Chapter 5

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Trigger Warning(s):  Sexually Explicit, Language

(Missi's POV)

I awoke with a heavy feeling the next morning, soon realizing it was the arm and leg that were draped over me. Shannon was snuggled against me and I was cozy and content. I was going to go back to sleep, but Shannon must have been lying awake thinking.

'When do you think this happened?'


'When do you think you got pregnant?'

'Maybe it was the consummation you so blatantly proclaimed on our wedding night.'

He rolled onto his back laughing.

'Remind me to keep my mouth shut from now on.'

'No problem.'

'This is going to be an eye-opener for me, but you know what to expect.'

'They're ups and downs, but in the end you have a little person to love who's part of you.'

'They'll be stubborn then?'

'Don't even go there!'

'And stunningly handsome.'

I rolled toward him and smiled.

'It could be a girl.'

'But you've only had boys.'

'Google it Shannon, that has nothing to do with it.'

'I guess Google and I will become good friends.'

'Not just for porn.' I chuckled and he grabbed me by the waist.

'Very funny. I'll show you some porn.'

'I have to pee!' I shrieked.

'I guess I have to believe you now when you say that.'

'Exactly...everything I say in fact.'

'I'm not gonna be whipped like that.'

'If you say so.' I replied grinning and sashayed my ass as I walked away.

(Shannon's POV)

I called Mom to let her know Missi and I were settled in. We talked about Jared and Brittany's situation at length, and I could tell she was distraught. I hadn't planned on telling her that Missi was pregnant without Missi knowing, but I sensed Mom needed something to cheer her up.

'I have some good news that will make you very happy.'

'I would certainly hope there's something good amongst all this.'

'Maybe you'd like to guess since it's something you seem to love asking about.'

'What could you possibly be referring to? couldn't be...please tell me you're not joking!'

'I'm gonna be a dad.'

I had to hold the phone away from my ear while she carried on. Missi walked into the room and looked perplexed as to what was going on. I held my phone against my chest and clued her in.

'I told Mom about the baby.'

Missi's eyes bugged out and the shrillness of her voice hurt my ears as much as Mom's had.

'Shannon, no! You're not supposed to tell people right away in case something goes wrong.'

I realized I was in deep shit now and needed to act quickly.

'Mom, Missi just walked in.' I said and passed her the phone.

'Shannon I'm gonna...' Missi said before taking the phone out of my hand. 'Hi Mom.' She said sweetly.

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