Part 22

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"You guys are gonna get recognized, shouldn't I go instead?" Dream asked, knowing full well the boys would be instantly surrounded. He already thought he could hear Sapnap's words in his ears.

"Noooooo. I want to go. If I don't go, Im dragging you both with me." The dark brunette whined. The other boys had no clue why he wanted to go so bad.

"You want to pick out a bunch of unhealthy food, don't you?" George asked the insistent boy. The brit was met with a huff and pouting from the little arson devil.

"Fine we can go together, but don't say I didn't warn you." Dream said as he twirled his car keys on his index finger. Sapnap ran to the car in the garage, leaving the door open.

"SHOTGUN!" The dark brunette yelled so loud the other boys thought the neighbors could hear. So he was met with both Dream and George in the car.

They drove for about 20 miles. They always did this since they didn't feel comfortable shopping in a place too close to the house. They then parked their car far away from the supermarket . They weren't very found of people knowing what kind of car they had, even that could be traced back to them by stalkers.

With walking three blocks away from the car, they arrived at the supermarket. Dream looked around and even older people were looking at the three. trying to place their faces. They might have grandchildren or children that watch us. I don't think any old people like Sapnap with his swearing habits. A small smile formed on the blonde's face.

"Where is the tea section?" George said, he had walked up to a worker and was wasting no time. Many expressions flashed on the worker's face.

The shocked worker soon asked, "Aren't you Georgenotfound?!" With a wide open mouth from the worker, George just nodded. He knew since he was with Sapnap he could not deny it.

"Can you show me to the teas now?" George asked with a small laugh. The worker nodded quickly pointed to the aisle.

"Can I get a photo with you?" The worker asked quickly. The brit nodded and posed for a photo as the worker took out their phone. After a click from the phone, the worker said, "Thanks so much, I can't believe I got to meet you!" 

They quickly bought the things that they needed before meeting up again. Dream had a covid mask on with a hood draped over his head. Thankfully his hair was long enough to cover his eyes, but he wore sunglasses underneath them either way.

Grinning Forever With You (DNF/DREAMNAP/DREAMNAPFOUND)  Where stories live. Discover now