Chapter 58

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Trigger Warning(s):  Explicit Language and Sexual Scenarios

(Shannon's POV)

I was enjoying a lazy Saturday afternoon at home—alone—with nowhere to be until evening. That is, if I even opted to go out at all. Missi had gone out, which was rare. Surprisingly, she'd turned my head when she came downstairs looking more attractive than she had in a while. I was almost tempted to try defrosting the ice princess, but I wasn't really in the mood. The idea crossed my mind that she might be hooking up with someone, but I'd bet money she'd never cheat on me. As long as she didn't interfere in my life, I'd give her the same respect.


I'd just stepped out of the shower when I heard Missi return. I wrapped a towel around my waist and as I walked into the bedroom I saw her struggling with the zipper on the back of her dress. As I went up behind her to assist she wasn't aware of my presence and jumped when I touched her. She shivered as I pulled her zipper down and exposed her back. When she turned to face me, I noticed her makeup was smudged as if she'd been crying. After letting her dress fall to the floor, she stood there staring at me expressionless. I wasn't sure what she expected me to do, but upon closer observation I noticed her eyes were slanted. There was only one thing I knew made her eyes look that way. She was high—and that also made her horny as hell.

'What's up?' I couldn't avoid smirking when I realized what was motivating her behavior.

She undid her bra, sliding it slowly down her arms before flinging it at me.

'What does that mean?' I asked catching the garment midair.

Her hooded eyes and lusty expression made her agenda undeniable. I'd consider giving in to her if she told me outright what she wanted. I wasn't the dejected husband who'd do anything for a piece anymore.

Missi ran her hands slowly down the sides of her face, neck, chest, then stopped briefly over her breasts before continuing down over her hips to the sides of her panties. As she slid them down her legs I advised my co-pilot to stand down, but his response to seeing her naked and willing was beyond my control.

'I want you to fuck me.' She stooped down affording me a nice peek, then picked up her panties and flung them at me as well.

I failed to react quickly enough to catch them. I was caught off guard by how she seemed to have read my mind, but how wonderfully blatant her choice of wording was when it came to telling me what she wanted. Now the ball was in my court more quickly than I expected it to be, but I closed the distance between us and hooked my hand around the back of her neck. I pulled her to me and kissed her hard. I tasted alcohol and realized that she wasn't just high, she'd been drinking. I felt like someone had handed me a free ride pass. I reminded myself that this totally random fuck was only happening because she was messed up. If I saw this as anything more than that, I'd be treading in dangerous water. I wasn't going to let her think she could pull me in again.

Her hands slid up my chest and around my neck as we bit and sucked each other's lips. She ripped my towel off and pressed her body against mine as she ground her nails into my ass cheeks. She was becoming the aggressor and I wasn't liking how she was playing so fast and loose. Even more aggravating was that she was going to get what she wanted with far less effort than I had to make when I wanted to fuck her. I wanted to slow things down a little, so I asked for specifics.

'How do you want me to fuck you?' I stared down at her as I awaited her answer.

She sauntered over to the nightstand and opened the drawer, then came back over and handed me lubricant.

'Guess.' She leaned over the dresser nonchalantly like what she had asked me to do was as insignificant as asking me to shake her hand.

She smirked as she looked over her shoulder and twisted a strand of hair around her finger. She'd never initiated anal sex and I felt like this was some kind of test. I was leery as I took care of the prep, but she moaned with pleasure as I did so I didn't question it. I was perplexed by this woman who normally I practically had to get written permission from when I wanted to fuck her this way.

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