You don't understand Pt1

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Over the years, Cheryl had learned to keep certain emotions hidden. Love, attraction, and lust were kept under lock and key in her mind. She'd gotten so good at blocking them, that most of the time she didn't think they were there anymore. But, every once in awhile something would try to push them to the surface. It never lasted longer than a minute or two, though. Cheryl made sure of that. She remembered one of those times bitterly.

It had been when her mother had taken her and Jason to see a ballet show. They were both around 13 at the time. During the show she must have stared at one of the dancers far to intensely. Because when she glanced back to her mother the woman had never looked angrier. Once the show was over and they had arrived home it didn't take long for her mother to explode.

"You need to control your deviant thoughts, Cheryl. The look on your face tonight was absolutely disgusting. Girls do not look at other girls like that, understand?"

Cheryl went to bed that night feeling defeated and angry with herself. Even Jason, who had snuck into her room later, couldn't find the words to help. From that point on she had promised herself to close off all emotions.

When Jason died, years later, it only solidified her feelings. He was the only one that seemed to know she was holding back. They told each other everything, but never talked about relationships. With him gone she was free to build wall after wall in an attempt to block out everyone.

Cheryl found that she was amazing at keeping her feelings quiet. She didn't dwell on the fact that it was because nobody cared enough to see that she was hiding something. For instance, when Veronica and Betty shared their pathetic kiss at River Vixens tryouts. She didn't even bat an eye as she let out a snarky comment.

It was so simple to lie to everyone. Extremely simple, until Toni Topaz had waltzed into her life.

"Why don't you come over here and say that to my face?"

" Happily queen of the buskers."

Cheryl didn't show it on her face in the moment. But the interaction had startled her. It wasn't that she was scared of Toni. Or any of the other serpents for that matter. No, it brought out one of the feelings she was so dead set on hiding. Attraction. The way Toni had stared her down and angrily retorted. Cheryl was so very attracted to her, and that couldn't happen. It's why only seconds later she was threatening Archie about his kiss with Betty. It helped her ignore the sirens currently going off in her head. She couldn't handle whatever the hell was happening. She'd decided then to avoid Toni at all costs.

That had been over a week ago. Her life had gone somewhat back to normal. Well, besides the fact that she couldn't stop thinking about Toni. Or the fact that her heart would pick up speed anytime the other girl passed her in the hall. She never dared make eye contact with her. She was angry that this random serpent girl had such an effect on her.

The simple plan of ignoring the girl fell apart as she wandered into the gym for Vixens' practice. She immediately noticed Toni, clad in a signature yellow shirt, talking to Veronica. Neither of the girls noticed her slowly approaching from behind. Her anger building with every step she took. It wasn't until Veronica noticed her over Toni's shoulder that she spoke up.

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