Chapter 42

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(Trigger warning(s): Sexual situations.)

~For Meghan

(Missi's POV)

'Good morning.' Shannon whispered when I opened my eyes.

'Mmm...morning.' I smiled and stretched my body.

'Sleep well?' He asked in a husky, suggestive tone as his hand slid across my stomach.

'Yes. I was a little tired out.'

'I think your little escapade tired us both out.'

'My escapade.' I chuckled. 'Wasn't that you right there with me?'

'You're the one who took off into the darkness with the tide coming in. I'm definitely not complaining though. It was nice to see my little vixen had returned.'

'I don't know what you're talking about.' I giggled and he pulled me closer.

'You never do.' He kissed me and pulled me even closer.

'I see you found your clothes.' I chuckled at the sight of him fully dressed.

'I was up early and had to go looking for my shoes. I didn't think going out to get coffee was a good idea without them. I think they were washed away or someone who just happened to wear my size scooped them up.'

'It isn't like you don't have a hundred other pairs.'

'Luckily I had a pair in my car. You wouldn't want me to be stranded with no coffee.'

'Damn, that was the whole point of the escapade.'

'Oh yeah, really.' He tickled me until I begged for mercy.

'I'm hungry. How about we go get some breakfast.'

'I'm in!' I said eagerly and whipped off the covers.

As I started to sit up he put his hand on my cheek and kissed me.

'That's my girl.' He whispered and chills went down my spine.

'Nevermind...I think I know where you're trying to go with this, and I have nothing to say.' I got up out of bed and grabbed my robe from the chair.

'Your secret's safe with me.' He looked at me with that devilishly lustful expression that always makes me quiver.

'Whatever.' I replied nonchalantly and rushed in the bathroom and locked the door behind me.

If I didn't know better, I would bet that today was going to be a continuation of last night. I put it out of my mind and turned on the shower. I wanted breakfast before anything else. Not to mention that I had more than one sensitive spot this morning.

'Don't be too long.' Shannon shouted from outside the bathroom door.

Thankfully he wasn't jangling the doorknob begging me to unlock the door, but it did appear he'd showered earlier. If that was the case I'd slept right through that and his comings and goings. I chuckled at the thought of him combing the beach for his shoes as I stepped in the shower.

When I entered the bedroom Shannon was sitting in the chair with his coffee not far from his side.

'Have you been doing a little retail therapy?' He asked as he looked around the room at the bags and boxes neatly stacked against the wall and sitting on the dresser top.

'Ah, yeah. I bought a few things.' I smiled amusedly.

'A few, huh? Was that one shopping spree or two?' He snickered.

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