay, let's get going." said Ren "Thank you. Then let's head to Mementos." said Goro "Goro just wants to go with you, right? Then I'll be waiting outside.....Be careful." said Morgana as he jump off Ren's bag and then both Goro and Ren enetered to Mementos "Well, this place should do nicely...." said Goro with his back turn "Why are we in Mementos, Crow?" asked Ren "This." said Goro as he turned around to face Ren and pointed a real gun at Ren, Ren looked at him with shock "Remember what I told you? If you ever won against me using my right hand, I'd take you on with everything I've got." said Goro "I though you meant in pool." said Ren "That wasn't enough to satisfy me.... It's your won fault, though. Your insight allowing you to determine my dominant hand, your quick wit, and most of all, how fast you've grown...... You've exceeded my expectations in every way. Thus, I've built up this urge to duel you without holding anything back." said Goro "Alright, let's do this." said Ren as Goro pointed down the gun and smiled, "Thank you for indulging my selfish request. No need for pleasantries at this point, correct?" asked Goro as he putted the gun away and gave Ren a dirty look, "Let's go!" yelled Goro. Ren and Goro pulled out their weapons out, "You won't be able to defeat me unless you actually fight with lethal intent. Now, show me your true skills." said Goro as they fought but Ren dodge every attacks that Goro made on him, "Haha.... This was not expected." said Goro as he got up from the ground ".....No wonder you're the leader of the Phantom Thieves. You're caught up to me on this front already, too......" said Goro "Do you want to keep going?" asked Ren "I'd better not. In all honesty, I'd love to see just how far we can go...... But we have an important mission coming up. Until that's finished, you're a vital ally to me.......We're done here. Let's go." said Goro as they walked away and return to the real world "Once again, I've learned something new about you toady. Your strength is truly reassuring. In all honesty, it's to the point that I'd be relying on you in a pinch." said Goro "The feeling's mutual." said Ren "Haha, you truly are well-composed. I'm sorry I asked you to indulge me, but I do feel a bit better now. By the way, about that duel—if we had fought to the end, do you see yourself winning?" asked Goro "I definitely wouldn't lose." said Ren "I had a feeling you'd say that. I'm going to be entirely honest with you: I hate you. Your deft handling of your unfortunate circumstances, your uniqueness, your ability to surpass me—all these irritate me......You're the one person I refuse to lose to." yelld Goro "Really hate losing, don't you?" asked Ren "Without a doubt. Even I was unaware that it was their severe. I'll let you have this win today—but next time, I will be victorious. Let this be my proof." said Goro as he took of right glove off and threw it out Ren "There's a tradition in the West to throw one's glove at their opponent when demanding a duel. Should the opponent accept the glove, the duel is also accepted." said Goro "I accept." said Ren "Make certain that you never forget: I am the one who will defeat you." said Goro "Okay, fine." said Ren "Ah, look at the time. Let's call it a day for now." said Goro as he walked away Ren grabbed Morgana fill him on what had happened then Ren arrived to his bedroom to see Grace in her pjs he put on his pjs on and filled her in on what just had happened and headed for bed.

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