Part 2: Ugh

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The brunette slipped a dark gray mask over his face. It had been a week since he bought the tickets. He checked his bags over and over again to make sure he had everything. He had called the airport and informed them he was going to be carrying a lot of metal because he was a content creator. The downside to this was he had to get to the airport two hours before his flight so they could check all of his bags.

The brunette put on his hood and carefully moved his hair around until you couldn't see his eyes well. Hopefully I won't get recognized, that would be the last thing I need. Wilbur had agreed to drop him off, so he waited by the window until he saw Wilbur's familiar light brown car. The brunette collected all his luggage and brought it outside, setting into the truck and back seats.

George broke the silence by saying, "Thanks again for the ride, it really helps." He was glad Wilbur was a good enough friend not to say anything about it to anyone else or accidentally leak it. He looked over at the musican sitting next to him and smiled.

"No problem at all! I'm always here to help. Glad it wasn't a day I was supposed to stream though." Wilbur replied as he glanced over to George. For a second they made eye contact and Soot smiled. He looked back at the road as they pulled up into the front of the airport. "Bye! Have a fun trip. Make sure you stay safe!" Wilbur said as George opens the car door.

"I will! You stay safe too!" The brunette replied as he closed the door and got his luggage from the back. He waved at Wilbur as Soot drove away. George carried his suitcases over to security as they checked them. He pulled out his phone and checked his messages. Sapnap: Have a good flight!

George couldn't help but smile as he thought about them meeting. Watching movies together, cooking, and everything else he thought was cute. The security guard dismissed him as said it would take longer to check the luggage. The brunette went and sat down about 20 feet away and plugged in his headphones. He thought about how happy he was to be meeting Sapnap and Dream. Even though he never really showed how much he appreciated, he really did want to meet them. He smiled as he closed his eyes and imagined hugging them.

SNAP! The brunette woke up to the security guard snapping in his face. "We are done checking your luggage." he said as he handed George the suitcases one by one. George looked down at his phone and checked the time. 7:45.

"Thank you so much sir." The brunette said in a raspy voice as he took his luggage. He had about 15 more minutes of waiting until he got onto his flight. George moved closer to the section he would be getting onto the plane at. The brunette opened the group chat between Dream, Sapnap, and him. I'm about to get on to the plane. George pressed send as the speakers announced his plane leaving.

Once he was done putting up his suitcases, he sat down in his seat and immediately fell asleep.

Grinning Forever With You (DNF/DREAMNAP/DREAMNAPFOUND)  Where stories live. Discover now