Best Wishes

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Farhan was awakened by the bright morning sun. He grabbed his phone from the nightstand. It was 6:00am. He looked next to him at Sang Woo who was fast asleep. His half-naked body appeared paler in the sunlight. Farhan turned over and put his head on Sang Woo's bare chest. Sang Woo shifted and opened his eyes.

"Good morning," he groaned with a small smile on his face.

Farhan placed a soft kiss on his chin, "Good morning."

"How'd you sleep?" Sang Woo chuckled.

"Well I got to sleep next to you, so I slept great." Farhan lips curled into a soft smile. Sang Woo wrapped his arms around Farhan briefly before sitting up.

As he sat up on the bed his phone began to ring.

"Good morning Mr. Lee," Sang Woo said into the receiver.

"Don't forget you have a meeting with legal and accounting at 8 this morning," Secretary Lee blared into the phone. Sang Woo rolled his eyes.

"I know Mr. Lee. I was just about to get ready for work." Sang Woo stood from the bed, stark naked still from the previous night's activities. Farhan's face flush red.

"Should I have the driver pick you up at 7:30?" Secretary Lee asked.

Sang Woo looked at Farhan and pulled the phone away from his ear. "No need, Mr. Lee. I'm driving today. I want more time alone with my fiancé."

Farhan smiled at him.

"Ok, I will see you at 8am, sir."

Sang Woo disconnected the call and turned towards Farhan. "Come on, let's get ready." Sang Woo threw his phone onto the bed and disappeared into his walk-in closet.

Farhan reluctantly got out of the bed and followed Sang Woo into the walk-in closet. Sang Woo was sizing up two different colored suit jackets. Farhan pressed his chest into Sang Woo's back and wrapped his arms around him.

"I'm going to miss you." Farhan said hugging Sang Woo tight.

"Miss me? It's only for a few hours." Sang Woo chuckled. "Which jacket?"

Farhan looked at the two jackets, both different shades of blue. "The darker one."

"I agree." Sang Woo put the jacket down and turned to leave but Farhan tightened his grip.

"Can't we stay home today and play hooky," he said rubbing Sang Woo's stomach slowly.

"I would love to play hooky with you but I have some important tasks to do today."

Farhan pouted but let go.

Sang Woo and Farhan got ready for work. Though Farhan was sad about not being with Sang Woo today, he was excited to see his employees.

Farhan and Sang Woo climbed into his sports car and took off.

"Did you want to have dinner with my parents tonight?" Sang Woo asked, breaking the silence of the car ride. "They all want to see you, especially my sister."

Farhan chuckled. "I would love to."

Sang Woo smiled at him and grabbed his hand. They held hands until they stopped in front of Farhan's office.

"What time are you picking me up?" Farhan asked.

"I should be done by 6. I'll see you then." Farhan and Sang Woo kissed tenderly before Farhan got out of the car.

The office was empty as he had arrived earlier than Myra and Lonny. Farhan went into this office and began going through the voicemails. Shortly after arriving he heard someone come in. It was Lonny.

"Good morning, Lonny," Farhan yelled out.

Lonny looked at him and smiled. She briskly walked over to her desk and began setting up for the day. Farhan continued working through his emails and voicemails.

The silence in the office was broken when the office phone rang.

"Hello Blue Persimon-ent Dating Service, how can assist?" Farhan heard Lonny say. He cringed at her pronunciation of the company name.

We really need to get her some classes, he thought to himself.

"We have, yes sir, we have." Lonny was saying to the person over the phone. "You want man, beautiful man, yes?"

Farhan immediately lunged towards his office door and grabbed the phone from Lonny. She stared at him bewildered.

"Good morning, I will transfer you to my manager," Farhan said before transferring the call to his office. "I'll take this one Lonny."

Lonny shrugged and continued typing her notes. Farhan went into his office and picked up the receiver.

"Hi, this is Farhan with Blue Persimmon dating service how can I help you?"

"Hi, I am looking for a beautiful man to accompany me to a party." A deep voice resonated through the receiver. Farhan's jaw dropped.

"Oh sir, I don't think we have anyone available to for you..."

"I am willing to pay as much money as you want."

"We're happy to help here at Blue Persimmon Dating Service."

Thanks guy!! I am ending this story here. I will try to focus on Rule Me, School Me 2 :)

Thanks for sticking through it with me. With COVID and all the personal changes I am happy I was able to get this completed. 

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