SSS-Level : You've grown a lot (pt. 2)

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Lee Soo Hyuk quietly stared at Cale.

But Kim Woo jumped up to break the silence.

"What unbelievable nonsense-!"

It was at that moment.

Wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiing- Wiiiiiiiiiiiiing-

An alarm echoed through the castle.

Doctor Kang turned toward Lee Soo Hyuk.

Heo Sook Ja looked toward Cale and started to speak.

"...It is a level 3 alarm."

From level 8 to level 1... And the special alarm.

A level 3 alarm meant that it was a pretty dangerous situation.

The level 3 alarm also had a different meaning.

Boom. Boom. Boom!

"I'm coming in!"

A messenger shouted and banged on the door loudly before coming in.


The messenger looked toward Lee Soo Hyuk and started to speak as soon as he came in.


Lee Soo Hyuk stood up from the chair.

Heo Sook Ja looked toward Cale's group and started to speak.

"The level 3 alarm is set off by the messengers inside the castle when the rescue team ends up in a dangerous situation outside."

The messenger then started to speak.

"The rescue team that went out toward Yeonsan-dong reported that they found a large number of people but are now being attacked by monsters! They've asked for reinforcements to come quickly and they said that it is at a level where leader Lee Soo Hyuk needs to come!"

Heo Sook Ja, Kim Woo, and all of the Seomyeon shelter's people looked concerned.

Their asking for Lee Soo Hyuk meant that it was a pretty dangerous situation.


"More monsters in coming? Already?"

Lock squirmed uncomfortably though he tried not to show his internal panic as his siblings would only panic more if he did.


It was at that moment.


They heard someone push a chair.

Cale stood up.

Park Jin Tae's eyes clouded over for a moment before he stood up as well.


The corners of Park Jin Tae's lips twisted up.

He heard Lee Soo Hyuk's voice at that moment.

"Good. Very good."

Lee Soo Hyuk looked at Heo Sook Ja and Kim Woo before focusing on Kim Woo.

"Me. Kim Rok Soo and Park Jin Tae."

Lee Soo Hyuk turned toward Cale.

"Rok Soo, who else do you think should go on this rescue?"

Cale answered without any hesitation.

He felt as if he had become rookie employee Kim Rok Soo again.

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