Kaneshiro's Bank

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       The next morning rise, the gang all when to school and listened to the lesson of the teachers after that Ann, Daisy and Grace asked Makoto to talk so the girls when to the student council room they sat down on the chairs at first it was quite but Ann started the conversation, "We girls are sorry for asking you here like this." said Ann "Oh no, it isn't a problem.... I actually find it refreshing to be asked to the student council room. Although it's somewhat nerve-racking as well." said Makoto "......I think we're a bit nervous ourselves." said Daisy as Makoto was confuse on what's happening then the girls both standed up, "Anyway, um....." said Grace "We wanted to apologizes." said Daisy "We're.... really sorry for everything." said Ann Makoto looked shocked but confuse in the same time "What do you girls mean....?" asked Makoto shocked "You know how I blamed you for Kamoshida's sexual harassment?" said Ann "How I didn't stop my uncle and talk him to stop abusing his power as Vice-Principle." said Daisy "And..... And me for not answering your questions when you were trying to blame me for getting involved with Mr. Williams." said Grace "Well, we wanted to apologize for that.... We've honestly been meaning to this whole time." said Ann "Takamaki-san....... Williams-san........ Brooks-san......" said Makoto "I realized later that Shiho was calling out for me.... And I wasn't there to help her..... I didn't want to admit my guilt.... so I took it out on you, Niijima-senpai...... We're..... very sorry." said Ann "....Hey, there is no need for that. In fact, I think the four of us are pretty similar." said Makoto as the girls looked at Makoto "Huh...?" asked Daisy "I was unable to save everyone. Not Suzui-san, not Williams-san and Brooks-san, and not any of Kaneshiro's victims. I kept telling myself I wasn't at fault because I was simply following orders...... But that was all a lie. It felt like I would admitting my own worthlessness had I not shifted the blame off to myself. Fear of that worthlessness was probably why I acted so harshly towards you girls and your friends......I'm deeply sorry as well." said Makoto "I see...." said Ann "In that case, wanna call it even?" asked Grace "Even...? You girls are right...... How about we leave this conversation in the past?" chuckled Makoto then the girls sat back down to the chairs and smiled, "Mm-hm!" said Ann "Oh, but.... one more thing. You're not worthless, Niijima-san." said Daisy then Makoto was shocked and confuse "You were a bit reckless, but you're the reason we found a way into Kaneshiro's Palace." said Ann "And you even obtained the power to change people's hearts. You did that all yourself, Niijima-san." said Grace as Makoto started to chuckle "That way of thinking is very much like you girls, Williams-san, Takamaki-san and Brooks-san." said Makoto as she smiled and the girls were confuse on what she meant, "When Ann confronted me about Suzui-san, I realized how dishonest and small I was. You're always very direct.... That's what helped me finally realize the error of my ways. It turns out I'm little slow on the uptake at times.... Hey.... Can I call you girls, by your first names Ann, Daisy and Grace?" asked Makoto the girls were shocked but surprised in the same time, "Um, yeah! W.... We're going to do the same, M-M-Makoto.... Rgh, that's so embarrassing!" said Grace "How about we get something to eat before we go home for the night?" asked Makoto "Ooh, I know a place! There's a crepe shop at Central Street that totally stuffs their crepes!" said Ann excitedly "Do you want to split one girls?" asked Makoto "Mmmmm, let's get a whole one and then we can go half and half on those?!" asked Daisy as she smiled "Yes, let's! After school toady, right?" asked Makoto as the girls smiled and nodded to her and Makoto smiled as well. The girls walked out the student council room and headed back to their classroom to hear the lesson so they did then their phones rang they all pulled it out to see the group chat, "I realized this is a mite late, but how shall I refer to you, Niijima-san? I believe some courtesy should be shown to those who are senior." said Yusuke "Oh yeah.... Should we call you Niijima-san or like, Niijima?" asked Ryuji "No need to be formal. Just treat me the same way you would anyone else." said Makoto "Alright." said Ren "Would that not be rude?" asked Yusuke "We girls just call her by name." said Daisy "Yeah it was scarcely to say it but will be fine!" said Grace "Ya, it's fine" said Ann "For real? Did something happen to you girls?" asked Ryuji "That's a secret between us girls!" said Ann "Dammit, that sounds like fun....." said Ryuji "All of you may call me by my first name. No need to hesitate." said Makoto "Ok." said Ryuji as they putted their phones away and continue on listening to the teacher lesson. After school, Morgana popped out Ren's bag, "Our target is a criminal—one that even the police can't handle. We'll take care of him ourselves and leave the world speechless!" said Morgana as Ren texted the gang to head out to the hideout as they headed out but it was only Ren and Morgana there because the trains; Morgana looked at Ren like had an amazing idea ".....Eureka!" yelled out Morgana "What's the deal?" asked Ren "Nyahaha.... Curious, eh? Well, I've come up with a super cool idea. Lady Ann will surely swoon for me if I...." said Morgana as Ann and Grace came in together, "Sorry for the wait. Daisy is walking with Yusuke" said Grace then Ann looked at Morgana "So, what's up, Morgana?" asked Ann "I'll swoon you, Lady Ann!" said Morgana excitedly "From what?" asked Ann all confused "Well.... It's something I've been giving a lot of though lately. Now that we've all gained some experience in battle, I think it'd be good for us to work on our finishers." said Morgana "Our finishers? Yeah, I guess if we're going to keep fighting, we ought to do it with style." said Ann "Right? Right!? So, I came up with just the idea.... It's maybe my best one yet! And we can definitely pull it off if you play a part in it, Lady Ann!" said Morgana "Me? Well, okay—what do you need me to do?" asked Ann "Now that's our Lady Ann! Quick on the uptake. What I had in mind was...." said Morgana as he explained it to Ann "......And that should do the trick!" said Morgana "Really?" asked Ann "So, is that a no?" said Morgana sadly "Well, it's not that I don't want to.... it's more like, isn't your idea sorta impossible? Even in the Metaverse?" said Ann as inside Ren's pocket was the glowing light appeared Ren, Grace, Morgana and Ann looked at the glow then was surprised then Ren pulled it out to see the star that Jose gave to him was glowing and sparkling "Huh? What was that?" asked Grace all shocked "The star that Jose gave to us it's starting to glimmering..... Wait, could it have reacted to something....?" asked Ren as he putted the star away back his pocket then the others came in, "'Sup?" said Ryuji "I never imagined that I would end up helping the Phantom Thieves. Things would get interesting if my sister ever found out...." said Makoto "There's no time to be getting sentimental here." said Morgana "Yes, I understand. I do have one request about all of this though. Can you teach me how to be a phantom thief? Like..... About the Metaverse, for example." said Makoto "Simply put, that world is formed of a person's cognition. There , you can change people's hearts." said Yusuke "Yeah, I've gathered that much just from going there once. But the method of transportation still eludes me.... I mean, it's a smartphone navigation app....." said Makoto "You only need a name, a location, and a distortion. After the first entry, the Palace is bookmarked." said Daisy "You really just make it sound like an ordinary app.... Aren't there any dangers associated with it?" asked Makoto "Don't worry 'bout that! We've already been a bunch of times and....." said Ryuji but Makoto cut him off "That's not what I mean. It's a navigation app, right? Couldn't someone easily access our history on the server?" asked Makoto as everyone had never thought about that one possible danger as they all look at Makoto "Wait, why are you looking at me like that....? Has nobody thought of this before!?" asked Makoto shocked "Oh....." said Grace "Now she's catchin' me off guard too...." said Ryuji "and we don't know where it came from, right? It showed up on my phone without any input from me.... Do you knew anything about it, Ren-kun?" asked Makoto "There's no need to worry." said Ren "....You sound pretty confident in that answer." said Grace "....I don't fully understand, but I don't think we have to worry about people accessing our data. From what I can tell, this app is incredibly special. It wasn't made by any ordinary means." said Morgana "True.... An app that allows us to enter another world isn't exactly commonplace...." said Daisy "Well, Sis doesn't know who Phantom Thieves are, so I suppose our information is safe for now." said Makoto "We're still learning things ourselves. I hope your sharp wit can help us with that." said Morgana "Thank you, I'll do my best." said Makoto as she pulled out her phone to show them the picture of the gang and her there, "More importantly, we need to stop him from releasing those photos. If the public gets a hold of them...." said Makoto "I could only imagine what would happen then....." sighing Ann "C'mon, we just gotta take care of him before the time limit. We'll bounce back from this. Plus people'll really start admirin' us if we can manage to take this bastard down!" yelled Ryuji "Yeah, this is the perfect opportunity. We have to succeed, no matter what!" said Morgana "Kaneshiro's henchman said the deadline is July 9th." said Makoto as they entered the Palace of Kaneshiro.

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