Chapter 55

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Trigger Warning(s): Explicit Language and Sexual Scenarios

(Shannon's POV)

I was mulling over what went wrong at the bar as I drove home. Something struck me that I hadn't taken into consideration—the prenup. It was a contract, and I was going to remind Missi of it's existence. After all, it was her behavior that was pushing me away. When I'd written the clause about sex in the prenup, I'd crafted it carefully. The types of sex, the frequency and the positions and it was nonnegotiable. I'd used our sex life at that time in our relationship as a model when I wrote it. Never could I have imagined that my amusing addition would be necessary. My lawyer, Max, had been amused when we first went over it together.  

The house was dark when I got home, except for the bedroom. Missi was sitting on the edge of the bed in one of her drab, oversized t-shirts putting lotion on her legs. She glanced up at me briefly and put the cap on the bottle. Her frown indicated she wasn't happy to see me.

I pulled my shirt over my head as she pulled down the covers on the bed. Before she had time to slide between the sheets I spoke.

'Get down on your knees.' I stated firmly.

'WHAT?' She whipped around and faced me with a look of disbelief.

'What part didn't you understand?' I was unaffected by her nasty look.

'Who do you think you are? You stroll in here and think you're going to command me to do whatever you want? Seriously?' She shrieked.

'I'm your husband and we have a prenup. You can comply with what I'm asking you to do or I can call my lawyer so he can send you a legal reminder of your part of the agreement.' I crossed my arms and stood my ground.

'You have to be kidding me.' She snarled.

'I wish to fuck I was.'

'Are you trying to tell me in a roundabout way that if I don't do what you want when you want that you'll file for divorce?' Her jaw immediately settled defiantly.

'No. The way I look at it, a prenup is written for the purpose of avoiding divorce. When aspects of a relationship become less than they once were, that contract reinforces them.'

'After everything we've been through...are you really stooping this low?'

'I never thought I'd have to. When I make love to you, it's like you're not even there. Hell, I don't think you're really even there in your mind anymore. You're too numbed out, and I get little if any affection.'

'So, let me get this clear, me blowing you is going to change that? You're also telling me you have no regard for how much better I feel on this medication because you can't cope with the side effects.'

'You know as well as I do that your doctor can put you on something else that works just as well or better.'

'And what if a different medication would make me worse?'

'Please, Miss. At least try something different. Please!'

She looked down at the floor, shook her head in disbelief and rested her forehead in her hand. After a few seconds she slowly knelt down beside the bed.

Part of me felt guilty for pushing her, but I'd just told her what I wanted and needed and that was progress for me. Angel had been drilling it into my head that I needed to voice my concerns instead of stewing over them or acting out. Maybe being able to do this was what it would take to help us get through this rough spot and maybe Missi would start being affectionate again if her meds were changed.

I had no intention of making this easy for her. I wasn't going to take off my pants. That was her job. She'd be getting me aroused as well, so she could give me what I wanted. She wouldn't have the luxury of laying there lifeless the way she had the last few times we'd had sex. This was going to be interactive.

'Take everything off. I wanna see all of you.'

I could tell she was seething as she lifted the hem of her shirt and pulled it over her head. Then she pulled down her panties and flung them with her foot before resuming her position on the floor.

'I find your panties to be in my way a lot lately, so whenever you're in that bed I don't think they're necessary.'

She cocked her head stiffly to one side like she was about to give me a piece of her mind, but she resisted.

I walked over and stood in front of her. I was silent as I looked down at her. I had her where I wanted her for a change. I never had to direct her as to what to do in the past unless I was the master and giving her commands, but I was more than happy to be the instructor if she didn't carry through soon. She probably thought I was going to take pity on her.

I unbuttoned my waistband as a cue, but she wasn't paying any attention to what I was doing. I leaned over and brushed the hair from her face before placing my finger under her chin.

'My pants need unzipped.' I lifted her head upward and looked in her eyes.

The defiant look she had was all it took for me to start getting hard. She reached up and pulled my zipper down, dragging my pants down to the floor. She looked up at me briefly as she rubbed her hand up and down the outline of my shaft.

'Pull my boxers down so I can step out of them.' I directed.

As she assisted me in untethering my feet from my pants and boxers, my cock bobbed in her face. I purposely moved my torso from side to side so my cock would tap her cheeks. For some reason I was trying to annoy her, but she seemed unaffected.

'Now stroke my cock.'

With both hands she enveloped me with an insanely light touch as she cupped me and twisted her hands up and down my shaft. She was already driving me wild, and my cock twitched.

'Suck me.' I said as my breathing increased.

She slid her tongue up and down my shaft, then flicked it around the edges of my tip before sucking me in. I knew at that point I wasn't going to last long. It had been a while since she'd had her lips around me, and she was doing some of her best work. The twinges of impending gratification surging through my body were quickly merging toward ecstasy—the sweet dominant sensation I craved. My cock was pulsing and my mind swimming as I felt sweat trickle down my back.

'Moan for me, princess.' I groaned.

I had to hold myself back when her throat started vibrating. I put my hands on the sides of her head and guided myself deeper down her throat.

'Jesus.' I strained to speak as I started spiraling toward my release. 

I braced myself, increasingly aware that this was going to be epic. Suddenly Missi pulled back and I felt her teeth scrape against my cock as it fell out of her mouth. I looked down to see why she'd stopped so abruptly. She grinned as she watched the realization hit me that she'd stopped just short of the mark on purpose. I wanted to scream in disbelief, but it slowly dawned on me that she paid great attention to detail. The whole time she was working me, she'd likely been searching her brain for a loophole in our agreement. She was complying with the prenup by giving me a blow job, but it wasn't specified that she needed to get me off. I grabbed my cock to finish myself, but the pace had been lost and my hand wasn't providing the same kind of sensation. I was angry, and I knew if I didn't finish this I'd be even more so. I closed my eyes when my release finally came, but it was less satisfying than it would have been if she hadn't pulled that stunt. I was hoping to deliver my outpouring on her face instead of having it drip down her chest. That would have been an excellent payback because she wasn't thrilled when I came her face in the past.

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