Chapter 12

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Trigger Warning(s):  Adult Content

(Shannon's POV)

Missi's testimony went well and Brittany was found innocent a few days later. She and Jared weren't coming home right away, they were going to Maldives for some overdue private time. They needed a break from public scrutiny, and he hoped the media would move on to other victims while they were there. Jared postponed the tour until a few months after the baby's birth. That would guarantee me being there, and he wasn't in any shape after the stress of the trial to keep up that pace.

Jared and Brittany wouldn't be home for a week, so we decided to follow suit. Missi's sonogram was coming up, and after that we were taking a trip up the coast.


The unpleasant antiseptic smell of the exam room was compounded by the overwhelming feeling of it being too hot. My hand was clammy as it rested over Missi's. My breathing was shallow as the sonogram probe ran over Missi's stomach. The doctor zoomed in on a little dark spot shaped like a kidney bean. When he zoomed in further, I saw a little wiggly shape inside of it. I soon realized I was looking at the baby and what was moving appeared to be arms and legs. Missi squeezed my hand and I smiled at her, but my attention was quickly drawn back to the screen.

'Do you want to know the gender?' The doctor asked.

Missi and I answered 'yes' at the same time.

'It's a boy!' He smiled at us.

I felt like I was going to fall through the floor at first, but I was grinning like a fool nonetheless. When the doctor finished he gave us a CD starring our baby boy and we were on our way. I hugged Missi and swung her around once we were outside.

'I take it you're pleased.' She giggled with a hint of tears in her eyes.

'Very much so.' I kissed her so hard she was off balance when we finally came up for air. 'I love you babe.'

'I love you too.' She beamed.


The next day Missi and I left on our getaway. Monterey was the destination—back to the scene of the crime so to speak as we'd spent our first getaway there. It was on that trip that she started reeling me into her web. She'd already fallen for me, even more so in a little coffeeshop in LA.

We didn't drive straight through, instead we stopped at a little hotel at Ragged Point near San Simeon. It was set into the cliffs along Big Sur's coastline. It wasn't anything fancy, but it had spectacular views, fireplaces and jacuzzies.

I homed in on the espresso bar when we checked in and grabbed a caffeine fix to go. Missi laid down for a nap once we were settled in and I got comfortable on the balcony. Partaking of caffeine and nicotine high above a breathtaking rocky coast felt pretty damn good.

Missi was sound asleep when I checked on her. I understood why as I laid down on the bed beside her. The mattress was welcoming and cradled my body like a down pillow. I spooned Missi and the hand that I draped over her side came to rest on her stomach. She purred like a content cat.

'How's my little pussy?' I whispered in her ear.

'Closed for renovations.' She chuckled.

'I noticed yesterday that your baby bump is becoming visible, at least to the well-trained eye familiar with the terrain.' My hand rubbed over her belly.

'That does tend to happen when women are in a family way.'

'Family way? Is this the 17th Century or are you just being very proper?' I laughed heartily.

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