Part idk

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(last chapter they gave each over hickeys and handjobs they also made out they are all shirtless but are wearing boxers and pants)

"You guys look poka dotted!" Sapnap said while laughing. It was true, they other boys had trails of hickeys starting at their neck and ending around their lower stomach.

"I will make you poka dotted if you don't be quiet." Dream threatened as a joke. He quickly left one hickey on Sapnap's neck before kissing his forehead.

"Why do you guys leave me out?" George said playfully as he kissed both boys on the lips one at a time. The brit pulled apart, always wearing a small smile.

"I want lunch Dreammmmmmm" Sapnap whinned as he wrapped his arms around the blonde's bare waist. George silently ducked under the tallest boy's arms and kissed him.

"Well I can't cook if you guys don't let me move!" Dream said jokily after he kissed George on the forehead. "If you guys let me go, I will have ramen done in nine minutes." The blonde said, trying to negotiate a deal with the clingy brunettes.

"Fineeeeeeee" Sapnp said as he walked away into the living room. The couch made a creaking sound as the dark-brunette carelessly flopped onto it. Without a word, George gave the blonde a kiss of the cheek and went into the other room to cuddle with Sapnap.

George crawled over the dark-brunette's chest and curled around his (sapnap's) body. The boy was a nice familiar warmth to the brit, they calmed him down. Normally, the brunette would be stressed about being in America but with them, he felt safe. He felt as if no one could harm him. He felt loved and cared for. For once in George's life, he felt comfortable living in a house with someone. He never felt comfortable even thinking about that before, but with them he was safe.

The dark-brunette felt the brit squeeze him, he looked down to see the other boy tightly wrapped around his body. Sapnap could feel him lightly breathe against his neck, it was warm and somewhat nice. After about three minutes, the dark-brunette heard George lightly snore. He really does sleep a lot, his fan base doesn't overreact, Sapnap thought with a small subtle smile on his face. The brit looked... peaceful, like he would never worry again. The dark-brunette just calmly started at his soft sleeping face. He looked perfect, the way his hair swooped to one side, his soft skin, his long eyelashes, he seemed so graceful and unbothered.

"Food is ready!" Dream shouted from the kitchen, breaking Sapnap's train of thought and waking George up. The brunette softly opened his eyes and smiled at the slightly darker brown eyes that were staring back. The dark-brunette quickly looked away, embarrassed again.

"Come on." George said as he got up from the couch. One thought ran through his mind, It's cute.. the way he gets embarrassed so easily, he isn't really like that on stream. With a soft smile from Sapnap, both boys walked over to the kitchen table where Dream was setting down three fresh bowls of ramen. You could still see the steam coming from the dish.

(541 words)

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