New Game Plan

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"Sir..." Secretary Lee finally spoke. "He's... Farhan."

"Farhan? Am I supposed to know a Farhan?"

"He's your... fiance."

This revelation nearly knocked all the wind out of his lungs. Sang Woo stumbled slightly but regained his balance before anyone noticed. His eyes widened and he looked at the man at the door.

This can't be right. Is secretary Lee joking with me right now?

His surprise suddenly turned to anger as he bellowed, "WHAT?!"

Secretary Lee and the man jumped slightly at his outburst. He straightened his tie and returned his face to its stoic expression.

"I'm Farhan. Who are you?" The small man stepped forward and smiled shyly.

Sang Woo stared at him. No matter how many angles he looked at this situation, there was no way out. He looked him up and down, maybe they could dress him as a woman? But his slightly muscular build immediately thwarted that plan. It was hopeless.

He grabbed his head and yelled out. "Fuck!" He took shallow breaths to calm his nerves.

"Sir, what are we going to do?" Secretary Lee asked, worry painting his face.

"Let's go inside first."

He walked into the suite with Secretary Lee and Farhan following closely. He could feel sweat building on his brow and needed to remain calm. He spotted the brandy on the counter near the kitchen.

"I think there is some sorta mistake, I asked for a woman," he said taking large gulps of the brown liquor.

"No, according to our records you wanted a man. You even signed the contract with my name on it." Farhan pulled out a packet of papers and held them in Sang Woo's direction.

Sang Woo snatched the papers and read through it. He could see that the signature on the last page was definitely his and the contract looked exactly like the one he'd read over. He was screwed.

In this moment, there was only one person to blame for all of this. "Why the fuck didn't you check this over before I signed it?" He asked yelling at his cowering secretary.

"I'm sorry sir."

Sang Woo slumped into the sofa. He closed his eyes and tried some meditative techniques he'd seen online. He finally had a moment of clarity. CEOs had come out with boyfriends and husbands before and society was open to this concept now.

He looked at Farhan, who stood awkwardly. His face was handsome, to Sang Woo's relief, and his body looked to be in good shape. Since Sang Woo had to have a male fiance, he at least had to meet these requirements. Farhan placed his hands over his chest, which snapped Sang Woo from his gaze.

"You have nothing I wanna look at, don't worry." He walked towards Farhan. Farhan looked up at him, his large eyes shining. If he were a girl, Sang Woo would be mesmerized.

Sometimes we have to accept our fate. Sang Woo thought.

"Secretary Lee."

"Yes sir."

"Please prepare my fiance."

"Sir..." Secretary Lee started.

"We have no choice. Call Lena and have them bring make-up. Call Stanley's and have a suit tailored for him, immediately."

"What's wrong with the suit I have on?" Farhan asked.

Sang Woo looked at the ensemble Farhan wore. He had on a black suit with pink glitter trimming, a soft pink shirt with black and pink cowboy boots.

"I don't have time to explain. Follow Secretary Lee." Sang Woo walked into the bedroom and closed the door.

There was a lot to do and having a panic attack about his current state wasn't in the plan. He picked up the sheet that his acceptance speech was written on. He looked over it and began to re-write it- taking out the gender specific information. He sighed. Of all the things he feared would go wrong, this was the last and seemingly most important.

There was a soft knock at the bedroom door.

"Come in." Sang Woo said tossing another piece of paper into the trash.

Secretary Lee stepped into the room. "Lena and her team are taking care of your fiancé."

"Just say Farhan." Sang Woo grabbed a nearby water bottle and took large gulps from it.

"Sorry, sir."

"Don't apologize. We are both at fault for this. After he's done with makeup make sure to brief him on the people he'll most likely be meeting tonight. I can't have him making any mistakes."

"Absolutely." Secretary Lee left the room.

Sang Woo continued scribbling notes on his sheet. One after another he crumpled up pages failing to find the right words to express himself with. Sang Woo heard another knock at his door.

"What is it now, Mr. Lee?" He yelled.

The door opened and Farhan stuck his head into the room. His hair still had pins in it from being curled.

"What is it?" Sang Woo said looking back down to his notes.

"I just wanted to know if you completed that questionnaire my secretary sent over," Farhan said walking up to Sang Woo's desk.

"I haven't gotten to it," Sang Woo said not looking up from his speech.

"Okay, when will you get to it? Per the contract..." Farhan leaned on the desk.

"I know what the contract says, I will get to it," Sang Woo said firmly.

Farhan looked at the paper he was writing on. "What's that?"

"It's my speech, I had to re-write it considering..." Sang Woo said motioning towards Farhan.

Farhan peered at the trash, it was full of papers that had been discarded. "Do you need help?" He asked walking around the desk and standing next to the flustered Sang Woo.

Sang Woo huffed. "Is that in the contract as well?" Sang Woo asked sarcastically.

"Yes, it is... for an additional fee," Farhan said.

"Of course, it is," Sang Woo coughed out jotting down another line and then throwing that paper in the garbage as well. "This is hopeless."

"What are you trying to write?"

"The engagement announcement," Sang Woo stood and began pacing the room.

"Oh, that's easy... just say what stuck out to you in the questionnaire I sent you," Farhan said. "No need to write it down, just say it- it comes across more naturally that way."

Before Sang Woo could respond there was a loud knock at the door. "Come in," he said.

The door opened and Secretary Lee came in. "Sir..."

"What?" Sang Woo said annoyed.

"Sir, your father is on his way." Sang Woo's heart sank. He looked at Farhan, who didn't seem the least bit worried.

"Thank you, Secretary Lee," Farhan said confidently. He looked over at Sang Woo, who had sweat already forming on his forehead. "It's Showtime!"  

Hello All, 

It's good to be back. So this is the chapter from Sang Woo's perspective but you also get some Farhan antics. You'll see a lot more of them from this point on, so stay tuned!

Also, the song is ode to Farhan's theatrical line at the end. Cannot wait to take you guys on this journey. 

Also, thanks for reading and supporting me!

The CEO's Counterfeit Fiancé (BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now