Chapter 6

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Trigger Warning(s): Sexual situations

(Missi's POV)

Katy Perry's song 'Hot N Cold' described my fluctuating moods very accurately. I'd be happy as a lark one moment and cry the next. As if that wasn't enough, I was easily frustrated by the simplest things. I was embarrassed when Shannon observed my impatience one day when I'd returned from the grocery store. I went off like a possessed demon simply because I couldn't fit a few grocery items in the cupboard. His side glance resembled that of a frightened rabbit frozen in place. I turned around after I calmed myself and he'd left the room. I can't say that I blamed him for disappearing, if I could escape myself I would have.

One thing he didn't seem to mind was my increased sex drive. I'd become somewhat of a succubus—getting Shannon on his back far more often than he had me on mine. He didn't seem to mind, but I knew I was wearing him out when he'd suddenly need to go to work. Despite everything he was hanging in like a true champ, although he likely wondered if I had multiple personality disorder now.

Shannon's Mother didn't come for a shopping expedition as originally planned. Jared was quick to point out that the news of our little bundle of joy should be kept under wraps, at least for now. That meant public shopping wouldn't be happening. It was suggested that I purchase maternity items online under an assumed name. For once Jared's concern didn't bother me, the last thing we needed was backlash from any so-called adoring fans (like Natalia) who may have imagined themselves the only suitable harvesting ground for Shannon's seed. Even though Shannon and I didn't have to hide being married now, life under the microscope was still dictating how we lived.

My sleep schedule was off. I would fall asleep in random locations at different times during the day, so I wasn't sleeping well at night. I started writing again, but my ability to do so was as unpredictable as my moods. Sometimes I was awake into the wee hours of the morning.

Shannon stirred when I came to bed one night. He rolled over and wrapped his muscled arms around me and I surrendered to the warmth of his body.

'Done writing already?'

'It wasn't happening.'

'You can't expect it to flow every time.'

'But I miss the feeling I get when it does come naturally.'

He kissed my neck and his hand brushed over my breasts.

'I could give you a different feeling.'

I responded to his touch with a deep moan as his hand slid between my legs and I arched up to make contact with his hand.

'Oh Jesus...oh Shannon.'

'Do you want me to be Shannon or Jesus?' He smirked.

My mind switched from desire to amusement as Marilyn Manson's 'Personal Jesus' lyrics started playing in my head. I giggled, but he wasn't amused.

'What's so funny?'

'If I said 'Jesus' then that would make you my own...personal...Jesus.'

'You're the one who said it.'

Once I contained my giggling, I looked at him with a serious expression. He seemed content that I'd calmed down and rubbed his hand over me again.

'Make me a believer.' I chuckled, followed by peals of uncontrollable laughter.

I could tell he was growing more and more upset by the second. I tried to quit laughing, but only managed to reduce it to a quiet snicker.

'I'm sorry.'

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