Part 15

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"I don't wanna do anythingggggg, I wanna go back to bed!" Sapnap said while leaning back into his chair, acting like the world was ending. The two brunettes quickly heard that all too familiar laugh. George and Sapnap looked over to see Dream throwing his head back as he held his arms over his rib cage. "What you laughing at? I will throw food at you." Sapnap threatened while trying to stare the blonde in the eyes unsuccessfully.

"It's-" Dream's sentence got interrupted by a more calmed down laugh. "It's just the way you said it!" The blonde laughter slowed as he finally finished his small remark. "Also what food are you going to throw at me? You already finished eating." Dream said, trying to get a reaction out of the dark-brunette now.

"Ok, I have a deal. We cuddle for a little bit longer in bed and then maybe stream or go out. Yes or No?" George said, switching his calm and somewhat tired gaze in between the two boys. "How many hours of sleep did you get Dream? I know Sapnap and I got five hours max." The brit turned to the blonde as he glared at him. Like he was trying to say, You need more sleep, with his eyes.

Dream stuck out his tongue in response to George's question. The blonde got up from the seat he was sitting on and started to walk to his room. "You guys coming or what?" Dream said as he turned back to face his friends. His blonde hair bounced lightly as he bent down and stuck out his tongue again.

"Is that even a question???" Sapnap quicjly asked before hoping out of his chair. Within ten seconds George was the only one standing at the table. The brit nodded as he walked towards them as a sign that he was coming. As soon as George was in arm's reach of the other two boys, he pulled them closer to him. The brunette laid his head on Dream's shoulder and Sapnap's arm was now tangled with George's.

Dream got on the bed first and was in the top right corner. Sapnap followed as he lifted himself onto the bed about three inches away from his childhood friend. George lastly came onto the bed and sat at the top left corner, about four inches away from the dark-brunette.

The blonde curled his body to wrap on arm around Sapnap and the other around George. The brit scooted closer to the dark-brunette and did the same. He could feel both of their warm bodies sharing a kind, caring heat. It was like a warm feeling washed over him as he felt his stomach "get butterflies".

~~~~~~~~~~~<Author's Note>~~~~~~~~~


(478 words)

Grinning Forever With You (DNF/DREAMNAP/DREAMNAPFOUND)  Where stories live. Discover now