Chapter 9

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Trigger warning(s):  Sexual situations and language.

(Missi's POV)

My clit was tingling as Shannon dropped me on the bed after having teased and tormented the hell out of me in the bathroom. I heard him rustling around in the dressing room and had to hold back a snicker. He was likely searching for a whip that fit my earlier description. He refused to accept that I'd been teasing about what I wanted to do to the Leto brothers. The vision that had popped in my mind of serving them small slices of just desserts had evoked a fit of laughter despite its lack of originality.

'Will either of these work?' He returned holding two whips, neither of which would work well for what I had in mind.



'The strands aren't right.'

'Tell me what nasty thing you had in mind.'

'It was a just a funny idea.'


'Me saying I wanted to include your brother in any teasing should have tipped you off to that fact. I thought I was pretty clear when I said I didn't want him touching me that way, and that certainly meant I wouldn't want to touch him either.'

'Then tell me what was so funny about what you had in mind.'

'Let it go.'

'I want to know what your mind conjured up.'

'What's the big deal?'

'Never mind. Since these are out though...' He grinned holding the whips poised like drumsticks. 'If you're agreeable.'

'Shannon, I think I've felt restrained enough for one day.' Tired by even the notion of anyone expecting me to be agreeable enough to follow directions.

'I hadn't planned on restraining you, especially if that's not what you want. If you don't want to play a little, then say so.'

I took a breath and sighed—not with pleasure—with frustration. This certainly wasn't what I had in mind after he'd already worked me up into a frenzy and not carried through. The questioning pout combined with the provocative look he gave me wore down my resolve.

'Okay.' I spoke halfheartedly.

I hated how quickly his demeanor changed and he took charge. My ability to switch gears took a bit more time.

'Then stand up.' He instructed with conviction.

He headed toward the bathroom and returned with a few things. My hairbrush and the hair tie he placed on the nightstand didn't surprise me, but the lipstick seemed a little over the top. Him wanting to 'prepare' me instead of commanding me to do so was a nice gesture, but I still wasn't really feeling it yet. I hoped to be able to get through this scenario obediently.

'Turn around so I can brush your hair.' He spoke lovingly instead of assertively.

He ran the brush through my hair slowly and softly which almost hypnotized me. He was standing close behind me as he gathered my locks up into a ponytail and I felt a slowly expanding sensation against my back. After lulling me into tranquility he pulled my hair through the tie and tugged on it. He turned me so I was facing him and took the lid off the fiery red lipstick that I reserved for seductive purposes. He took great care applying the lipstick, and when he was done seemed content with his work. He then cradled my head and glided his thumbs over my cheekbones, and I watched his tongue smooth his bottom lip. He must have wanted this badly given the effort he was putting forth. I felt somewhat embarrassed being attended to by him this way and avoided looking directly at him. When I finally did there was tenderness in those twinkling eyes. I felt bad that I wasn't initially into this, but I definitely was now. I wanted to touch his face but reminded myself that despite his gentleness he was the master for now.

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