Chapter 43

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Trigger warning(s):  Language and Sexual Situations

(Missi's POV)

Only a handful of people were sitting outside braving the crisp air coming in off the ocean. The café deck was away from the bustle of the breakfast rush inside and somewhat more private. Choosing the sound of the waves instead of listening to the clattering of dishes and the scraping of silverware had been a no-brainer for us.

The deck extended out over the surf and as I watched the water weave between the rocks I had vivid memories of last night. The thought of such uninhibited scenes unfolding in daylight was mortifying.

'Why are you blushing?' Shannon asked with a knowing smile.

'It's probably wind burn.' I fanned myself with the menu.

'I don't think so. You're thinking the same thing I am.' He said with a devilish smirk.

He glanced around to see if anyone was close enough to hear before looking down at the beach.

'I'm imagining you laying on that massive rock right there, your naked body mine for the taking...'

'Good morning! What can I get you to start off your day?'

We were unaware that the perky waitress had arrived at our table.

I redirected my attention to the menu in front of me and struggled to maintain my composure.

'Coffee, please. Black.' Shannon cleared his throat as he replied.

'And for you?' The waitress turned to me.

'A cup of Earl Grey, please.'

'Perfect. I'll be right back.' She smiled.

Shannon reached over the table and put his hand on mine. The slow sweeping motion of his thumb across my wrist made me tingle. As his tongue glazed over his lips I recalled the way it had felt sliding between my legs last night.

'Have you decided what you're hungry for this morning?' The waitress asked as she placed our beverages on the table.

Again we'd been startled by our cheery waitress' seemingly stealth arrival and quickly made random selections from the menu.

'Should I tip her extra for her imperfect timing?' Shannon smiled as he lifted the steaming mug of coffee to his lips.

'Maybe if we keep having impure thoughts breakfast will arrive in a flash.'

As I blew on my tea I was suddenly tempted to test the likelihood of being served that quickly, but mostly I wanted to tease Shannon. I watched him savor his first sip of coffee and knew the next helping would very likely be a hearty gulp. I put forth the best pair of fuck-me eyes I could summon and went for it.

'I want to suck you into my mouth...mmm...until your cock fills my throat. Right here...right now.' I mouthed mischievously.

Shannon's eyes were the size of quarters as he struggled to keep from spraying forth a whole mouthful of coffee. He glared at me as he grabbed his napkin to wipe coffee off his chin and a few dribbles from his shirt. There was a hint of amusement beneath his rough exterior though. I was content knowing that I'd gotten to him, but my theory regarding the timing of breakfast's arrival had been dashed.

At that point I could tell it was going to be an amusing day. The forecast was calling for 75 percent chance of teasing before nightfall. After dark it was looking like a 90 percent chance of passionate retaliation, and I could hardly wait.

My stomach growled as the aroma of food came wafting through the air. My sexual appetite dissipated when the waitress placed an omelet and avocado toast in front of me. The arrival of food wasn't deterring Shannon. He was multitasking by incorporating suggestive looks and gestures in between bites of breakfast. He was trying to make me squirm but failing. What was captivating me were the brief glimpses I managed to catch when his boyish side peeked out from under the rugged handsomeness. The boy was eating his meal, but the man was contemplating a different kind of nourishment. God how I loved him.

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