Chapter 4

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Trigger Alert:  Adult Subject Matter

(Missi's POV)

Shannon reacted the way I expected. I couldn't really blame him all that much, I was reeling too. I hoped he would step up and support my decision to carry through with this, but I wasn't going to blow sunshine up my own ass. He'd been single and childless for way too long to think he'd suddenly change his mind. Maybe he'd been faced with this situation before and choosing abortion came more easily to him.

I kept quiet so I wouldn't be tempted to lash out at him any further. I kept telling myself that whatever happened I wouldn't have to work or struggle to make ends meet this time. I was prepared to walk away if he couldn't handle this. I knew myself well enough to know that abortion wasn't anything I could live with--not even for him.

Chelsea messaged the next day wanting to know how things went. I told her it pretty much went the way I anticipated. Being the great wise one she predicted that Shannon would come around.

Maggie was my rock, sticking close to me at all times. Ever since the loud argument Shannon and I had she seemed somewhat wary of him...the same as I was. I knew he'd never hurt me, but the stress of the situation was taking its toll. I felt even sicker than I already had.

(Shannon's POV)

I stopped at work briefly. I was more concerned about settling things between Missi and I. I came up with the idea of visiting a couple friends who had young children to get their honest opinions about parenthood.

The first person I went to see was Justin. We'd never been very close friends, but I felt I could count on him to shoot straight from the hip. Listening to him rant about having kids I suddenly realized I'd never seen how negative he was about life in general. He told me he'd only married his wife because she was rich, and he'd never have to work a day in his life. He didn't want to spend much time with her or their children, and proud of the fact that he seized every opportunity to cheat. I couldn't respect the guy after hearing all that, but I knew there were plenty of people like him in LA.

'Run like the wind man. Don't be sucked in by the bullshit.' He said tossing back his second drink of the day.

'Thanks man.'

I took his advice and ran alright. I needed to distance myself from him and never look back.


Next up was a close friend I knew was an all-round good guy. We'd known each other a long time and I admired for him for kicking his bad habits.

'Oh my God, look who it is!' Mark said happily as he greeted me with a big hug. 'Long time no see. Aren't you supposed to be on tour?' He motioned for me to come inside.

'Tour's on hold for a while. Too many other things going on.'

'Well it's great to see you. You look good. Married life must agree with you.'

'For the most part, but we've hit a little snag.'

'Hopefully not another woman type of snag.'

'No, Missi's pregnant.'

'Congratulations! He patted me on the back but picked up on my hesitation to respond.

'Let me take a guess. I'd be willing to bet you're afraid you won't have all Missi's attention after the baby is born.' Mark laughed and slapped me on the back a few more times.

My laugh wasn't quite as hearty, realizing I'd forgotten how intuitive Mark was.

'I don't like admitting it.' I said.

'So, what do you want to know?' He motioned for me to take a seat.

'Does having a child come between the two of you? Does it mess things up?'

'If you choose to look at it that way, then I guess the answer you want is hear is yes. But you're not taking into consideration the positive aspects. Nothing compares to parenthood and my bond with Barb has only deepened as a result. I would never want to undo it. Like everything else in life though, it takes work. Thankfully kids aren't babies forever, which is the hard part. I'm not going to lie and say the first year doesn't test your faith, but if you really love your wife then loving your child will be a cinch. That child becomes part of you.'

'I've heard two very different sides now. I stopped and talked to Justin before I came here, and he told me to run.'

'Justin's a piece of shit. You're not Shannon. You have a big heart whether you like admitting it or not. That's all a child really needs.'

'But what if I'm no good at it? What if I can't stick with it like my father?'

'You inherited good things from your mother, and no one is the perfect parent. We all survived though, didn't we?'


'This was a surprise then I take it?'

'Missi had surgery to prevent getting pregnant, but some anomaly occurred.'

'Dare I say that maybe this was meant to be?'

'I think maybe you're right. I just needed some feedback.'

'I think you'll be surprised how well you take to the situation. If it's a boy you can teach him to play drums, or even if it's a girl. You may eventually learn firsthand why fathers hate guys messing with their daughters.'

'Let's hope it's a boy then. I don't need to know after causing my own share of trouble over the years.'

'It's probably best not knowing there Shanimal. That would be a karma shit storm.' Mark teased.


I heard Shannon coaxing Maggie off the bed and pretended to be asleep. I heard Maggie's cage door click downstairs and then he returned. The last thing I expected was that he'd slide over to my side of the bed, much less put his hand over my stomach.

'I'm so sorry it took me a little while to come around. I'm with you on this.' He whispered and caressed my stomach.

That one loving gesture spoke more than words ever could. The damn broke and tears of relief started flowing down my cheeks. He rolled me toward him and kissed my forehead.

'Please don't cry.'

'I'm so sorry.' I sobbed.

He started wiping my cheeks before holding me close.

'There's nothing for you to be sorry about. We didn't have any control over this.'

My arms went around his neck and I held on tightly.

'It's okay Miss.' He whispered and sat up and pulled me onto his lap. 'Everything will be fine.' He chanted as he rocked me in his arms. 

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