Chapter 8

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Trigger warning(s):  Language and Sexual Situations

(Shannon's POV)

It didn't take a rocket scientist to figure out why Missi flipped out. I'd said the wrong thing, the wrong way, at a less than opportune time. I was in deep shit even before I mentioned Jay, but I'd kept babbling, thinking the uncensored notion of the three of us would sound less warped. I counted to ten. I'd need her to be calm, so she'd listen. I'd need to pull off that maneuver without blowing my temper or jamming my foot any further inside my mouth.

I found her outside with Maggie. I opened the door and called to her. As anticipated, my angelic princess provided a double flip off before crossing her arms and turning her back to me.

'Fuck' I mumbled under my breath and reminded myself that she was in a fragile, albeit unladylike, state. I took a deep breath and went outside.

'We need to talk.'

A full silhouette of her chin's pointiness was clearly visible as she lifted her nose in the air, framing her charming response.

'Piss off!'

I left the door open and stepped outside, knowing this was going to take a little muscle. As I went up behind her she whirled around and placed her hands on her hips.

'Don't you DARE touch me!'

I reached for her arm, but she pulled away before I had a hold of it.

'I'm not playing games.' I assured her, then picked her up and put her over my shoulder. Luckily her foot missed kicking my crotch as she fought against me. Testing my patience further, she clutched onto the door frame as I carried her through the doorway. I stepped back and she lost her grip and we went inside.

'What makes you think I have anything to say to a pervert?' She hissed when I let her down.

I sat down and straddled her over my lap, so we were face to face.

'I'll talk then and you're going to listen. You need to calm down!'

Her glare wasn't a match for mine, and she stilled herself.

'What I said was insensitive and I should have kept it to myself. I'm sorry my mind went in a sketchy direction. I lived in the fast lane for quite a while. I can't undo what I've seen and done. Threesome's weren't a regular thing, but my mind still goes there sometimes.'

Tears welled up in her eyes as she pondered what I said.

'Do you miss that lifestyle?'

'I'm not that person anymore. You're my life now.'

'I feel like I don't know you when you say things like that. What would make you think I'd ever let him touch me with or without your permission?'

'Jay and's hard to explain the dynamics of that relationship entirely. We've been together our whole lives and not just as brothers. We were there for each other in other ways that bonded us. He's been like a father at times and vice versa. I think that's why our boundaries get clouded sometimes.'

The hurt she must have been feeling was clearly visible in her eyes.

'So it's that bond that makes you think sharing is okay?'

'I'm a guy, Miss. We have fantasies. I wasn't saying that's what I wanted. But it isn't like sharing never crosses my mind.'

'Well you won't be engaging in that fantasy with me as long as there's breath left in my body! Your brother doesn't turn me on, he royally pisses me off most times.'

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