Chapter 59

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Note from the Author: Sorry I haven't updated for a while. By fluke a condition I've dealt with for at least 10 years was finally diagnosed. So far the current treatment is working well enough that my ability to concentrate has improved enough to write again. (Hopefully this chapter doesn't suck.) 


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Trigger Warning(s):  Suicidal Thoughts

Missi's POV

I was out alone for the first time in weeks—driving to LA of all places—and my nerves were on edge. I'd Googled my destination beforehand to avoid any popular locations or areas that paparazzi tend to frequent. My GPS voiced my destination was 20 feet ahead after I turned the corner onto a tree-lined side street. It was a plain mortar building with the agency's name in shiny gold lettering above the door.  I was proud that I'd made it there, but that was sure to be the easiest part of this meeting.

The receptionist, Lindsey, greeted me when I entered the office. She informed me that although my agent, Ms. Blair, was running behind that she'd be available soon. Lindsey was very cordial and escorted me to the waiting area where she told me to help myself. Laid out on an old Victorian buffet was an impressive array of pastries, coffees, juices and tea.

After making a cup of tea I sat in one of the comfy armchairs. The morning sun was shining in the window, the heavenly aroma of my ginger tea was soothing and the fact that I'd made it here without incident made me feel relaxed. No sooner had I let out a sigh of relief, than a burst of panic came. Being hit by anxiety without warning wasn't anything unheard of, but to have it happen when I was relaxed was odd. I took a few deep breaths and refused to give in to my first inclination, which was trying to determine why my panic button went off at such a strange time. Instead, I redirected my attention to the tasteful décor and the delightful flavor of my tea.

This agency wasn't one of the most prestigious in Tinseltown, and that appealed to me. They seemed to be low key and didn't use splashy ads or self-proclaimed accolades to attract clients like the others. I wasn't interested in the best or the most popular. All I wanted was a decent, affordable place to live.

I'd given forethought to dealing with a less affluent company thinking it would be less likely that anyone there would know or care who I was. I didn't want to be seen at a property management company for obvious reasons. I wasn't sure if rumors were circulating about Shannon and I splitting, but I was going to go out of my way to not feed the vultures. I wanted Shannon to have the honor of letting the cat out of the bag publicly, and I was fairly certain he'd do so in a distasteful way if he hadn't already done so.

I hadn't heard a word from Shannon, although Chelsea had intercepted a couple of drunk dials with music and laughter in the background. It had taken me a long time to find the courage to take this major step into my unknown future today. Chelsea had offered to come with me—and my first inclination was to accept—but I had to prove to myself that I had the courage to do this alone.

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