Chapter 41

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(Trigger Warning(s):  Explicit Language and Sexual Situations.)

(Shannon's POV)

I cupped Missi's face—delighted to see the sparkle in her eyes again. I wanted to tell her how much I loved her, but as the breath rose in my chest it occurred to me that we'd just agreed to be silent for a while. I swallowed my words, lifted her up and spun her around instead. It was a cheesy move right out of a chick flick and we both laughed—even more so when her hat blew off as if on cue. I stopped and set her down, letting go of her without realizing her balance was off. The first step she took was sideways and she took a dive into the sand. When I reached down to offer her assistance, she pulled me down with her.

Our amusement faded as my body settled over hers. Again I wanted to voice my feelings but I kissed her with all the emotion I wanted to convey. Our mouths clashed, our heads twisted and turned desperately seeking the best angle for our tongues to duel. I was desperate for air and eventually had to pull back. Missi looked as breathless and surprised by the intensity of the kiss as I was. The part of my psyche I call the hunter told me that my prey was stunned, prone and vulnerable now. A twinge of hunger arose, and I was ready to feed. I brushed my thumbs across Missi's nipples, alerting them to my mouth's impending invasion.

Missi smiled deviously and I realized the hunter had misjudged the situation. He'd been trumped by the emergence of Missi's little devil and it seemed like one of them had read my mind. Her tongue slid across her lips, and the naughty expression on her face followed by a wink confirmed my suspicion. Missi somehow managed to wriggle out from under me far enough to make an escape. I tried grabbing her legs, but the tease was on her feet so quickly that I had no chance of getting a grasp on her. I watched her disappear into a group of large rocks. The little devil obviously wanted to be hunted and I was definitely up for the challenge. I kicked off my shoes and headed toward the rocks.

I became concerned as I entered the area. The force of the incoming tide was fierce, and the impact of the water against the rocks was sending sheets of spray up in the air. As the water cascaded back down over the rocks it left little doubt that it wouldn't be long before this area filled up with water. I needed to find Missi and get us somewhere safe. The little bit of light from the moon was the only guide I had as I meandered between the rocks.

I found an opening and there stood Missi. I approached her slowly, my eyes adjusting to watch her movements. She reached behind her body and undid the tie on the back of her dress. As it draped loosely, she pushed it over her shoulders and bared all as the dress fell at her feet. Even though the hunter was mesmerized by the sight he didn't take this as a surrender and anticipated her taking off again any moment. She flipped the script and knelt down before me. I wasn't expecting such a display of unabashed behavior, but then again everything up to this point had been telling me this was a side of her I hadn't seen in a while. After a few moments of standing there stupefied the hardness of my erection finally grabbed my attention.

Missi looked up at me, her eyes were questioning as if she was asking me what I wanted. I pushed my pants down over my hips and let them fall. I hissed when she raked her nails down my stomach and thighs. The only contact between us were the fleeting nips she gave my cock. I wanted to command her to suck me but doing so would involve speaking and it was unlikely that she'd hear me above the crashing waves anyway. I took my cock in one hand and put the other hand around the back of her neck. I guided her face toward my erection, and she looked up at me as she opened her mouth. Once I guided myself in, she took over. My head fell back as she quickly worked me into a frenzy. I couldn't hear her moaning, but I felt the vibration in her throat. The thought of spilling into her was tempting, but despite the threat of the rising tide I wanted a taste of her too. I pulled the hair back from her face and savored the sight of her pleasuring me before removing my cock from her mouth and lifting her up from her knees. The effort she'd exerted was obvious given the amount of tears pooled around her eyes. I wiped them away before wrapping her in my arms and kissing her demandingly. Like heat-seeking missiles my hands slid down her sides and groped her ass. 

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