Chapter 48

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Trigger Warning(s): Explicit Language and Sexual Scenarios

(Missi's POV)

'Where the hell are you going? You just drove past the house!' I giggled nervously as the sight of my residence flashed by.

'I'm gonna park somewhere less obvious.' Chelsea grinned.

'Why?' My high-pitched shriek pierced even my own ears.

'We could have so much fun with this. I just can't resist seeing how insane we—I mean you—can drive Shannon. Is he home yet?'

'I don't know. You went by too fast.'

Chelsea threw the car almost sideways to turn around for another drive by.

'Slow down!' I yelled trying to see if there was some indication that Shannon had returned while we were gone. 'I can't tell. He might have parked in the garage.'

Again, she put the Lexus into a spin as she maneuvered it back up the hill like a racecar driver.

'You're having too much fun Chels! I seriously think you need to get out more often.' I snickered.

'I get out plenty—just not with anyone over the age of 10. My main concern isn't about being a role model right now.'

I chuckled at the seriousness with which she always displays her convictions. Seconds later the car was parked, and Chelsea jumped out.

'I have just the thing.' Chelsea was now rummaging through her trunk.

'Stuff your hair up under this and put these on.' She pushed a tall, crowned fedora and a pair of diamond studded Bulgari glasses at me.

'Jesus, Chelsea, what's next from your bag of tricks? Do you happen to have a 60-second face lift kit in there?' I laughed.

'Just put the stuff on!' She insisted.

'What did you pay for these?' I asked as I put the sunglasses on.

'You don't want to know.' She chuckled.

As we started down the hill I realized I was having trouble walking in the damn boots she insisted that I buy.

'If I make it down this hill without falling on my ass, I'm gonna choke you!' I grabbed her arm to hang on.

'You act like a geriatric patient I just picked up from the old folks' home. Don't git yer gutchies in a knot!' Chelsea chuckled as she steadied us.

'Oh my God—gutchies! Are we gonna have another debate over buggies or shopping carts again too?'

'I'm always up for defending the language of my people.'

'I don't think I want to mess with you today. You established your dominance very early on.'

'Shhh...we're almost within ear range. Behave yourself.' Chelsea scolded.

We walked through the gate and approached the front door quietly.

'You knock and I'll stand here off to the side.' Chelsea's eyes were sparkling like this was some kind of high-drama situation.

'I'm knocking on my own door.' I muttered under my breath before doing so.

'Shhh! Put your hand on your waist, show some attitude.' Chelsea whispered.

'You need serious help.' I whispered back.

No one came to the door, but Chelsea had me knock again just to be sure.

'See, all for nothing.' I said when yet again no one answered.

THE SPACE BETWEENTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang