Greg and Mike bonus

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A/N dug this up from when I was trying to get a feel for Michael. Enjoy this little blurb!

Background: Greg is doing his rounds when he gets a call about suspicious activity in a warehouse. He hooks his comm up with Mike and arrives to the scene.

"Okay, Mike, talk to me," Greg frowned as he pulled up to an old building. "What am I walking into?"

There was the soft clitter-clatter of keys. "It's an abandoned office building. Shut down after a strike gone too long forced the higher-ups to declare bankruptcy. Guess they should've treated their employees better, huh?"

"For sure. Where do you think the best hiding spots are?"

Michael let out a deep breath as he studied the schematic's he'd pulled up. "Let me do some math to make sure we don't have any sort of hidden rooms on our hands. Go ahead and clear the bottom floor. There should be a lobby, three offices, two meeting rooms, and some public bathrooms. Yikes, I'd hate to smell those, sorry Greg."

"Eh, at least I don't get called down to work IT only to have to turn the computer off and on again."

"Touché. Although, you really should be careful. I could totally set your home screen to Shrek whenever I want and from wherever I want."

"Shrek? Really? What are you, like, fi-?"

"You're right, that's more of a gift than a punishment. You can get Big Chungus instead."

"I'm talking to the actual embodiment of adolescence, aren't I? And I thought Spider-Man was childish!"

"When someone tries to hurt your feelings, but you've been dead on the inside for years."

"Wha-? Is that one of your memes? You're on the internet way too much, man."

"Big yikes. Maybe you're just not on it enough, G-Man."

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