The Infamous Issa

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Farhan sat at the dinner table alone, yet again. It had been a week since the inauguration ceremony and he'd rarely seen Sang Woo. He looked at the plate of food across from him, cold.

Farhan huffed. He glanced at his messages.

Me: Are you going to be home for dinner?

Sent 3 hours ago

Farhan called Secretary Lee; someone had to have answers for him.

"Hello?" He heard on the other end.

"Hey Secretary Lee, it's Farhan, are you with Sang Woo?"

"Uh, he's in an important meeting right now, is something wrong?"

"Oh, no. I just wanted to know when he'll be home, I made dinner..."

"Yeah, this meeting probably won't be over for a few hours. I have to go..." Secretary Lee disconnected the call.

Farhan rolled his eyes and took a sip of wine. Though he expected Sang Woo to be a busy man, he didn't expect him to work from 7am to nearly midnight daily. He even went into work on the weekends, which was a shock. Farhan ran his hands through his hair and stood to clear the table.

"Yet another meal gone to waste," he said dumping the untouched plate in the garbage disposal.

He'd stopped saving food after three days of eating alone, as he'd realized the food sat in the fridge and was eventually thrown out by the cleaning staff. Farhan slumped into the couch and turned on the television. There wasn't much else to do in a house void of any gaming systems or any reading material that weren't related to business.

Though he rarely watched dramas, he'd recently become infatuated with a new sitcom, Scent of Butterflies. His favorite actress, Issa Aman was starring as the main character. He'd watched every drama she'd ever been in and was excited to see her first drama role in three years. He tuned in intently as the show played. He admired her. She was a woman that came from humble beginnings, like himself, and was now one of the highest paid actresses in the industry. Not to mention she was extremely good looking.

Farhan laid on his side and admired his idol. Shortly after, his eyes grew heavy and he fell asleep. He was awakened by a gentle nudge on his shoulder. He reluctantly opened his eyes to Sang Woo. Sang Woo's tie was undone, and his face was pale, he looked absolutely worn out.

"You're home? What time is it?" Farhan asked in a groggy voice as he sat up.

"Sleep in the bed," Sang Woo said ripping his tie off and walking towards the stairs.

"You hungry?"

Sang Woo paused. "No thank you."

"You sure? There's rice and soup left over from lunch. I can heat it up for you."

"I said no thanks."

Farhan cooed, "Please? I might consider dropping the nickname Swoonie."

"Fine," Sang Woo said turning around and taking a seat at the kitchen table. Farhan went into the kitchen to heat up the food.

"How was work today?" he asked.

"It was fine."

"That's it?"


Farhan huffed. He laid the bowls of rice and soup in front of Sang Woo. Sang Woo's eyes looked ravenous upon the food as he dug in. Farhan took a seat across from him.

"This is good," Sang Woo said taking large spoonful of the meaty broth.

"It's my mom's recipe," Farhan said proudly.

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