Chapter 14

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Trigger Warning(s):  Explicit Language and Sexual Scenarios

(Shannon's POV)

The music was pulsing slowly when Missi had first straddled my hips. Now her palms were pressing into my chest like a shot and the pace of her movement over me was increasing along with the music. She was zoned out and I was concentrating on the bouncing of her breasts. My tongue skirted my lips until I ultimately acquired a hold on them. I was holding back, waiting for a signal from her body. When the surge occurred, I thrust up and caught her hips to hold her in place over me. She called out as she came undone and my rampant mutterings were just as vivid.

With hooded eyes Missi rolled onto her back and we caught our breath. I turned over onto my side and snuggled up against her, my hand coming to lie along her belly. I had barely shut my eyes when I felt a soft thump against my hand, followed by a more vigorous one.

'He's moving.' She whispered.

That little person had made his presence known and I was blown away.

'I think maybe we rattled him a bit.' She grinned as her hand went over mine.

'How often does he do that?'

'I don't know. A few times a day now I guess.'

'How do you know when he's going to do it?'

'I don't.'

'We aren't hurting him when we have sex, are we?'

'I don't think he feels much in his padded bubble. You'd have to ask him.' Missi smiled.

I lay my head on Missi's stomach so I could address him.

'Hey little guy. I'm sorry if I make Mommy quake like that sometimes, but that's how things play out here in the big world. Someday you'll understand.'

'I can hardly wait to watch you explain the birds and the bees with the same detail some day.' Missi joked.

As she snickered, I felt another movement against my face. I had actually communicated with this little person. He needed to have a name and I decided that the name Missi mentioned was as good as any.

'Your name is Theo, the littlest of the Leto's.' I proclaimed, which made Missi chuckle.

'The lord and master dubs thee...' Missi laughed and her belly shook.


Missi and I went to Jared's so he and I could hang out while she and Brittany went shopping. He wasn't thrilled that they were going out and about, but neither of them cared much what he thought. After they left his calm demeanor changed.

'How could she turn me down?' He exclaimed in frustration as he drug his hands over his face.

'Who?' I asked despite knowing what the response would be.

'How many women have I ever proposed to?'

'Starting with what age?' I acted confused.

'Ha ha.'


'Fuck you Shannon.'

'While you were messed up or sober?'

'Why the hell are you being like this?'

'I'm just treating you with the same sincere consideration you show me at times.'

'This is serious.'

'Okay, don't twist your panties in a wad. Explain what's going on.'

'I asked Brit if she'd consider marrying me and she said no!'

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