Kamoshida's Castle

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       The next day rolled in, Ren walked to school as the day when by as the teachers' were giving their lessons but as the school bell rang Ren, Morgana, Grace, Ann and Ryuji knew that it's time to head on to the school's rooftop. Morgana pop out of Ren's bag and sat on the table at the rooftop, "I hope you all understand that our time limit is May 2nd." said Morgana "We basically just have to go to that castle and steal the Treasure from Kamoshida, right?" asked Ann "But wait, what even is a Treasure? I wanna know that before we do anything." said Ryuji "A Treasure is the physical form of the Palace ruler's distorted desires. In other word, it's the core of the Palace. Once we steal it, the Palace will crumble... I think. Having said all that, even I don't know what Kamoshida's Treasure is going to be." said Morgana "And where do we find it?" asked Grace "There's no way of knowing that until we go in and find out. But if I had to guess, I'd say he has it locked up somewhere in the depths of the Palace." said Morgana "Eh, I think I get it now. We jus gotta find the Treasure, yeah?" asked Ryuji "Pretty much. There's just a lot we won't know until we go in... In any case, our objective is to find the Treasure's location somewhere in the Palace. Make sure we go about this with time to spare so we can avoid any unforeseen circumstance... I expect great things from you guys." said Morgana "Ready?" asked Ren as he pulled out his phone "Okay, Let's go!" said Grace as he began the navigation app and entered to the Metaverse. They all arrived at the gate entrance of the castle, "Oh! I'm in my outfit...oh, it's showing too much" said Grace as she was trying to hide but it wasn't working, "Ya, once were here we're in outfits but when we're back in reality we're in our normal clothes" said Ann "Grace need a code name" said Ren "A what now?" asked Grace as she looked at Ren all confuse, "Phantom Thief's can't go out with our real names so we go out by code names. I'm Mona, this is Panther, Skull and our leader Joker." said Morgana "Mona, Panther, Skull and Joker. Got it! But should my code name be?" asked Grace "Well her Persona is all glass and she's looks like she's a fairytale princess so.....I got it! Glass Slipper!!" shouted Ryuji excitedly "Really Skull?" said Ann "Ya no, I'm not that fragile! It doesn't mean that my Persona is made out of glass doesn't mean that it can break easily she can fight so hard you know, you see it for yourself remember." said Grace as she crossed her arms "What do you think Joker? What should Grace's code name be?" asked Morgana Ren looked at Grace and at her outfit it was hard for him to not blush with his teammates around but he can't help himself but blush at Grace, "What about Violet?" asked Ren "Violet....Violet! I love it Joker!" said Grace as she smiled to Ren "Okay! From here on out your code name is Violet" said Morgana "Well Violet is good but still I think my opinion was way cooler." said Ryuji "No, but let's get going" said Ann as they ran to the outside front of the castle. "Alright, let's stat fresh and get goin'!" said Ryuji "It's game time from this point forward. I'll teach you guys the basic of infiltrating a Palace as we go." said Morgana as they were but then a bright blue light appeared that stopped Ren from his tracks as he saw the cell typed door as it opened for him and Justine standing beside it Ren was confused, "My master would like a word with you." said Justine as Ren nod and walked inside the door. He was back at cell as the twins faced Igor, "The prisoner Ren Amamiya has returned." said Caroline "Well done. It seems you have remembered my words... You truly make it worth rehabilitating you." said Igor "What's that mean?" asked Ren Igor chuckled at Ren's question, "I am not attempting to withhold information from you. The essence of the rehabilitation that you must complete will be explained in due time. Once you encounter allies who share your ideals and discover you place in reality...Only then, will I explain it all. Such a day should not be far off. This time, I wish to introduce you to the aid we are providing." said Igor "What do you mean?" asked Ren "Due to your potential in wielding the power of the wild card and the Fool, you can handle more then one Persona. That power holds infinite possibilities. We will assist you in nurturing that potential....To than end, we must execute Personas." said Igor as Ren looked shocked, Igor chuckled, "Do not alarmed. Persona are personalities that exist within everyone. Thus, you will only be discarding old Personas to have them be reborn as new ones." said Igor as Justine and Caroline took Pixie and Bicorn away as they let Ren keep Arsene, "By discarding them, you give way a new one. Hence, we call that process 'execution.'" Think of it as the fusion of you Personas." said Igor as Justine and Carline took Pixie and Bicorn to the execution, "Now before we begin, allow me to tell you something greatly important. Do you remember how I mentioned forming bonds with Confidants? Personas are the power of the heart... The stronger those bonds, the stronger you Personas will be. In other words, the effects of your bonds on execution.... or fusions, if you will, are quite substantial. When you fuse a Persona that shares its arcana with one of your bonds, it will gain great power. This will be a building principle for your forays into fusion... Try not to forget it. Moreover, there is one thing I must warn you about. You cannot create a Persona that surpasses you current level. Because you cannot handle it. Now let the fusion begin." said Igor as the twins did they thing in the execution then it transformed into this Persona called Slime then disappeared, "Ah, how impressive... a stronger Persona has been born from the body and blood of the old. It shall be you new strength." said Igor "What do you mean?" asked Ren "Its worth will be made clearer when you return to the field of battle." said Justine "Gather Personas, and bring them here. Gather a great many, execute them, and continue to give birth to even stronger Personas. Developing your powers as such will play an integral role in the stand against ruin." said Igor "So that your rehabilitation goes well, we have variety of rituals to choose in regard to executions." said Justine "And depending on the effect you put in, our master might consider further development of new rituals. Cry your tears of joy, Inmate!" said Caroline "Your heart is steadily gaining the strength of rebellion. It seems your rehabilitation is proceeding smoothly—a joyous fact, indeed... In anticipation of this, I have prepared a gift for you I hope you shall accept it." said Igor as the twins gave the gift to Ren called the Third Eye that can see things normally invisible to the naked eye. "That's is a thief's skill, allowing one to tap into their sixth sense and see what is hidden in the dark. I believe you can handle it now. May you continue devoting yourself to further rehabilitation." said Igor "....Now then, if you have any requests, we will heed them." said Justine as Ren walked out of The Velvet Room as he was just standing there outside of the doors to The Velvet Room, then the other noticed that Ren was standing there so they all walked back to him, "Something wrong? You were just standing around all of a sudden." said Morgana Ren looked at his teammates, "What? But I wasn't... but to my teammates, it looked like I wasn't moving..." thought Ren "Why're you spacin' out like that? It's kinda hard to tell what you're thinkin' sometimes." said Ryuji "Let's just say he's a man of high caliber. We're counting in you Joker!" said Morgana as continue to walking, "So, where do we start?" asked Ryuji "Let's head to the safe room we found last time. It's in the first floor of the west building. That's pretty close to our entrance. It should be a pretty decent starting point." said Morgana "Safe room...?" asked Grace all confuse "Ya?" said Ann "It'll make sense when you two see it. Welp, let's head out!" said Ryuji as they head inside the castle and sneaked their way to the safe room in the west building. "Huh? What's up with this place?" asked Grace as her face as shocked "It's a gap in the cognition. A safe room, if you will." said Morgana "Yeah, still not getting it." said Ann "Right?" said Ren "Uhhh, I'm fuzzy on the details, but I think it's some kinda spot where Shadows can't find us." said Ryuji "Huh... I didn't think a place like that existed in here." said Ann "Oh? So what do we do in this 'safe room'?" asked Grace "Take a breaks, duh. Oh, and we talk about stuff too." said Ryuji "So, the place is for resting and plotting... Got it!" said Grace "Ya got it, I guess I'll rest for a bit too then. Let me know when we're ready to head out" said Ann "Ah, right—the safe room discussion reminds me... This is for you!" said Morgana as he gave him a Stamina Kit SX, "You can only use it in safe places, but when you do, it'll take care of all the exhaustion from our past fights!" said Morgana then after the talk they all head out of the safe room ad continue on exploring the castle. Ren opened the door beside the safe room, "We have no idea what awaits us ahead... Here, you'd better take these. These fine tools have my seal of approval! Use them wisely, alright?" said Morgana as he gave him the tools to Ren as they hide in the barrels the guard did his rounds of the floor then he leaved then opened the door to see a guard stand there with its face towards the window, "Whoa—there one there too. okay, now that we've expanded our roster, let's try that thing!" said Morgana "Wait, that thing?" asked Ren "A way for us to gain the advantage during a battle. It's called a 'Baton Pass'! Actually, I'll show you what I mean while we deal with this Shadow." said Morgana as Ren ran to the Shadow and did an Ambush by ripping off the guard mask then it transform into Shadow "Okay, I'll show you an example first. You better watch closely!" said Morgana as he summon Zorro and did wind attack "Use this opportunity to Baton Pass and swap your turn with someone else!" said Morgana as he high five Ren "Now, strike the enemy's weakness and give the Baton Pass a try!" said Morgana as Ren summon Arsene and did Eiha the high five Grace then she attacked the pixie then she high five to Ryuji as he summon Captain Kidd and did Zio attack on the Shadow. "Great teamwork! I knew you guys would nail it. Improving yourselves is important, but leaning to fight as a team is just as vital to our survival. By coordinating our efforts, we can take control of the battle as often as possible. Baton Pass will help a lot with that!" said Morgana as they continue on investigating the castle. As they enter the door they saw long staircase of the west building of 2F, they walk up and up of the staircase until the end of the staircase was broken in half so it led them with no choice but to go to the 2F hallway until they saw a guard again, "Damm... There's one here too... Oh well... Guess we just gotta ambush it from behind again..." said Ryuji "Well sure, if you want to go about it the orthodox way. But there's a more stylish route! See those sofas on the sides of the hallway? Hide behind those so you can get closer to the enemy or exit with ease. But once it's in range, jump on it and rip its mask off!" said Morgana "Whoa... That does sound pretty damm cool..." said Ryuji "Hey! This isn't a movie!" said Ann "But that does sound pretty amazing thought!" said Grace as they hide from sofas to sofas then they waited for the guard to walk out then they can out of their hiding spot and continue on the route to the treasure. They entered to this squared room, "Look! There's something in there." said Ryuji as he was pointing they walked to the middle, "But these bars are blocking our way in..." said Grace "If Shadow Kamoshida protecting it this securely, it has to be important. That means there should be a way in and out of there. Joker, do you think you can solve the mystery of this room? I'm sure your observation skills will help you get through!" said Morgana as Ren looked at the bars then when to the other side then pulled the lever then came back to the starting point that they came and pulled the another lever then the bars that was blocking their way was gone. "Whoa..." said Ryuji "Great job Joker!" said Grace "As excepted from you, Joker!" said Morgana as they walk to the middle of the room where there was a table that had a map to another floor of the castle. "What the heck? He had it all locked up and stuff, but it was just some old map..?" said Ryuji "You're hopeless... Don't you realize how vital a map is?" asked Morgana then they all looked at the maps they had so far, "Having this will give us a better grasp os the topography of the Palace. it's true necessity for a phantom thief. This should make securing a route much easier." said Morgana "Wait, does it say where the Treasure is on there?" asked Ann "Ya I was think the same thing too" said Grace "Oh... Actually, it seems like this map is incomplete... There might be more of them around." said Morgana "Mkay, let's start checkin' what we can. We'll prolly find another map along the way somewhere." said Ryuji as they continue on to the path of the west building of the Old Castle.

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